Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

19 Oct

Just spoke with two designers regarding KAM in leader slot.

Here's the deal:

The designers didn't want to break up the JKR Jedi squad you'd use in other combat missions.

So why not use Shaak-Ti as the leader? Given her leader ability has no effect without Clones present, it wouldn't matter which of those two appear in the leader slot, and the decision was made to "showcase" KAM a bit more by putting him in that slot.

I asked why not place someone such as Aayla in the leader slot? The designer stated it would add another required unit (including the task of having to Relic up another unit you might not want to invest in) as a barrier to entry.

So, the decision to balance the mission around no leader ability was made and implemented.

Why does the Special Mission that hard requires Ki-Adi Mundi and Shaak Ti forces us to use KAM lead? Can this be changed? KAM has no leadership ability so he doesn’t need to occupy the first slot

[Kyno] edit to remove second question, for now.

Let me ask about this.

Glad to see the priorities at CG are locked in today!

Care to elaborate?



Can she get a custom title like Bastila on the bench?

Would be cool if y’all did that

We are discussing this! Definitely want to do something special.

Can you share what else has been discussed? I’ve heard you can have an alternate character skin only available for certain players so General Leia skin over Princess Leia skin might be cool (like JMLuke’s T2 event)

I wish I could elaborate more on this, but can't for now. However, once things get figured out, I'll make sure to do a follow-up post .

Can she get a custom title like Bastila on the bench?

Would be cool if y’all did that

We are discussing this! Definitely want to do something special.

When 99 stacks just isn't enough :P

18 Oct

Hi folks,

We are aware of an issue causing players to get stuck at the loading screen in today's Light Side Territory Battle. We are investigating what is causing players to get stuck in Phase 4 but we are unlikely to release a fix for this issue today. We will update you as soon as we have more information. Apologies for the inconvenience.

17 Oct


Those models were made first actually but yeah, when it came down to release the new season was out and it made more sense to update them. One of those things. I personally like long hair Ezra much better as a design.

16 Oct

Hello Holotable Heroes,

The Dev Tracker will be triumphantly returning to regularly updated status for the community’s perusal.

While I feel like I could retire now and leave behind a solid legacy given this feat, I will endeavor to keep pushing for more community-focused goodness.

In all earnestness, the Dev Tracker is a helpful way for us to track bugs. It also reduces the amount of duplicative reports to comb through, which saves the QA team time. This is important given they have to share a laptop.

It’s also helpful for players to see the status of bugs that have been reported.

So, if you’d like to give it a look, head over to: this link

Did a full game restart resolve this for you?

In case it didn't PM me your ally code so that we can have a look.

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

Ways to Report a Cheater

You can report a player directly from the game if you suspect a cheater while playing or on the forums.

Report Players on the Forums On the forums, please be sure to report any and all suspicious behavior directly to CG_Lucifersdaddy. We investigate all actionable reports of cheating and wherever possible, we will attempt to rectify any impact to players who report, and are found to be affected by, cheating, so that they can continue to enjoy themselves and achieve their best results. If possible, providing screenshots or video of your experience can significantly help in the investigation.

Report Players In-Game - Tap on a player to bring up their profile from Ch...

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Nice one!!!! If you had more time you could have made him even bigger =)


Originally posted by ThePlaybook_

Support was able to resolve it already, fortunately! I've heard reports from a few other people in my discord so it sounds like this might not be an isolated incident.

Cool, glad you already got it sorted. Good stuff!


Due to technical limitations, we can currently only listing the main use for the salvage items. If they are used for other gear as well, they won't be all listed (one other example would be the Mk 5 Arakyd Droid Caller Salvage which is used in many Gear 12 Finisher pieces but only lists the Mk 5 Arakyd Droid Caller).


PM me your ally code, so that we can check our internal logs. Alternatively, you can always get in touch with our support for any missing items, rewards, etc. They should be able to help.

15 Oct



While I appreciate the love, you gotta share it with @CG_SBCrumb as well. We are a team, and I wouldn't be able to track down answers and spend time communicating with you if he wasn't working hard to help support me and more importantly, work on a big-picture, long-term plan for everyone's benefit.

I'm the apprentice and he's my Yoda.

Does he make you carry him around on your back?

Follow-up question: does he hit you with his stick?

Yeah. But, then the seagulls usually come and attack him.

So modest

I have more humility in my little finger than most people have in their entire body. FACTS
While I appreciate the love, you gotta share it with @CG_SBCrumb as well. We are a team, and I wouldn't be able to track down answers and spend time communicating with you if he wasn't working hard to help support me and more importantly, work on a big-picture, long-term plan for everyone's benefit.

I'm the apprentice and he's my Yoda.
Hello Holotable Heroes,

To follow up on a reply I posted the other day regarding Galactic Challenge cadence, I'd like to address it here for increased visibility.

For now, the Galactic Challenges will occur on the weekends.

Obviously, not the news we were all hoping for, but the team is working on ways to increase the cadence of the GCs. That sounds nebulous, but there's a few things going on, including some complicated stuff involving the tool used to create the events.

This might invite more questions that do not have answers right now, such as "when can we expect an increase in cadence?"

But, I'll keep y'all up to date as much as I can as things change.