Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

28 Oct


Originally posted by royisagoodboy

No, it did not visually go into stealth by the next turn. Also when I hit the ship, it didn’t go into stealth

Thanks for the additional info, that helps to investigate.


Originally posted by TerrisKagi

Fair enough, again thanks for the response.

Last question if you'll permit, since I'm not a software guy,

Unfortunately in this scenario the risks involved are pretty high

What risks are there to this? Is it a matter of scores? Tm on the raid bosses?

I'm genuinely curious because this seems from a player perspective to be a fairly trivial thing, and it's apparently not.

I am not a software engineer or designer either, so I don't know the exact specifics around, sorry. But especially raid mechanics are pretty complex, so changing bits and pieces is not something we take lightly.


Did the ship go visually into stealth at the next turn by any chance?


Originally posted by TerrisKagi

Unfortunately, as I said before, it is actually working as designed and according to both character's kits.

Fair, not that it helps me in this case, but fair. However it does rather highlight the need for a cancel out of raid function if this is a working as designed interaction, because its working as designed to create an infinite loop. I keep hearing CG is against those.

As for the feature to retreat during an enemy's turn, that is something we already looked into but due to technical limitations, not an easy one to implement.

I'm glad to hear that, however the issue, as other comments have noted, has been around since 2018. Is it something that's actually actively being worked on or is it in the 'it would be nice, but never going to happen' pile?

I don't mind if it is, I'll simply plan better for future raids and write off the loss for this one, but saying its tough to do rather implies some...

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You are correct, we usually try to avoid any infinite loops/fix them. Unfortunately in this scenario the risks involved are pretty high which is why the decision was made to not touch it for now. As for the retreat feature, that is most likely not going to happen in the foreseeable future.


That looks pretty bad tbh. Did you already complete a full and fresh reinstallation?

What device are you seeing this on and what is your ally code?


Damn...that was supposed to be the first part of a puzzle :( Nah just kidding, we wanted to give you some Halloween feelings =) Still kidding xd we are aware and are working on it.


As many stated, we flagged this for review with the team since it is something that impacts your raid score as a player. Unfortunately, as I said before, it is actually working as designed and according to both character's kits.

As for the feature to retreat during an enemy's turn, that is something we already looked into but due to technical limitations, not an easy one to implement.


If a character is unable to equip a piece of gear they won't be listed and the gear won't have the favorite tag on it. This is working as intended to avoid confusion. As for the yellow warning, that should appear on the main gear piece but not on the pieces that you need to craft the piece.


Originally posted by damcrac

I saw the post from Doja_Fet on Friday and appreciate not pulling the event down. Thanks for coming back after a couple of days to make sure I was aware of the update. Communication is much appreciated.

Glad to hear it is appreciated, we will continue to do so!

27 Oct


None of those are simple though, even ship squads are not that easy to setup (I do think they’ll be added eventually though)


Originally posted by im_super_into_that

First off... congrats! Sounds amazing.

From what it sounds like (based on your comments) you think the player base is too hard on CG.

But in your opinion what is something they could do better?

Theres no instruction booklet for running an online F2P licensed RPG game thats been highly successful for 5 years with no end in sight. Its happened so few times that theres very little “do this better” advice anyone could give. Its the most successful EA mobile game of all tIme and the most successful Star Wars game of all time (and its not just a “slap the license and print the money” because theres a TON of SW games out there that barely make any money)

So from that perspective, when I see the “fix your game” and “the devs are idiots” and “do this one thing if you want to fix this mode” posts ... well, you scratch your head a little bit.

I do mean to answer your question though, but a lot of it is “inside baseball” sh*t that can just be misinterpreted and weaponized and some of it is NDA’d for obvious reasons. I‘ll give you that I think feature development and live development need to be more in sync so when a big new feature like Galactic Challenges comes up it...

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Originally posted by dtpx89


Sorry, this wasn't during Galactic Challenges. This happened on during Grand Arena.

Sorry I somehow managed to reply to the wrong thread, my bad.
This looks more like a game crash tbh.


Seems like Mother Talzin and Old Daka needed some rest (those battles are exhausting^^). We have already flagged this as a bug.


PM me your ally code and the date and time it happened, please, so that we can have a look.


Originally posted by DarthTraygustheWise

I’m speculating as to why, but these characters are from last season that’s all I’m trying to point out here...sorry if causing offense also. The prior info I’m going off of is release of Phoenix it was clearly stated that they wouldn’t release offseason content, so it seems like it here.

On a live game, dont put an anchor on something a dev said 3 years ago, thats an eternity in game development and each series is handed very differently in terms of strategy, plus the industry has a ton of churn and its very possible whoever said that has long since left the company.

I see a ton of speculation in this sub treated as fact and then seeing other people speculate further on said speculation (which is both bizarre, funny and fascinating if youre curious about how conspiracy theories are built) so I get a bit jumpy when I see anything close to that behavior. Apologies from my end as well


Originally posted by Ken_Field

Ok, I’ll bite. What was your solution back in April?

Cannnnt talk about it (yet), but I can tell you that bringing The Child into the game was both a no brainer and a logistics puzzle because you want him to be visible and not stuck in the pram, which isnt exactly visually exciting, but its not like he actually DOES much on screen (lot of off screen action happening with him) IG-11 had similar problems in that visually speaking hes too similar to IG-88 and the other IG model so, besides animations, how do we make it stand out? Putting them both into one unit solves both problems as it makes the IG unit very worthwhile and distinct, while showcasing The Child in a very visible manner with a lot of potential for fun animations


Originally posted by im_super_into_that

Not sure if you’ve said this but why did you leave CG?

Got a chance to return to Spain (Barcelona) and art direct a new game for Scopely. Too good a chance to pass up, which in itself sucks because I felt really comfortable as an Art Lead and the career path and relationships I had made and built within EA and Lucasfilm were (and are, I left on good terms) significant