Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

19 Oct


When 99 stacks just isn't enough :P

17 Oct


Those models were made first actually but yeah, when it came down to release the new season was out and it made more sense to update them. One of those things. I personally like long hair Ezra much better as a design.

16 Oct


Did a full game restart resolve this for you?

In case it didn't PM me your ally code so that we can have a look.


Nice one!!!! If you had more time you could have made him even bigger =)


Originally posted by ThePlaybook_

Support was able to resolve it already, fortunately! I've heard reports from a few other people in my discord so it sounds like this might not be an isolated incident.

Cool, glad you already got it sorted. Good stuff!


Due to technical limitations, we can currently only listing the main use for the salvage items. If they are used for other gear as well, they won't be all listed (one other example would be the Mk 5 Arakyd Droid Caller Salvage which is used in many Gear 12 Finisher pieces but only lists the Mk 5 Arakyd Droid Caller).


PM me your ally code, so that we can check our internal logs. Alternatively, you can always get in touch with our support for any missing items, rewards, etc. They should be able to help.

15 Oct


The side droids only have a chance to respawn, it is not 100%. That is working as designed and not a bug.


Originally posted by SepteusII

Ok, that makes more sense. Thanks!

No problemo!


Originally posted by SepteusII

If you use them could you be subject to some sort of a penalty?

Do you mean using an emulator? No that is not forbidden or subject to a penalty. They are simply not supported, so using them is at your own risk :D.


We are already looking into this issue.


We have already flagged this bug to the team.


Wait until he wakes up and one-shots your team :P. We are actively looking into the missing turn-meter bar.


Looks like a game crash. If you experience that more often try a clean and fresh install of the game and leave it open on the main cantina screen for a while to download all required files and assets. Also, make sure you close all unused background apps when playing. More troubleshooting steps can be found here: iOS and ...

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14 Oct


Originally posted by CG_SBCrumb

Crumb, when are you reminding you-know-who to get an updated loading screen for the new GL’s, come on now ;)


Hes one of my favorite dudes at CG and completely ready for this gig, excited to see him grow in this role.

Only thing I don't miss is him calling bullsh*t fouls while playing ball ;) but hey, Kings fans, what can you do.


Originally posted by SirDoober

Friendship ended with SBCrumb

Now DOJA_FETT is my best friend

(JK it's always been GARRET_AJ)


Looking at your screenshot there are a lot of graphical distortions visible. Additionally, emulators are officially not supported.