Please forgive the click-baity title. I think it's true, I just don't think it's intentional.
I made this video because I honestly think this is a small change that could go a long way towards player retention.
Discovering gear has made me MUCH more interested in this game, and it pains me to think most people interested in co-op will never see it.
I'll be honest, I was just getting a couple co-op games in last week because I was getting close to level 10 anyways, and at the time I was sort of checked out. I thought co-op was okay, but there wasn't anything crazy I could do with it, beyond having optimized my fast hoplites with Amara. I figured if there was going to be any major power spikes, they would come from levelling.
So, I just barely didn't hit level 10 one game, so I queued another, got the full 100 000 and I thought, well, what the heck, I'll push to 11 to see what gear is about.
I hit level 11. And holy shit. I couldn't BELIEVE how...