
Temtem Dev Tracker

01 Jul

30 Jun

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Recommendations are based on recent data (latest X matches) so it doesn't matter if a Tem matches another one "historically". We'll have to take a look at Tyranak though and see if that is correct.

For tems with lower pickrate (like Hocus) there is almost no analytics so there is also no recommendation data to pull from.

For sure we have to improve the QOL on selecting Tems and adding sorting / filter.


Hello, Tamers! Quick roundup to end up the week on a sweet note:

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Yes! Squad-sharing hub on our Discord server: https://discord.com/channels/417595319849713664/1049256612377931817
And we have a video providing some teams to use here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBuqyP5pJSo&ab_channel=Crema

But like the user before me said, the meta is new and everything is subject to change.

29 Jun


Hi! Very sorry to hear. There are some issues between our server and some internet service providers. A good way to check if this is the case is trying a VPN: if that fixes the issue, call your ISP and explain the situation; if that doesn't fix the issue, please DM me, here or anywhere, so I can quickly come back to it!

28 Jun