Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

24 Oct


What device are you using? Please send me your ally-code via PM so we can have a look at our logs too.

23 Oct


Originally posted by Lazlowi

Still getting the same result.


Hi all,

We have flagged this for review and further investigation.

22 Oct


Originally posted by ThundaMaka

2 questions

Do I keep my 5* I unlocked?

When is it coming back as some of my guildmates didn't get a chance to do it but we're eligible?

We're trying to bring it back as quickly as we can. We need to make some changes to the event to make sure this situation doesn't happen again. We'll keep everyone posted.


Originally posted by IanRiosDub

So I did Dark side Malak and got 75 shards. What is gonna happen? They’re gonna remove those 75 shards?

If it was your first time receiving those shards from the Dark Side tier, then no. If it was your second time receiving those shards from the Dark Side tier, then yes.


Originally posted by CG_TopHat

Monitoring it right now and seeing if there's an uptick in the issue around it.

Edit: "a measurable uptick in the issue around it." Another team is investigating, when we know something we'll post something.


Originally posted by BB8UrLunch

What do you plan to do about the widespread button disappearing act that is happening in the Geo TB?

Monitoring it right now and seeing if there's an uptick in the issue around it.

21 Oct


Originally posted by MKIceman

Hi @EA_MindTricks -- I appreciate that you responded here and apparently released a fix. But why did none of EA or CG respond to any of the numerous bug reports we put in through the normal channels? ( , ) Why did you respond to this one instead? Should we be posting bug reports in Reddit?

Btw, it appears that the server update you rolled out yesterday has fixed the sim functionality for our guild, for the first time ever, the count of eligible players has gone up and now reflects reality, allowing us to sim the raid.

Thanks for confirming the issue is resolved now! As for your other question, looks like those posts are in Technical Issues part of Answers HQ and that's why it was missed. Myself and EA_HighCommand are only monitoring Reddit and the Bugs and Issues section of Answers HQ ( In that section we responded to all the related threads and while we would love to be able to cover all channels where bug reports are posted, we can't. We do keep an eye out on several other channels (Discord/Facebook) for any new issues, but thus far, everything posted on the other channels ...

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18 Oct


Not great, all things considered.


We've also updated the message to let people know we will be hotfixing shortly to turn off the event.


Originally posted by CG_TopHat

We have messaging out around this issue, that we just updated. We'll be doing a hotfix shortly to pull down the event until we can sort out the issue.


We have messaging out around this issue, that we just updated. We'll be doing a hotfix shortly to pull down the event until we can sort out the issue.


Try reinstalling the game, it should fix the issue. If you still have the same problem after reinstall, please contact our customer support team on for further troubleshooting.

17 Oct


Hi there, I looked into this issue and one of the scenarios where both the Deathmarked 501st ally and Fives would die is if the Deathmarked 501st ally also had debuffs which prevent Health gain (like Shock or Healing Immunity). So let's say Rex has Deathmark and Shock and Fives is still present. If Rex is attacked by Darth Revan, Fives sacrifices himself and Rex gains Max Protection but no Health because of the Shock. Then during the same turn, Darth Revan attacks again using Lacerate due to his unique ability "Villain" because the target enemy had Deathmark and gets through Rex's Protection. If this attack is powerful enough it can defeat Rex during the same turn even if Fives sacrificed himself and this is a scenario where everything works as intended from my understanding.

I guess it would be very helpful if you would have a video of the situation you encountered so we can analyze everything that happened. In case you get a video please feel free to send me a private mes...

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We already flagged this as a bug.

16 Oct


Hi there,

Usually, mods that don't show up under "sell" are part of a mod loadout. Delete the loadout and you should be able to sell them.

As for the mods not showing up in your mod inventory, make sure to untick the option for "Only Unassigned Mods" and "Only Mods Not In Loadouts" to see all your mods.

14 Oct


Hi all,

We have already flagged this for further investigation.