Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

13 Nov


Originally posted by Acheronus

I’m a simple man. I see Emperor Palpatine plus an artstation link, and I am programmed to click.

Well, thanks. I'm glad you like it.


Originally posted by Acheronus

Jeez, that Sith Trooper art is ridiculously good. Very sleek.

You clicked the link, didn't you? Tisk, tisk.


Originally posted by SmittyManJensen_

Okay, I won’t.

Good... don't!


Seems like the assets for those rewards weren't loading as they should. You can always look up those rewards on the Galactic Challenge feat screen where all the feats are listed.


Send you a message.

12 Nov


The side droids only have a chance to respawn, which is not 100%. The team already reviewed the event and we verified that it is working as designed.

09 Nov


Originally posted by adognamedstain

It's a T-Mobile revvl 2 plus.



Ufff looks like Kylo had another rage episode.

What device are you seeing this on?

06 Nov


Originally posted by GDerkon

It happens to me that I have 3 mods I cant sell. I dont have any loadout, they are not locked.. they are white 3 dot mods lvl 15 that show nowhere but in the pool to add to characters.. of course I dont use them, tried to equip, unequip.. also even tried doing a loadout and then deleting it.. but to no avail.. I just have those 3 running around :P

They could be bugged due to a mod update ages ago. Unfortunately, we were never able to remove them safely, and since it is only a low number we decided to leave those untouched.


Originally posted by admiralack

If they're in a loadout, they can't be sold.

^This is usually the cause.


We've tested this today and the Damage Immunity was correctly removed when Fear expired on Droideka. What team compositions were exactly in play when you saw this happening?


Originally posted by TomNom_

iPhone XS 14.1 (18A8395)

Cheers! We have a look. Usually, a full game restart should able to resolve this tho.


What device and OS are you on?

05 Nov


Those are from different regions which can have different prices.


Originally posted by jcrandall21

Is that on droid? I don’t see legal on iPhone. Also I haven’t seen any of the pop ups for some reason.

It is under Settings -> Legal on iOS as well.

04 Nov


Looks great! Just kidding, this can happen after an update (like the one on Monday) and should usually go away by itself. We spend a good amount of time investigating this but unfortunately, never got to the bottom of the issue.