Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

12 Mar


PM me your ally code and the time and date it happened and I can have a look. Thanks!

11 Mar


u/NicodemusArcleon can you please send me your Ally Code in a private message and the date when you received that in game pop-up please? I've seen a somewhat similar issue the other week and maybe there's a connection. Either way I would like to look into it if you send me your Ally Code.


10 Mar


We've tested this today and "Devour" started correctly on cooldown when the phase began,
which is what the details state: "This ability in on cooldown when the phase begins.".

09 Mar


We've checked it today and it is working as intended. As stated already, it is a heal over time effect, so it doesn't heal immediately but next turn.


Can you PM me your ally code, please, so that we can have a look? Thanks!


Have you tried already the usual troubleshooting listed here: iOS / Android

05 Mar


We've tested this today and the thermal detonators were applied correctly if the Jawa Scavenger was alive and another Jawa ally was damaged by an attack. Please keep in mind, that it has an 80% chance to apply those at maximum ability level.

04 Mar


Hi there. A guest account can't be transferred since it is solely connected to the device it is on.

The option for an iOS account to be transferred to a new iOS device is to create a (new) GameCenter account and link it to the existing SWGoH account. After that, once you have your new phone, simply log into the same GameCenter account and the progress should be available on the new phone.

More information can be found here: Move your Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes account using this tool


We confirmed that those points are legit. He got a Bye in the first round (as some Redditors correctly pointed out).

02 Mar


Originally posted by SWGOH_Bot

This is a list of comments made by the EA developers in this thread:

Read more

Meant Tier 6 of the ability. Sorry for any confusion caused.


To what Tier did you level up "Motivate"? (I assume to Tier 6 since you were talking about an 8% damage penalty, but want to make sure) Also, can you PM me your ally code, please?

We've tested this today with maxed "Motivate" and the damage from the assists was not reduced as expected.

29 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey folks, was just chatting with Cyanides about this and to clarify, we are still planning to update the Mod Challenges at some point in the future. He was referring to keeping older events, like Tier 1 of Forest Moon for example, with mod rewards the same and not the Mod Challenges that Cyanides was referred in the previous Q&A. Apologies for the confusion

28 Feb


Can you please send me your Ally Code via PM so I can look into it? Thanks.

27 Feb


Good catch! Flagged as a bug now.


Thanks for reporting this. We flagged it as a bug now.

21 Feb


We have already flagged this as a bug.

20 Feb


Thanks for the report. It does look off on the Overview screen as compared to the Feats screen. Flagged it for review.