Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

20 Jan


Thanks for reporting this! We have flagged it to the team to take a look.


Hello there,
We have now flagged this to the team.


Hi guys, we have now brought this to the teams attention for further investigation.

19 Jan


Hello there,

We have reached out to the OP and they should now be sorted.

18 Jan


We are aware and the team is already looking into it.
See: Conquest Soft Lock with Ewok Modifier

14 Jan


Thanks for the report. We have already flagged this to the team.


We're on it.


We are aware of this and looking into it.

11 Jan


Have you tried to reinstall the game from the App Store? We've checked on several iOS devices, and the game is loading fine for us.

21 Dec


Have you also cleared your game data and cache when reinstalling? Additionally, switching connection from WiFi to cellular or the other way around might help.

16 Dec


This looks like a visual issue where not all rewards are displayed correctly. If you DM me your ally code I can have a look.


Originally posted by IamHaplo

It is not just a visual issue. My opponent did not set all his teams on defence, and I was only awarded 64 banners for the empty position when I cleared the sector...

Is this broken, or was it intended that people setting a less than full defence would have an advantage?

awarded 64 banners for the empty position when I cleared the sector...

Can you DM me your ally code so that we can have a look at this? Thanks!

15 Dec


You are correct, it should show 69 banners as max score. We have flagged it with the team to be updated. (It is just a visual issue and should not affect the banners you will receive).

14 Dec


We have flagged this as a bug.

11 Dec


Originally posted by CurrencyCheap


Things change!

09 Dec


Those are for the Arena Payout changes:
These changes will go into effect on 12/08 with the first Grand Arena Championship beginning 12/13. If you’re level 85, keep an eye on your inbox. We’re doing a one-time grant of 500 Crystals as players transition from Squad Arena payouts to Grand Arenas payouts.

08 Dec


Originally posted by YakovPavlov1943

Is there another way since because my internet provider I dont have wifi and my mobile connection doesn't cover that big of a download

If you are on Android you can also update the game (the new update should be available in the Play Store already ahead of the forced update), which should also help (but will require a download as well).


Try clearing your game data, cache, and/or reinstalling the game. That appears to have resolved this for a couple of players.