Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

12 Aug


Thanks for the report. We've flagged this as a bug.

09 Aug


Originally posted by danregal

Are you still taking PMs for this? Our guild is having the same issue.

We had an update yesterday to address this issue. The only thing is that all players with 7* Han Solo in the guild are required to login. Thank you.

06 Aug


Can you please send me your Ally Code and date of the occurrence via PM to check if any errors were triggered on your account?



Hey, thanks for the report. We've flagged this as a translation error in the GAC Feats and are currently in the process of reviewing additional French translation errors reported in the game.

Thank you and apologies for the inconvenience.


Hey, thanks for the report. We've flagged this as a translation error in the GAC Feats and are currently in the process of reviewing additional French translation errors reported in the game.

Thank you and apologies for the inconvenience.


Hey, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We've already flagged the French translation error from the GAC Feats as a bug and we are reviewing the rest of the translation errors mentioned in the video.

I encourage you all to post any translation error you find in the game here as this section of the forum is our primary focus when it comes to bugs and issues:

Thank you!


Hey there, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Your Customer Support ticket was sent to my team earlier today and we are currently investigating. Please feel free to send me any screenshots you have via PM together with any other additional information.

Thank you for your patience while we are looking into it.


Hey there, would you mind asking your guildmates to potentially take some screenshots the next time they notice anything of the sort and create a bug report on Answers HQ?


02 Aug


Thanks for putting this together Future Man! I support anything we can do to remind people about Caley and his laptop


Originally posted by Htbrkone

Wasn’t sure how to report them directly, do you have a way to do it through the app?

Not from the game directly. But this is where we're trying to centralize the bug reports and the board we are primarily looking at for bugs and issues:


Thanks for the report. We have this flagged as a bug.


If you are still having this issue please send me a PM with your Ally Code. Thanks!


Originally posted by ThrawnRocks1991

It was great. Thanks for doing it. My only hope is that you actually keep it up. We’ve experienced plenty of temporary boosts to communication, but nothing that has been consistent or lasting. In other words, it’s often just been reacting with damage control versus being proactive. So I think this is a great step in the right direction, but I just hope it continues.

That’s fair. It’s on us to follow through and earn trust.

01 Aug


Originally posted by gamue

The same soon as in releasing mystic raids or reworking the raid loot ;)

Q&A sessions have always been a pile of meaningless phrases.. I don't expect any useful information

Did you have a chance to check out today's Q&A? We set out to be more open than normal. There are still some vague answers, but I'm curious if you think this was a step in the right direction or not.


Hey, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We've now flagged it as a bug.


Hi there,

We have already flagged this specific issue as a separate bug.

31 Jul


Hi Holotable Heroes,

Are you interested working with the developers and other passionate players to help us identify potential issues prior to release? We are currently expanding the number of participants in the Beta program. If you’d like to participate in a future Beta, please follow the link below and submit your information. We can’t guarantee that everyone who signs up will be able to participate but all submissions will be reviewed.

Click here to request access to the Beta Program.

External link →

You need to be level 5 and have unlocked achievements for the option to appear.

30 Jul


Originally posted by imbillypardy

Dude where’s Malak.

In the Northern Territory of Australia