Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

26 Oct


If thats how they showcase The Child, by making it and IG-11 one unit, thats actually really creative ... definitely better than my proposed solution way back in April and it fixes two big problems in one fell swoop. Big ups to whoever solved that one.


Originally posted by DarthTraygustheWise

Odd they are adding last seasons characters now. Seems like they missed the boat last time and are using prior work to stretch out “content” either way not complaining, just pointing out.

Dont “point things out” if you’re just making them up lol. The first 3 Mando toons were made after the heavy load that was the first batch of GLs, we barely had time to make 3, making 2 more plus The Child would have been impossible.

23 Oct


We can't have Daka and Talzin sleeping on the job.

We've flagged this to the team for further investigation.


She's just practicing for the annual Halloween Dathomir Limbo contest...

We've now flagged this for the team to investigate further.


The team are currently investigating the cause of the missing rewards.

For any reports of missing gear from the Galactic Challenges, please reach out to our Support Team who will be able to help you.


Hi guys, to receive the first time rewards, you do not have to beat the tier of the Galactic challenge on your first attempt.

The team are currently investigating the cause of the missing rewards.

For any reports of missing gear from the Galactic Challenges, please reach out to our Support Team who will be able to help you.

22 Oct


Originally posted by notD_S

is this (or any number of other bugs) reflected in the dev tracker, which we were told was being maintained?

The Dev Tracker is updated once week (usually on Friday). Not every single bug will be displayed there, I am afraid.


We are already looking into this, but it appears to be not an easy one to figure out. As a temporary workaround, you can tap and hold on a character to bring up the detail window where the turn-meter should be correctly displayed. (Not ideal, but at least some way to see it).


Uffff, is that an Arena or Grand Arena fight? Can you PM me your ally code and the time it happened, please? Thanks!

21 Oct


What device are you seeing this on?


Originally posted by IndividualFollowing

This was phase 3 middle territory.

We've checked all combat missions in phase 3 with that squad and the UI/abilities are in the correct order. Let us know if you see it again.


Just to make sure, have you actually finished Light Side Tier 1 (Normal)?

If you did and a full game restart didn't fix it for you, PM me your ally code, please. Thanks!


Yeah and unfortunately not an easy one to figure out. We are actively looking into it but so far it appears to happen randomly :(.


Seems some Smugglers snagged your rewards in transit. All jokes aside, we had some technical issues yesterday and will restart the whole process later today. We will keep you posted!


Originally posted by IndividualFollowing

This was phase 3 middle territory.

Cheers, appreciated. We have a look at this zone/phase too =)

20 Oct


We've tested this today and it was looking as intended with the ultimate ability on the far right. What phase/zone was that battle?


Originally posted by geekwithsoul

But it does sort of match the style for what we’ve seen from CG, doesn’t?

BTW, loved your work on those Marquees & Packs!

I mean, theres not much to match, its a semi realistic style and SWGOH marketing has a semi realistic style but so does most marketing artwork out there, not nearly unique enough to identify in the wild. Aside from that, you can discern individual artists painting habits, none of which I recognize in that image.

19 Oct


Thats def not Garrets work, I can tell you that.

And its also not mine, obviously (I painted the Mando Marquees and Packs, for your reference) Good chance its from somewhere else non SWGOH related