Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

09 Jul


We’ll be looking into this first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

08 Jul


Hey, thanks for the report and the video. I tested this myself today and confirmed it's working as intended. When General Grievous gains 1 stack of Translation from C-3PO, his Max Health is increased by 30% and so is his damage output.

Please bear in mind that General Grievous' basic attack inflicts increased damage if the enemy target is debuffed. Also, Critical/Normal Hits don't always deal the exact same amount of damage against the same target under the same conditions.

Even looking at your video, General Grievous (without Translation) deals 61.190 Crit Damage on Clone Wars Chewbacca (while debuffed). General Grievous (with Translation) deals 69.471 Crit Damage on Clone Wars Chewbacca (while debuffed). Looks like Translation on General Grievous does make a difference in his damage against the same debuffed enemy target.

Was this what you were referring to or something else?


04 Jul


Hey, thanks for reporting this. There seems to be an issue with the event requirements which makes it look like the event can be attempted with 3 Bounty Hunter ships whereas all 4 of them are required. We've flagged this as a bug now. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Hey, thanks for reporting this. There seems to be an issue with the event requirements which makes it look like the event can be attempted with 3 Bounty Hunter ships whereas all 4 of them are required. We've flagged this as a bug now. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Hey, thanks for reporting this. There seems to be an issue with the event requirements which makes it look like the event can be attempted with 3 Bounty Hunter ships whereas all 4 of them are required. We've flagged this as a bug now. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Hey, thanks for reporting this. There seems to be an issue with the event requirements which makes it look like the event can be attempted with 3 Bounty Hunter ships whereas all 4 of them are required. We've flagged this as a bug now. Apologies for the inconvenience meanwhile.


Hey, thanks for reporting this. There seems to be an issue with the event requirements which makes it look like the event can be attempted with 3 Bounty Hunter ships whereas all 4 of them are required. We've flagged this as a bug now. Apologies for the inconvenience meanwhile.


Hi all, thanks for the report. Just a quick note to say that we have this issue flagged as a bug and looking into it.

Apologies for the inconvenience meanwhile.


@ u/TheMilkDog Do you mind sending me your Ally Code via PM to have a look at your account? Thanks.

03 Jul


We are currently investigating reports of performance degradation specifically on the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S8 devices. If you feel comfortable doing so, would you please direct message your ally code to me? I'd love to look at some additional diagnostic information to help better track down this issue.


Originally posted by dystopioid

Have messaged you, same situation. Thanks :)

Added you to the list for manual fix. You should get the feat added soon. :-)

01 Jul


Hey, thanks for the report and the video. We've now flagged this for further investigation.


Originally posted by Sasho9708

Tried again a few minutes back, works now. Should I close this or keep it open for other people with the same issue?

Thanks for the reply and I'm glad to hear the issue got resolved.


u/Sasho9708 Can you please send me a PM with your Ally Code if you are still having this issue? Thanks.


u/Celoth please send me a PM with your Ally Code. Thanks!

28 Jun


Can confirm /u/Roneythehutt wasn't cheating. We looked into this and found a weird edge case where they were granted Round rewards twice. We're looking at a fix for next week that should prevent this from happening, but will keep an eye on cases like this and manually adjust in the meantime.


Hi all, thanks for reporting this. We flagged this for further investigation and we are looking into it.

27 Jun


Originally posted by oxendion777

This was me, yesterday. Is the rumor wide spread? Is it just this one post with 2 upvotes? Is everyone mad at me. I think I'll go back to my cave.


Originally posted by oxendion777

Thx for your enlightining comment ;)

Btw glad to see you're still over there !

Is there a rumor that I left or something?