The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

14 Mar


Originally posted by Knaledge

I’ll have to take a look. When was that released?

Just a couple of hours back during today's maintenance. Should be a ~500MB download.


Originally posted by absolutkaos

Hi /u/TotalyMoo - FWIW, this happened to me & a friend last night as well. I submitted an error report via PSN (w/ video attached both times).

I was in his party, he was underleveled to me, so his power level was up converted from like level 3 to level 14 (roughly).

He was using the drone w/ fixer attachment.

Both times, the game hard crashed to the PSN error reporting screen, and for about 30 seconds the whole PS4 was bricked at 0% status on the error reporting screen.

Then it went to the error report submission screen where i attached the video, etc.

After reporting it brought me back to the PS4 home screen and i had to relaunch the game.

Thanks for submitting those crash reports. Please try running without any drone, and get back to me if the issue persists.


Originally posted by Knaledge

Playing in Atmos on Xbox One X - the sound mix definitely sounds odd (seems center channel heavy; misplaced emitted sounds from rears).

Best example, in Atmos: Staring at an NPC in the moderate distance (picture the other side of an intersection), their gunshots and vocal cues are coming from the rear channels (emphasized top-left and top-right). I would expect those to come from, in that instance, front-left, front-right, center, and (depending on bullet trajectory) front-top-left/front-top-right.

Even without native Atmos support, there definitely seems to be a bit of an issue with the 5.1 mix (let alone 5.x.x/7.x.x)


Is this still the case after today's update?


Can you PM me your account name and platform, please?


Originally posted by Enocssa

IT was mainly Yesterday. I had one or two crashes on tuesday. I have been sending logs for every crash but i am excited to continue to test. Hopefully this also fixes the Frame issues i have been having.

Did you see the threads about drones? If not, please try playing in a group where no one uses the Drone, especially not the Assault Drone variant, and see if your game is more stable.


Originally posted by herrnoxx

yes, I'll check it out when I logg back in later today.

Question is if other people running drones will still make you crash.

So far that seems to be the case, several people reported to me today they crash when anyone in the group uses Assault Drone specifically.


Originally posted by PM_UR_NSFW_ALT

I haven't tried switching back to DX12 then down to DX11 again. It'll be about 11 hours before I'm home from work, unfortunately.

I'm not sure if it is universal to those experiencing stutters, but any input (changing direction, opening menu, etc) is non-responsive during the stutter.

Since input issues coincided, i toggled 'reduce input latency' to off, with no change noticed. This was in DX11 after having switched back from DX12.

Also, according to my system monitor, I wasn't pegged on RAM usage, so i don't suspect a memory leak. About 90%/100% CPU/GPU usage typically. Haven't seen any CPU spikes, but i didn't have a trend of that data either.

Please do let me know when you have the chance, thanks!


Originally posted by MisjahDK

Yeah, i read about the assault drone skill as well, the DX11 guy were using it, so that would break some of the results i concluded!

That would definitely make sense with the rest of the reports I've seen today. Can you give playing with the same config but no one using the drone a shot, and get back to me?


Originally posted by herrnoxx

I do, my friend too.

Can you check if the crashes disappear if you all stop using this skill? Thanks!


Originally posted by herrnoxx

I first thought the problem would be due to scaling too since it started to happen when I was grouped up with my lower ranked mate, but after he logged out and I was doing the stronghold story missions with people my level, the problem still was there and crashes happened a lot.

/edit: why is this thread getting downvoted? People are experiencing pretty much gamebreaking issues, this should not get downvoted.

Does anyone in your group use the Assault Drone skill variant?


Originally posted by LastOfOz

Mind pointing out what settlement? I cannot for the love of me find any projects that ask for weapons

That... is a good question! I'll dig a bit but not sure on top of my mind.


Originally posted by mr3LiON

Okay, when Tidal Basin will be available? :)

To be announced in the future ^_^


Are you playing in fullscreen or borderless windowed?


Originally posted by Vizier_Thoth

Thank you for the tip! I didn't even think about that

Some other person here on reddit suggested it, so all cred to that user!


Originally posted by Yung-Girth-God

Locked behind Tidal Basin I believe.

Correct. WT5 will be available at the same time as Tidal Basin!


Can you (everyone experiencing this issue) PM me with your account name and platform, please?


We are aware of this issue, but thanks for taking the time to report it. A temporary workaround if you want to open the stash space is that it's possible to donate the weapon to a project.


Originally posted by PM_UR_NSFW_ALT

Borderless window

Alright, have you tried going back to DX12, then down to 11 again? This is an entirely new problem from my perspective, so gotta dig a bit :)


Originally posted by PM_UR_NSFW_ALT

Speaking of DX12....

i ran beautifully on DX 11 for 14 hours with no stuttering. I decided to test. dx12 with the new driver and changes since beta. Within 10 minutes got stuttering.

Here's the kicker. Ever since, i get the stuttering on DX11 now.. Multiple game restarts, PC restarts and verified game file integrity. Nothing helped.

Seems very weird that something would persist after disabling DX12. It probably sounds like "user seeing patterns where there are none" situation, but I am firm on this before/after/persistence stuttering experience.

Are you on fullscreen or borderless windowed?