
Temtem Dev Tracker

10 Aug


Originally posted by snaker1128

It wouldn't hurt to just show a tem in the photo that'll be featured in the event, so people get a general idea of what they're looking at

Do you mean the one on the radar challenge or the ones that are depicted/represented during the event? For example, for this one event, would you have preferred seeing Minttle or Thaiko/Momo?


Originally posted by No-Beautiful-6924

Ya got to rework events at some point. They are so boring to do the free cosmetics are often not even worth it.

Events are getting a little bit easier on 1.5, we've reduced the amount of tems needed for capture (not 100 anymore) and we've also reduced a bit the amount of currency needed for the last reward, you can now skip a 150 mission (or a 50 + 100).
Other than that, no big changes are planned on them. Events only exist because it was a feature easy to implement since it is basically a mini-battlepass and implement as such.
Would be cool to see deeper events with world changes, new quests, etc? absolutely, but it is also out of our (current) scope.

08 Aug

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I spent some time thinking about a posible new game plus but didn’t find a compelling and feasible way to implement it tbh.

If you keep your tems then you are going to ruin it maxed (lvl 100), so either all the trainers on the game are also level ~100 or you’re just going to breeze through it.

Also what kind of rewards would it grant? Without rewards very few people will do it and since replaying it wouldn’t be too hard due to the possibility of being maxed out it shouldn’t grant too many things neither, reducing again the appeal for most of the user base…

Definitely open to ideas on this!


Hello, Tamers! Temtem’s next event is here! 🐕🐈
Pet a Tem is now live, and will last until August 27th! This event, which will be the last one during Season 4, revolves about loving your Tems as your companions and is cuddly, cute and fluffy!


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07 Aug


Hello, Tamers! Temtem's next event is here.
Pet a Tem, the last event of Season 4, starts today, August 7th, and will last until August 27th!


In this event you'll be able to obtain the following exclusive rewards by completing in-game challenges:

A lovely banner of pet basics
A delightful pet tower to decorate your house
A holo that could kill with its cuteness
A super pawsome seal for your Tems
A squishy, cuddly emote
A face mask with ears inspired by Thaiko


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Originally posted by Phoresis

Temtem has some of the least interesting "teases" ever lmao

What exactly is meant to be guessed from 3 pixels?

Sorry! I was doing the same thing in the Discord and there was a fun little guessing game going on, and I try not to leave Reddit out of those sort of teasers.
What other kind of teasers would you like to see in the future? We can try new things.

    Tsukki on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello, Tamers! Temtem's next event is here!
Pet a Tem, the last event of Season 4, starts today, August 7th, and will last until August 27th!

In this event you'll be able to obtain the following exclusive rewards by completing in-game challenges:

:tempigepic: A lovely banner of pet basics
:tempigepic: A delightful pet tower to decorate your house
:tempigepic: A holo that could kill with its cuteness
:tempigepic:... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I haven't tested it personally but it should work as long as it is recognized as something similar to a keyboard or a gamepad. You can remap pretty much anything ingame (or in Steam like you said).

06 Aug

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

There is a title for all EA players. You maintain it even after resetting the account.

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

That is tied to the quality level you chose for the video settings. IIRC there is also a setting to enable or disable it independently.

04 Aug


Temtem's next event, while still unveiled and mysterious, will start on Monday, August 7th, and last until August 27th!

This event will make the delight of all Tamers that love their Tems as if they were companions ❤

You'll get a chance to earn exclusive rewards at no cost through in-game challenges and quests. Don't miss it!

This is the last event of Season 4, after that we set sail onto Season 5 (on September 25th, remember!).

Also, 1.4.2 has been sent for certification and we're hoping to be able to launch it next week! It includes bug fixes and a mid-season balance patch addressing some of the main concerns in 1.4. We'll let you know asap once we have a release date!


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28 Jul

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by zerozark

On the rare chance you see this, Yaw, I am a Temtem player who really loves the game and play it weekly.

What the game desperately needs is better gameplay loops, and a revision of the entire reward system. I won't spend too much time on this, but Freetem is absurdly boring. Dojo Rematches can get stale, but are fine as it is. It is absurd that Fishing the 5/5 doesn't guarantee an ETC. Tamer Activities are fun, but the reward ratio is waaaaaay off.

All in all, I feel that the gameplay loops and reward ratios make the game be way to grindy for players who want to invest in other stuff that isn't Showdown. And you all knew this, so I don't know why it is such a surprise that by making the game progression so grindy you dont make it NEARLY rewarding enough for casuals to stick to it. As it stands, it will only be welcoming to hardcore players (such as me). And I am sorry but this is really easy to grasp, and it's at the root at the issue why the playerbase is the numbe...

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Thanks for your comment!

And yeah, I agree, PvE is not in the best form right now. There are some things coming in 1.5, a rework for Freetem (although it will always be "boring" due to the nature of it) and some improvements for Lairs too. I also want to take a look at the rewards but is always complicated to find a good spot, at least for us.

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Yes! There is a big content patch planned for September that includes a new mythical Tem so if you start now you will be able to reach the endgame point needed for the new quest and the new mythical in time!

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DapperDlnosaur

This design is very, very disappointing to me from the looks of it. I was hoping they were going to keep the theme of the other mythicals and do some kind of reptile/dinosaur/dragon. It also looks very small and simple from the silhouette, which is making me wonder why on earth it's taken so long to make.

You are now hating over your own capabilities lol

We haven’t shown anything about the design. The thing you’re referring to is just a twitter meme.

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Awyls

This is exactly what i mean when i claim you are being intentionally dishonest and try to gaslight people. You know full well most of these features were planned as early as the game was sold on EA, it even had your own roadmap on the store page.


Tamer's Paradise with five PVE activities

Kudos system (Achievements)

In-game tournaments



The trade house

Quest diary





~25 Tems (I highly doubt this is true, but i will let it slide because i don't want to check the numbers)


Sponsored official tournaments. I honestly don't know how you consider this content when it only affects 0.01% of the player-base but w/e.

How is selling me things twice (even...

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I’m obviously talking about our original plans vs what will the game have/will have. If you discovered the game on early access then some of those things were already developed or planned yes, same as if you discover the game on 1.0 or now. Doesn’t change the fact that we’ve been constantly upgrading and increasing our vision for the game and the scope of the features it has.

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kabyk

The two paragraphs quoted seem to be contradictory and easily part of the problem on the incorrection perception by players.

An MMO - hell, even just a multiplayer live service game like Call of Duty - is built in a way to keep players repeatedly grinding content (including pvp) for extraneous goodies such as player levels, cosmetics, or loot to replay the content at higher difficulties. This is NOT the type of game focused on story.

And then your second paragraph says the game is a "classic adventure focused on a campaign". Well, that's a traditional, single-player (or coop) game as far as i can tell. These games, like most games that existed before online connectivity, are finite experiences. They have a beginning, middle, and end. The player plays through it, usually once, enjoys it, puts it down, and moves on to the next game.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

Is Sony complaining that people only played th...

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Yeah, this has been the main problem of Temtem forever IMO. Our vision has always been a campaign-based game with the extra of some MMO components which allows us to a) improve the campaign with those elements and b) players can spend some more time (if they want to) doing the extra activities. For us it makes sense and we believe Temtem is better for having the MMO components when compared to a purely campaign-based game, but it has always been complicated to grasp and communicate, yeah.

Temtem is definitely not designed to "play forever", but it has a lot of stuff designed for people that want to play "more".

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Awyls

Unfortunately, it hasn't worked as expected, but I can assure you if the time spent on Showdown was spent on creating new Tems, we would have gotten something like 0.2 new Tems with the same time effort.

How was it unexpected? You genuinely expected people to play a PVP ranked-only version of a dying game, with in-game turn timers, no lube and having to memorize ~80 Tems to even hope to understand whats going on. Have you ever played a card or a MOBA game? I literally knew that thing was dead the second i read about it.

We've also been clear about what Temtem is and isn't ever since the first day it was public (during its Kickstarter). This is from 2018.

I don't disagree with most things but this actually pisses me off. You can't play the "it has a smaller scope than other MMO's and we have said it" card while the store page where you actually sell your product says nothing about it. In fact, it is only s...

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What is this non-planned content you speak of?

From the top of my mind, a non-exhaustive list.

  • Fishing .
  • Lairs. Even though we explicitly said they won't happen for Temtem.
  • ~25 tems more than promised.
  • Upcoming alternate to Lumas.
  • Tamer's Paradise with five PVE activities.
  • The Kudos system.
  • In-game tournaments.
  • Cross-progression.
  • Additional challenge modes (randomlocke and speedrun) and an additional one (randomized) coming too.
  • Seasonal events.
  • Ingame Showdown.
  • Sponsored official tournaments.
  • The trade house.
  • The whole tickers sub-quest and feature.
  • Redeem codes.
  • And a million of QoL changes, UI changes, items, gears and techniques requested by the community, etc.