

07 Jan

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

That looks like a thing that happened before I started working here. And as old replays aren't viewable on current clients, I have no means of investigating this matter.

Please don't send me Replays that have someone that annoys you in them. Send me replays that exhibit bad/egregious behavior, after you have submitted them to Customer Support.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, I understand things happened before I entered service. Which is why I'd like you to send a Ticket with Replay to Customer Support and send me the egregious Replays along with the Customer Support Ticket#s.

I can follow up on issues that I'm made aware of and look into situations that are egregious.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

As I've never been the one saying these things in this way about this particular issue, I'd ask that you give me some room to work with here. I'm being very specific in what I'm asking for.

I'll repeat from above:

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Perhaps I'm not making myself clear.

If someone is breaking the rules and ruining games, that's something that should be reported to Customer Support. Why? So that actions can be taken and the incident can be logged.

There are people that invest a great deal of time and money into this game, so there is an escalation path before accounts are sanctioned or otherwise interacted with. Sending a ticket to Customer Support is the path to logging the incident and escalating if necessary.

If you don't send a ticket to Customer Support, there is no recourse to this situation, because Customer Support is the Disciplinary Path.


If you have an incident which you feel stands out or is particularly egregious, you should send me the Replay and Customer Support Ticket# so that I can be sure to follow up internally.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Behavior like this is not acceptable.

When things like this happen, you need to create a Customer Support Ticket and make sure you describe the situation and attach a replay of the game. Customer Support is the path for disciplinary measures, and repeat offenses can be escalated.

This is the path to resolution. You may hear people saying they've Reported someone a thousand times, but Customer Support Tickets are the Disciplinary Path for our game.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hybrids are going to be more about their utility, so aim to play off of that as opposed to focusing on one aspect of her.

As far as tips in general go:

You want to be facing the enemy. - Your gun angles do not favor kiting. Also, your "Carrier Section" is a giant target made of 26mm plate, so that's out waiting to happen.

If you're in position, don't be afraid to reverse while tanking. - You have quite a bit of healing on her. As long as you aren't focused too hard, you'll be able to absorb a lot of punishment while holding a section of the map.

Planes don't hurt much, but they're great Recon tools. - DD slipped through on your flank? You can spot her for your team or to warn you of where the torps are. You're not made to be the heavy hitter... you're the utility army knife.

The Main Guns are floaty, but accurate. - Just having presence means that Cruisers really do need to hi...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ultimately we're going to implement ships that are relevant. We have lower Tier Premiums and there's nothing stopping us from making more.

Karstodes is correct in pointing out that lower tiers are less played, so if you are very passionate about lower tier ships being implemented the best course of action is thinking of how to make them more integrated in the game.

I believe @ArIskandirdrafted an idea to encourage more play in the earlier Tier ships, for instance. I imagine he'd be up for talking to you about it.

Ultimately, while everything could be on the table, the table only has so much room. The more enticing a pitch you can make for something to have some of that space, the better.

06 Jan

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have not released an actual date or timeframe. I've doubled checked on this. Until you hear otherwise, please understand that there has been no announcement other than "Early" or "Beginning" 2022.

As with most early announcements, it's deliberately vague to make sure there's room to shift things around if needed. So please don't assume on this because it's only conjecture at this point.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I had to ask someone what an NFT was just to know that this doesn't have anything to do with us.

So, as this topic is not relevant and seems to inspire an extreme amount of passion, I'm just gonna lock this here and throw away the key~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have an official question in to see about an exact answer, but as power outages or random craziness can happen it's probably best to finish them before the final few seconds of the event.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

While that might be a thing that happened and is historical, an act of desperation like that isn't something to be celebrated or mocked. That's a topic to be left in the history books.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

"Bonus removal date: 19.01.22"

They go poof on the 19th~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Commanders can only be "Trained" for one Tech Tree ship at a time. So moving him off the Benson to the Fletcher does mean he'll be strictly a Fletcher Captain.

Premium Ships don't have to be "trained" for, so he'd be able to helm your Arizona regardless of which DD he's trained for.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You are both correct here.

I haven't unlocked the Groz line and have been on a Khaba binge of late. Looking at the flight time of both ships shows only amount of an addition of about .5 seconds. When I played Ragnar her guns just felt really wrong to me, but I suppose that was just my mind playing tricks.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

OK, I have a more fully formed response to your post. I took awhile for me to grasp it all and look into the matter deeper (yesterday I was running on way too little sleep).


Our scheduling issue was an automation problem. We have streams automated to schedule themselves according to our normal timeslots. One of our guys in the office typically deals with the Twitch setup/backend and he's on some extra vacation post-holidays, so this one slipped by Boggzy and I. As it's normally handled by someone else, it wasn't "on our plates" normally and got missed.

Sorry about that.

In response, we've done some cross-training in the office so that we have several people now that are familiar with the system and have the ability to access/modify it in case of emergencies or holidays. This redundancy should go a long way to helping avoid this situation occurring again.


As for the Rer...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

She has a remarkable amount of Continuous Damage with her AA Suite and can hold up to 3 charges of the Dutch Cruiser-line Aerial Bombs.

She's not considered OP, though. Her guns aren't quite a highlight and she's not as armored as the other Dutch ships. Even still, she's a fun one to play as @ArIskandircan tell you~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I wasn't talking about Slot 4 Upgrades. I was talking about...

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I played my first two matches with her ever on stream. My Khabarovsk was still locked in a Battle, so I figured I'd play it as a variant on my Khaba playstyle with armor and range. My experiences were... awkward to say the least.

She handles like a pig if you don't have the Engine Boost on. When it's working, she feels like a normal Destroyer, but when it's down she's paaaaainfully sluggish. Folks that enjoy the ship have taken to using the Slot 2 Engine Boost Upgrade you can get for Coal in the Armory. Anything to add time to make her not feel and play like a Hippo in an ice-skating rink.

I also found her shells to be floaty to the point of frustration out to the 14-15km I like to operate at, so that playstyle ended up being a wash.

My chat told me to instead use Double Concealment (Slot 5 and Commander) to drop her detection to 7.5km. In that way, you have only 13km base range and won't be able to range farm as cleanly, but you...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I was a Philosophy and Physics major in College. I mostly worked on Plato/Aristotle area stuff and took some graduate level courses on it. It was fun to learn about, but I hated the idea of having to write a book regurgitating it all like twice a semester :\

I ended up stopping if only because I'm more interested in having a talk as opposed to writing hundreds of pages. Which is funny to me with how much I type relating to World of Warships :p

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Congratulations man! I haven't played her, but I know she has a devout following <3