
Stormgate Dev Tracker

07 Sep


Originally posted by FGS_Ray

I have not, but now that you mention it I think I might have to. I think I'm going to steal my lead's dog.


Originally posted by FGS_Ray

I'm studying at UC Santa Barbara. The interview process wasn't too bad, pretty standard stuff. My current lead did call me ugly in the interview though .No hard feelings, just leaving 0 context for this to make him look bad.


Originally posted by DrumPierre


You should get me hired as Chief Happiness Office Manager...

I'd change it to Chief Happiness & Unity Manager so that you can be our official CHUM.


Originally posted by Unlikely-Smile2449

Did you steal anything from the office on your last day for a keepsake? Like maybe Tim Morten’s favorite pen? With his teeth marks in it?

This is super creepy!


Originally posted by DrumPierre

No I did mean the Internals.


I loled


Originally posted by rewazzu

Hey, I recommend you delete this post unless you got explicit permission from Frost Giant for this post.

He's doing this with our blessing. Should be fun!

30 Aug


Originally posted by teachca

models for RTS Games are meant to look good in top-down isometric view first and foremost

Definitely and I like the way it’s progressing.

But they also need to sell skins and I wonder if the presentation of the skins in the shop will be more like what we saw in the gamescom trailer: close up and face-to-face with a brief animation.

If we are constantly seeing units close up in promos for new skins and in the shop, then how they look close up will affect the way we feel about the art style of the game, even if that’s not how it looks when actually playing the game.

They’re also in a tough spot promoting the game because showing a new unit from the top down view isn’t as visually impactful as seeing it up close, but how it looks from the top is the ultimate priority, so a lot is being asked from the art right now.

I’d prefer they showed concept art and in-game footage only. But it’s their decision to show in-game mod...

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We've gotten this feedback a lot and will likely dial back on our use of close-up camera shots for models that were meant to be seen from RTS camera perspective.

26 Aug

25 Aug


Originally posted by Eirenarch

Well, on the bright side I learned of the existence of the band Sleep Token :)

Same. I'm an old metalhead who grew up on Iron Maiden. Ghost is my favorite newer band, but these guys are great. Appreciate the recommendation!


Our team members (Frost Giant Studios) worked on the original WC3 and SC2 editors. Stormgate's editor will provide you with the same tools we're using to build the game. In addition to it being more powerful than other RTS editors, it will be built into the game client, so you won't have to switch back and forth between iteration and testing. That should increase the speed with which you'll be able to build maps and mods significantly.


Originally posted by upclosepersonal2

What kind of plans do you people have for this in stormgate? I heard you all have been focusing hard on this but I worry it will end up in the same not so good ending that starcraft 2 coop had.

Well, for one, SC2 co-op wasn't a planned feature -- it was added in after the fact and no one knew it was going to become such a huge hit. That limited what the team could do with the mode.

We're building Stormgate from the ground-up with this mode in mind, so that we can expand upon it and really expand on what's possible.

We're starting with customizable Heroes -- in the design the team is experimenting with now, you're going to be able to collect various cards and install them into sockets that will change how your armies act, allow for specialization, role differentiation, and so on. The dream is that three buddies will be able to create fun team synergies and come up with unique builds.

We'll have more to say about our co-op vs. AI plans when we're further into development -- this stuff is all being tested internally now. :)


We're glad you liked SC2 co-op. Our team created that mode, and we're excited about expanding on it with our 3P co-op vs. AI mode in Stormgate. Hope to see you in the game!


Originally posted by LLJKCicero

As announced at gamescom, @FrankKlepacki will be forging the sound of the Infernal armies when Hell marches on Earth in @PlayStormgate

You know what you did.

Oh, I know.

24 Aug


This is literally the story of Stormgate.

23 Aug


Originally posted by rewqxdcevrb

Yes, I'm aware of Stormgate.

I'm gonna tell you something that I'm afraid is gonna get ignored. 99% of the problems of SC2 Coop is from allies who are bad players (bad as in incompetent, and bad as in uncooperative or egotistical). I know Stormgate is aiming to be a "social RTS" and that's a big part of your marketing strategy, but could you please make the coop mode "Up to 3P" instead of "just 3P"? So that it can have 3 players, 2 players or just 1 player. In that last one, the mode would be a single-player Comp Stomp mode, but with the same maps, over-the-top factions and units as co-op. In terms of game design, it's relatively easy. You can design and balance the missions of the mode for 3P, and scale down objectives (in numbers and/or hitpoints) and enemies the fewer players there are, so the fewer players are not overwhelmed by what needs to be done.

Barring that, if you still go for only-3P coop mode, as opposed to "Up to 3P Comp Stomp" mode, then can you at...

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I’ll pass on your thoughts on “up to 3P” co-op to the team. We really appreciate the support!


If you like SC2 co-op, the people who made that mode are here at Frost Giant Studios working on Stormgate, where we’ll have 3P co-op.

We’re in closed alpha testing now, and you can wishlist the game on Steam to support us. It’ll be free, and I hope to see you in the game!