Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

01 Mar


Pretty sure thats the last event art I made for the game before leaving so Im glad its still getting used :)

08 Feb

19 Aug


Single stage? No globe trotting required? Nice try, not my puzzle. Oh and there is no Relic 10...

14 May


Originally posted by SamuraiUX

Sorry, no, I worked for a mobile gaming company in UX. I’m not naive. And I won’t bend to your straw man arguments. It’s funny, really: so many people on here have told me, “if the game is that bad for your mental health then quit” (they’ve said it less nicely than that). It could just as easily be said to you. If working on a gouging mobile game hurts your mental health so badly, quit. I did. I’m much happier now. Don’t blame me for literally saying, “if someone wants to complain about the game, the best way to respond is just to make them feel heard.” I am clearly correct and reasonable, and it’s not my fault that 1) it’s a pipe-dream that will never happen and 2) some people don’t come to complain, they come to threaten and malign. I clearly stated I wasn’t talking about them.

So. No. And no thank you, and you can show yourself out now, I’m not interested in what you’re peddling, but I hope you note that I managed to state my feelings in a civilized manner without telli...

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Good for you on your career choices, my mental health is fine so don't worry about me but it is definitely not a strawman argument.

This community has been extremely toxic to some team members, those people shouldn't be expected to deal with it just to work in videogames, and saying “ All bitching about CG should be met with commiseration and validation” is just not a nice thing to put out there.


Originally posted by SamuraiUX

I feel like we’re taking a middle-of-the-road suggestion (“maybe let people complain if they want”) and making strawman arguments out of it (“so you’re saying we should decapitate CG employees and no one should say anything???!”).

For the record - I shouldn’t have to say this, I think my statement of purpose was pretty clear - I don’t think people should make death threats or doxx people or even just generally be nasty. I wish people could be validating and civil, and failing that, just scroll by without feeling the need to “show someone” (a perfect internet stranger) how wrong and dumb they are.

I think were far enough into this internet experiment to know that toxicity breeds toxicity.

You sound naive and need to realize that for some people working on these games is a massive toll on their mental health so the last thing they need is a fanbase that feels empowered to bash their work as a general principle. That behavior only enables the really small numbers of highly toxic members feel justified and excused.


Yeah it was so awesome when a certain person was getting death threats at work, really just a “glad we work in videogames for a living” kind of situation.

10 May


Originally posted by Evenmoardakka

Could you confirm thisnindeed is swgoh (gameplay wise) but in lotr?

Nah man, giving that kind of info crosses the line.

09 May


Dunno if it means much to this crowd but I liked what I saw and think it will be pretty awesome if they get to ship a finished version of what they had by the time I left (I didnt work on it though)

16 Feb


Hello there,

The team are aware of this and currently investigating it further.

14 Feb


As someone who worked on both,

JKR was really cool since he didn't have an official look at all so we got to introduce that for him, that was certainly rewarding, especially when toys were made.

Darth Revan tho you can tell we were firing on all cylinders by then. Him and Malak came out very well and in terms of art and animation they're superior.

Too bad we didn't get to update the Zaalbar design a bit, we had some cool concepts from Garret.

10 Feb


That should be fixed after the update yesterday (Content Update: 02/09/2022)

08 Feb


Originally posted by Jethompson

Just curious is is supposed to be 5 or 14?

14 =)

07 Feb


That should read, "Win 5 battles with Beskar Mandalorian and Boba Fett in your squad." Sorry for the confusion.


That feat should read, "Win X battles with Beskar Mandalorian and Boba Fett in your squad."


We have already flagged this with the team.


That should read, "Win 5 battles with Beskar Mandalorian and Boba Fett in your squad."

04 Feb


Unfortunately, the only way to kill the Razor Crest in this state is using another Executor's ultimate. We have already flagged this as a bug and the team is looking into it (it is already listed on the Dev Tracker Trello board)

03 Feb

31 Jan


We had flagged this for review in the past, and it turned out to be working as intended.

20 Jan


Thanks for reporting this! We have flagged it to the team to take a look.