Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

18 Jun

Hi Holotable Heroes,

When we released the General Grievous rework back in February there was a lot of feedback that the rework didn’t make him powerful enough, or at least as powerful as some people expected.

As you can probably imagine, although we weren’t able to talk about it at the time, we knew G13 was coming in the near-future and we wanted to ensure Grievous (and the Separatist Droids) didn’t become an utterly overwhelming force when G13 came into the game. Knowing at that time that we wanted to double-down on health being his scaling stat, we were conservative with the power we gave him at that time in anticipation of the power gains he’d get with the introduction of G13.

During our play testing leading up to the release of G13, we discovered that even after applying G13, we found that although we were satisfied with where General Grievous was landing, there was still some room to grow the Separatist Droid faction based on our intended targets.
... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Just a quick update to let you all know that we are still in the process of rolling out the new version and part 2 will most likely be deployed tomorrow (6/19) afternoon. Stay tuned to the forums for any updates on the release!
Hi Holotable Heroes,

You may see some longer loading time on your first time entering the game since the update. The Version Update is clearing out old client assets that weren't compatible with the new version. On some phones, this may take a few minutes to process but this should take less than a minute for most players. Please be patient if you are sitting on the loading screen and let the update finish cleaning up the old assets.

See you on the holotables!

17 Jun

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We discussed our roll-out plan for the next big update last week, and I want to provide some further context around the new Dark Side Geonosian Territory Battle, which we’re calling Separatist Might. Namely the benefits it provides, how challenging we intend it to be - and for how long-, and what the rewards will look like, so that your Guild can make an informed choice between moving over to Geonosis or remaining on Hoth.

Similar to how the Hoth LSTB and DSTB provided a long-term challenge, we have designed Separatist Might to provide a challenge for a similarly long-time based on the current state of guilds. We do not expect any guilds to be able to complete all 33 stars at the time of launch. Let’s pause for a moment and talk about the value your characters (and roster) get from participating in Territory Battles to set some context around the challenge.

One of the main benefits of participating in Separatist Mi... Read more

Join the new Territory Battle, Geonosis: Separatist Might coming soon! Prepare your strongest dark side units to take on waves of clone troopers, call in Droid reinforcements and even slay a terrifying monster from the Petranaki arena.

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today, we are showcasing the second character who will be part of the new Geonosis Territory Battle. If you haven’t done so already, check out the Developer Intentions for Geonosian Brood Alpha, who will be needed to unlock Wat Tambor from a special mission on the new Territory Battle map. Read on to hear from CG_Prototype about the Wat Tambor, the Leader of the Techno Union and then hop ... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today, we are preparing to launch our next version update, containing Grand Arena Championships and the Geonosis Territory Battle! Later this week, you’ll get your first chance to take part in the Grand Arena Exhibition matches and start learning the ropes for the real Championships starting in sometime around August. We will also run a full length (5 week) Exhibition Championship on July 7th. Click here to read more about the Exhibition schedule and stay tuned to the Official Forums for more information on the upcom... Read more

14 Jun


Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today, we are showcasing the Geonosian Brood Alpha, who will be needed to unlock Wat Tambor from a special mission on the new Territory Battle map. Read on to hear from CG_ParkingInstructor about this unique Geonosian and then hop over the Arena and Character Strategy section to check out the kit!

Q: Why are we excited about this character?
CG_PI: This character really brings the Geonosian team together by enabling the squad to take many extra attacks while providing a ton of sustainability. We had to make... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We wanted to let you know in advance that we will be changing Geonosian Spy’s kit at the same time we release Geonosian Brood Alpha. Similar to our changes to HK-47, this character’s kit was designed very early in Galaxy of Heroes’ life and now severely limits our design space of future characters in this faction. In general, any character with that much turn meter gain is usually a red flag for us when we are creating new units.

If you have seen Geonosian Brood Alpha kit you will find that the current version of Geonosian Spy’s kit will create an infinite loop fairly easily. To mitigate this in the short term, we will be nerfing Spy’s kit along with the release of the Brood Alpha and since this significantly impacts that ability, we will be returning all Ability Materials that you used to upgrade his Unique 1: Illicit Insect.

Also this isn’t Geonosian Spy’s final molt...errr, evolution. We will be making some updates to Spy in the ... Read more
After a lengthy discussion with the Game Changers, we wanted to send a note to let you know that Capital Games is discontinuing the SWGOH division of the Game Changer program.

We will continue to gather feedback from these Game Changers and the player base at large as part of our extensive suite of beta programs, and we will work with these Creators (and more) on an ad hoc basis, but just not as part of an official program.

We agreed collectively that this is the best way forward to ensure independent analysis. The SWGOH Game Changers will continue to have access to a special build and the ability to talk to developers, but we’ll not be releasing information through the Game Changers moving forward.

The SWGOH Game Changers will remain a part of the EA Game Changer Network, and you’ll see them producing videos for other games both inside and outside of EA. We value their contributions and dedication to the game, and look forward to this new phase of our ... Read more
Hello Holotable Heroes,

With the release of Gear XII Finishers, I wanted to talk about how we plan on increasing the rate at which players will be able to earn Gear XII and how we want to increase the agency around Gear XII.

Gear XII Sources

We added some Gear XII Salvage to Light and Dark Side Nodes and the Shard Store so that players can have better choice around which Gear XII Salvage they wanted to farm. One thing we understand is that there is currently no real agency around how players can acquire Gear XII+ though. Right now, players try to finish in the top 10 in the Sith Raid, and that’s really it. We want to allow players to have more agency on how they acquire Gear XII+ and here are some of the ways that we are going to be doing it with the release of Grand Arena Championships and the Geonosis Territory Battle.
  • (Grand Arena) Championship Store - Gear XII+ will be purchasable in the new Championship Store using the...
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13 Jun

Beginning on June 18, 2019, in order to accommodate the new features and graphics associated with the game’s next update, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is no longer supported on some legacy Android devices.

The list of unsupported devices can be found below and is comprised of older x86 tablets and a handful of older x86 phones, running Android 6.0 or lower. This should only impact a very small number of players. After the update on 6/18, players on unsupported devices will be unable to download the newest version of the game, and the Google Play store will highlight that their device is unsupported.

At any time before or after the update, players can import their account from an unsupported device to a supported device using their in-game Player ID and/or Ally Code. Your account will still be available and ready to play on a supported device. For more information on how to link your account, please visit Galaxy of Heroes’ EA Help page.

We apologiz... Read more
We're one week away from helping children! Join Capital Games LIVE in raising donations for UC Davis Children's Hospital!
dyup3h8fwws3.jpg We have partnered with Extra Life, Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and UC Davis Children's Hospital but we need your help. Join us live on Saturday June 22 as we play games on Twitch for 12hrs of gaming and charity!

Find out more here
Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s Server Update has a minor fix for Grand Arena but nothing else player facing. This change will only impact new Grand Arena events going forward.

  • [Grand Arena] - We originally posted this change on 5/30 but we fixed some additional edge cases that could lead to more players being impacted by this issue: Ships that were defeated in Grand Arena to be auto-deployed in an incorrect order during subsequent rounds. This is now resolved for all players.

We will be rolling out the server update over the next several hours. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

12 Jun

From our Feature Producer:

(This is a continuation of information about Grand Arena Championship. If you haven’t read them already, please read the previous posts here, ...
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11 Jun

From our Feature Producer:

(This is a continuation of information about Grand Arena Championship. If you haven’t read them already, please read the previous posts here and ... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We wanted to let you know a little bit about how we plan on scheduling Territory Battles for the foreseeable future. Generally, we run two Territory Battles a month: Light Side - Hoth and Dark Side - Hoth. With the release of Dark Side - Geonosis, the new map will be available with each instance of a Hoth map on the current schedule. As such, guilds that are ready to tackle the challenges of Dark Side - Geonosis will have two instances a month for the time being. We’re expecting the first instance of Dark Side - Geonosis to arrive late this month, shortly after the update is available on the store.

08 Jun

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Tonight, join Scotty McLaren and Paul Anthony as they interview CG_Carrie to discuss what’s coming in the next big Title Update and all things Galaxy Of Heroes on the Escape Pod… Cast!

Find the Escape Pod… Cast! on iTunes, listen to the latest episode on Youtube or

07 Jun

Crushing jaws full of razor-sharp teeth to eat you. Check. Six long spear-like legs to impale you. Check. Neuro-electric sensing exoskeleton to find you in the dark. Check.

The Acklay, the terrifying combination of praying mantis, velociraptor and giant crab, is about to be unleashed on the holotables - and your nightmares - with the upcoming Geonosis Territory Battle. Not only are you contending with this beast, but you’ll be in the middle of a 3 way battle where waves of Jedi are fighting against you and the Acklay!

Those claws aren’t just for show and with the ability to slash and disorient a character or take a swipe at your entire team, the Acklay can deal some serious damage if you aren’t careful. As the battle rages on, the Acklay can use it’s terrifying roar to weaken the enemy team but may draw even more Jedi into the battle. Luckily, the Geonosian Brood Alpha will get some special bonuses while fighting the Acklay as he has trained for this battle and so... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

You may have heard Obi-Wan Kenobi called “The Negotiator” but it’s also the name given to his Venator-class Star Destroyer during the Clone Wars. While this ship shares some similarities to Mace Windu’s Endurance, The Negotiator will bring a different playstyle for the Galactic Republic to holotables.

While Mace focuses on a defensive style, The Negotiator is much more aggressive leader for your fleet, using Valor to enable Galactic Republic allies to deal more damage, especially if they're also Jedi. General Kenobi brings along a few friends as well, two Arquitens-class light cruiser flank The Negotiator and provide fire support plus the capital ship’s can call in a formation of Y-wings to assault the enemy team.

We will have more to reveal about The Negotiator in the coming weeks, but I’d bet this ship will synergize very well with Anakin's Starfighter.

See you on the Holotables!