Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

30 Jul


Originally posted by BlubberBunsXIV

While I have your attention I would also like to apologize for my previous comment to you. I appreciate you taking the time to address the concerns this post brought to light!

No worries at all, we all have our moments of passion. Thank you for your contribution to eliminating the invasive Fedora


Originally posted by BlubberBunsXIV

Bastard, now I have to eat my hat >:( (but also :) )

I think we all win here :P


Sorry for the scare, these were supposed to be on the calendar but good news! The calendar has been updated with them


Originally posted by ThundaMaka

It's working now. I tried last night for a couple hours and couldn't get on.

Glad to hear it is working now.


Are you still having trouble getting into the game?


I really appreciate you taking the time to write about your experience! These kinds of testimonials are invaluable to the team. I’ll share the suggestions with the team.


Ah, you thought I was going to drop? - JJB


Originally posted by cacecil1

I'm offended you responded to this one and not my gif meme 😭

How wuude of me!


Uh, on second thought, No. Not Really, No.

29 Jul


Hey, sorry to hear you've had issues submitting a bug report on Answers HQ. I've checked your account as well and can confirm that on the 27th of July you purchased 4 Injector Head Salvage and on the 26th of July you purchased 2 Injector Handle Salvage. We are looking into potentially changing the name for the G12 Finishers and an update can be found here:

Thank you.


Hey, just a quick note to mention that we have this flagged as a bug: Han Solo not always getting the first turn in a Padme team. Thank you.


Hey, can you please send me your Ally Code via PM so we can look into it?


26 Jul


The studio has had a Discord server where we've communicated with the Game Changers over time. As we mentioned when we stepped away from the program, we continue to offer this chat as a line of communication with the studio - primarily to gather feedback. I'm not going to comment any further on what precipitated this, but after a discussion with Warrior this morning where we discussed feedback guidelines, he was reinstated to the server.

24 Jul


Originally posted by Sneekypete28

Game seems worse after hotfix. I run both ios and android and even my android is running choppy in pvp and freezing now.

If you don't mind doing so, would you please direct message me details regarding the Android device in question and what exact behavior you are experiencing in-game? Thank you!

23 Jul


Originally posted by Arinori414

Updated OS, updated game, same issue with bluestacks, doesnt work with mobile network too.

How long have you tried leaving the game on this screen? We have some logic that runs here that may take upwards of a few minutes under certain circumstances. If you haven't already tried letting it sit on this screen, please do so and LMK if you are able to move past this screen. If this is indeed the specific issue you are experiencing, we're working on some tech improvements around this. Separately, do you, by chance happen to know your ally code? If so, assuming you feel comfortable doing so, please direct message it to me. :-)

16 Jul


Update should be in there...

13 Jul


Originally posted by CG_TopHat

We're looking into it.

We believe we’ve resolved the issue. We have follow on work Monday. Have a great weekend!

12 Jul


Originally posted by NostalgiaBytes

How can I get my Ally Code? I can't login to the game. Or is the code the same when logging in as a guest on ANDROID.

No worries. I was more-so checking in-case you had your Ally Code already written down or knew it off-hand. Unfortunately, there is not a good way to retrieve your Ally Code if you are unable to sign-in. We're investigating, but no update so far. We haven't been able to reproduce this issue. Are you able to try a different device or a Desktop emulator like BlueStacks?