Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

22 Nov


PM me your ally-code, please.


Did it not recover after a while? PM me your ally code and the time it happened, so that I can have a look.

21 Nov


If the raid was manually started the player launching it will be auto-joined and a system message in the guild chat will appear reading like this: "Raid: Player XY has just launched [Raidname]: Tier I"

If it was launched automatically, someone had to set it up before.


That looks like a game crash, which can happen for various reasons. If you experience this more often try a clean new install of the game.


This is working as intended. Any damage to Darth Nihilus Protection does not count towards your damage score.

20 Nov


PM me your ally code, please and the time it happened, so that I can have a look. Thank you!

PS: You can always report any bug at Answer HQ LINK


Can you PM me your ally code, please, so I can have a look?

On a side note: Did you wait for approximately 10-20 seconds at 1x speed to see if they come back?

19 Nov


Can everyone who had already updated to the latest client (17.3) PM me their ally codes please, so we can investigate? Thank you!


We have flagged this for further investigation now.


Originally posted by hawks5999

Which is the bug? Showing number of attempts or hiding it?

The removal of the number of attempts was unintentional and is the bug.


This is usually happening when your game client is out of sync with the server. Restarting the game or purchasing a Bronzium pack is syncing the game correctly.

18 Nov


This is actually working as designed, as stated before. Every ship battle can start only with 3 ships (+the Capital Ship) on the battlefield. Any additional unit called in as reinforcement in the previous battle will return into the reinforcement slot.


We've already flagged this as a bug.


We've flagged this as a bug a while back. Leaving the Fleet Arena and going back in updates your rank correctly.



This can rarely happen when someone is leaving the guild. We have already flagged this as a bug.


We are still investigating this.


Hi all and thanks for the reports. We have already flagged this as a bug.