Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

01 May

Hi folks,

We are aware of the issue with the sounds and music not respecting your settings when you launch the game from scratch. We will address this in a future update but in the meantime you can toggle the sounds and music settings on and then back off and it will keep your sound settings off. This should only occur when you hard reset your game and not when you minimize the game and then switch back.

Apologies for the inconvenience.
Hi Holotable Heroes!

Here is all the new content you’ll find after today’s update, 5/1/19.

  • Read more about our upcoming May 4th plans!
    • In celebration of May the 4th, Hard nodes in Light Side, Dark Side, and Fleet Battles, as well as Cantina Battles, are rewarding double drops on 5/4 and 5/5
    • Inbox Gift of 20 Zeta Materials and mod slicing materials
    • For a limited time, get 25% more Crystals on select Crystal packs in the Store
  • May Events have been added to the game. ...
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Hi Holotable Heroes!

In celebration of Star Wars Day, Galaxy of Heroes is bringing you inbox gifts, Double Drops, and extra Crystals for select packs!
  • In celebration of May the 4th, Hard nodes in Light Side and Dark Side, Fleet Battles, and Cantina Battles are rewarding double drops on 5/4 and 5/5 (Player Local Time)
  • Inbox Gift of 20 Zeta Materials and mod slicing materials. The message will be available for all players over level 20. You must log-in between 5/4 and 5/8 to receive the message and the gift must be claimed within 5 days of receiving the message:
    • Mk 1 Bonding Pin x50
    • Mk 1 Fusion Disk x50
    • Mk 1 Power Flow Control Chip x50
    • Mk 1 Fusion Coil x50
    • Mk 1 Amplifier x50
    • Mk 1 Capacitor x50
    • Mk 2 Pulse Modulator x20
  • For a limited time, get 25% more Crystals on specially marked Crystal packs in the Store

Thank you for being a part of this wonderful com... Read more
With the release of Padmé Amidala’s kit yesterday, a number of players noted the stringent requirements to upgrade her gear level. After digging into those gear requirements, we realized she required more high-end gear than we intended. The following gear is in excess of her spec:
  • 100x Mk 8 BioTech Implant Component
  • 120x Mk 8 BioTech Implant Salvage
  • 50x Mk 3 Czerka Stun Cuffs Salvage
  • 50x Mk 5 A/KT Stun Gun Prototype Salvage

This was due to an error in the gear creation tool we use to design characters, which has been rectified.

First things first, we want to say thank you to the testers who jumped in to help us test Padmé over the last week. The first test was launched rapidly and the testers started looking at it with very little notice from us. Early on in the process, the play testers were focused on identifying bugs, potentially problematic synergy interactions, etc., and it wasn’t until fairly late in the proces... Read more
Hi holotable heroes,

We are aware of an issue with Padmé's published gear and will further address it tomorrow.

Hey Everyone,
Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for May.

Daily Login Character for May: IG-100 MagnaGuard
9jaZeEC.png Calendar Notes:
  • * The last Grand Arena Tournament is subject to change as we will be preparing for our next title update. If this event does need shift or be canceled, we will rescheduled or compensate players for the missing Grand Arena this month We will have space in the calendar to run a 4th Grand Arena with some minor adjustments to accommodate for an upcoming release. See this post for more details.
  • Updated Territory War 5/5 to start later today (5/6)
  • Padme Amidala's event, Aggressive Negotiations, will start at 10:00am PT instead of the usual time. Date is to be announced

30 Apr

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Last week we revealed that the next big character in our Clone Wars campaign will be Padmé Amidala. Today I’m chatting with CG_Fugitive, who worked as the main designer on Padmé Amidala’s kit, to bring you some insight into how the team brought Padmé to life in Galaxy of Heroes.

  • SBC: What comes to mind when I say “Padmé Amidala” to you?
  • CGF: Padmé is a strong leader that is courageous while also being empathic and compassionate. In doing a ton of research for her kit, I realized she puts on a strong, unwavering face for politics but under that layer is a character driven to achieve her goals by any means necessary. She can be very cunning but couples it with compassion. At her core, she is the definition of a light side character. Even though she may subtly manipulate people, she always does it for the greater good and never for personal gain.
  • SBC: Why d...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

With Padme’s kit we wanted to discuss how Protection Up works. Here are a few guidelines around Protection Up. These guidelines apply to all characters that use Protection Up and Bonus protection (currently found on Enfys Nest and Darth Traya). These guidelines are of course subject to change in future updates - but are accurate at the time of posting.

Rule 1: Protection Up is always based on current Max Health.

1) If a unit has 10,000 Max Health and receives Protection Up (40%), the Protection Up will protect against 4,000 damage.
2) If a unit has 10,000 Max Health and Health Up (20%), their current Max Health is 12,000. If that unit receives Protection Up (40%), the Protection Up will protect against 4,800 damage.

Rule 2: By default, Protection Up is not intended to stack with other Protection Up from the same source (i.e. ability).

On occasion, w... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

With Padme’s kit we wanted to discuss how Protection Up works. Here are a few guidelines around Protection Up. These guidelines apply to all characters that use Protection Up and Bonus protection (currently found on Enfys Nest and Darth Traya). These guidelines are of course subject to change in future updates - but are accurate at the time of posting.

Rule 1: Protection Up is always based on current Max Health.

1) If a unit has 10,000 Max Health and receives Protection Up (40%), the Protection Up will protect against 4,000 damage.
2) If a unit has 10,000 Max Health and Health Up (20%), their current Max Health is 12,000. If that unit receives Protection Up (40%), the Protection Up will protect against 4,800 damage.

Rule 2: By default, Protection Up is not intended to stack with other Protection Up from the same source (i.e. ability).

On occasion, w... Read more
Hello Holotable Heroes,

As we near on May the 4th, and our Clone Wars arc is swinging into full effect, I wanted to follow up on some of the month’s events in an effort to continue all the different channels of communication in between big Road Ahead beats.

To begin with, it’s been a busy few weeks with the release of Darth Malak and Jedi Knight Anakin. Darth Malak was, and remains, a very difficult even... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes, has posted a preview of Padme Amidala's kit and gear. Stay tuned to the official forums for a Developer Insights and the animated kit reveal coming later today!

25 Apr

Hey Holotable Heroes,

I wanted to give a quick update on our announcement last Friday that we were looking into Anakin’s performance and whether or not he is too powerful, particularly where we want him to sit in the meta versus some specific teams like Darth Malak/Darth Revan. Our initial investigation has yielded the following results:

Since we released Jedi Knight Anakin’s rework, only 8,000 players have used Jedi Knight Anakin under a Jedi Knight Revan lead to fight against Darth Revan & Darth Malak. That represents less than 1% of the total battles fought by the entire community during this window. Of these battles, JKA is holding on defense approximately 20% of the time and is winning on offense around 50% of the time. This is completely in-line with how we would like two powerful squads to interact, given that we intend for Darth Malak to have a bit of an edge - but still possible for players to overcome.

Many players astutely noted that Anakin’s... Read more

24 Apr

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Here is all the new content you’ll find after today’s update, 4/24/19.

These characters or ships are now available in the following locations:

B1 Battle Droid
  • B1 Battle Droid is a new addition to Fleet Battles 5-B Hard and does not replace any possible rewards currently available there.

  • Droideka will replace Hoth Rebel Scout, the character currently on Light Side Battles 8-B Hard. Hoth Rebel Scout will continue to be farmable on Dark Side Battles 6-A Hard and available in the Cantina Battles Store.

Ultimate Bundle: Separatist Droids
Gather Separatist Droids under the leadership of General Grievous. This selection of character shards and gear will aid you in your goal of crushing the Galactic Republic.
  • General Grievous (x55)
  • B1 Battl...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

Padmé Amidala, the brave former Queen of Naboo turned tenacious Galactic Senator, is coming to the holotables! During the Clone Wars, Padmé’s quick thinking allowed her and her friends to repeatedly outsmart their enemies.

Enter the Geonosis arena with a squad of Separatists to earn Padmé in this arduous Legendary event, Aggressive Negotiations!


19 Apr

With over 170 characters and 40 ships, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes has an incredible breadth of character interactions. While that makes for an interesting game, and despite thousands of man-hours of testing per release, it also presents a very difficult challenge in terms of not introducing interactions that create unintended (and potentially game-breaking) consequences - especially as new characters interact with characters that were built over 3 years ago.

It’s not news that after the characters are in the wild and players have had a chance to plug and play with them, that we’ve seen issues in their interactions, increasingly so over the past few releases. That’s not something that we’re proud of - and it’s not a sustainable pattern.

The reality is, as we had the opportunity to discuss with many of you at Celebration, that within the first hour of a character going live the community has eclipsed the total number of hours that we’ve been able to test - and many... Read more

17 Apr

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Here is all the new content you’ll find after today’s update, 4/17/19.


For more info on these units, check out the kit reveals and strategy guides below: Read more

16 Apr

Hey Holotable Heroes,

In the next update we will be featuring touch-ups/reworked kits for General Kenobi, Jedi Knight Anakin, and Ahsoka Tano.
Check out the Kit Reveals below for more information: Read more
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It’s been brought to our attention that Hoth Rebel Soldier is in Phase 2 Platoons. This is unintentional and will be changed in future runs of the Rebel Assault Territory Battle. Unfortunately, we cannot change it for the currently active Territory Battle. We apologize for the inconvenience.

15 Apr

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Hi Holotable Heroes,

In the next week we are making a change to Darth Malak’s ability, Gnawing Terror, so that it performs closer to what we initially intended:
FINAL ABILITY (ZETA) DESCRIPTION: Darth Malak Taunts for 1 turn whenever an enemy is inflicted with Shock or Fear. Sith enemies can't gain bonus Turn Meter (excludes Raid Bosses). At the end of each turn, enemies who inflicted Damage Over Time on Darth Malak or critically hit him this turn are inflicted with Fear for 1 turn, which can't be resisted or evaded.

*Please note, Darth Malak's bonus turn is not a turn meter gain, so he will continue to get this in mirror matches

Edited to include Final Ability description and clarification.
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Thank you to everyone who came out over the last few days and offered feedback, words of encouragement, and your endless enthusiasm for Star Wars and Galaxy of Heroes!

If you haven’t heard, Celebration 2020 will be in Anaheim, CA.
