

25 May


Originally posted by Paradox56

Honestly make Pool Party Ahri an Ultimate with a customizable outfit and Riot can just buy themselves from Tencent on that revenue alone.


20 May


My recommendation as someone who's thinking a lot about the new player experience is to play Co-Op vs. AI with a friend.

One of the challenging things about traditional Summoner's Rift gameplay is how bound the success of the lanes are. This means that you can be doing your best, fail (which is normal in all things when starting out), and significantly impact the other 4 people on your team. They obviously won't enjoy this, and might tell you so. That negative feedback loop makes trying new things extremely punishing.

Bots with a friend is more tolerant of mistakes, helps you try more things, and you can learn from a human being who can adapt their advice to your specific needs in a supportive way. I am assuming you have friends who are nice people. If you don't have any friends who are playing League DM me and I can do a game or two with you :)

18 May


Originally posted by Neblinio

Are you also interested in this behavior in Coop games? Cause I've seen it more than once recently. I'm not sure I could find the gameID because the last AFK I saw was more than week ago, but if I see it again I can send it to you if interested.

Any game mode will work!


The first few weeks something like this comes out, we spend a lot of time watching and thinking and talking and planning.

We will share more when there’s something concrete to share, but I just wanted folks to know that everyone on the team is paying attention. We certainly want ARAM players to have a good time.


I don’t normally talk about features before we release them for lots of reasons, but this seems relatively harmless:

We have a ticket on a team right now to add a small lockout to a champion the first time it enters the bench (3s) so that it cannot get snapped up.

It’s not like in the deep backlog, it’s coming up in the next couple of sprints if I recall correctly. I will check on it on Monday.

Now watch me reallllly regret saying this if team has to jump on something more important and people be like Barack lied he always lies 😿


Originally posted by xXdimmitsarasXx

I think my enemy afk'd and had no punishment, but cannot verify as replays seem to be broken this patch? When i download them i get a 2.5-5MB file (ones from the past are like 15-25MB) and when i launch them the game just says the file is corrupted

Don’t need replay file, just need to zero in on the specific game. If you DM me your game name, region, and around when the match occurred we can look you up and do the rest.


Originally posted by Fledramon410

So what is the point of sending tickets? Does the customer support with clip attached isn't enough for you? Or you basically didn't care to look at them.

Looking for help through player support (PS) is a worthy use of your time!

What I am looking for is gameIDs so we can figure out specific behaviors and map them to game triggers (or see where they don’t map) to improve our systems.

We can get some of this from PS but not all! Ticket volume sometimes makes it hard to parse through.

That was a lot of inside baseball, but the gist is we are talking about improving some of these systems and the info helps. Team tells me it’s been surprisingly hard to find solid examples given the number of times people make the complaint of people skirting AFK detection.


Originally posted by deceitfulninja

Are you kidding? This happens all the time!

Pls send details about a game where you experienced it.

17 May


OP or anyone else that has a game where a player displayed this behavior, please DM me with details. We'd very much like to see them.


This is incredible work. It's slightly more impressive than knowing how to play Aphelios.

09 May

01 May


Originally posted by videogioci

If you wanted to cut back on information overload I think just including substantial changes (ie Ashe W CD change) would help at least. Would be helpful to know that certain builds are non-viable because of aram balance changes. Also items that get changed (ie Heartsteel) really either need to be looked at or just removed if they can’t properly display Aram changes on them .

Now define "substantial change" in a way most people would agree with ;)


Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

aram mains are begging for this one super easy feature pLEASE:

please, when I roll, make my benched champ unselectable by others for ~2sec. 3rd party apps already have a feature to reroll for team, this would put everyone on an even playing field

and stop locking out bench picks if you try to pick and fail, that also feels terrible

I like this one.


Originally posted by bodynasr

league has 167 champions not 168

the top search for google says 168 champions but its 167, that website that shows in top search is just playing for late game and didn't want to keep updating that article so they just write 168 lol

other than that, a good write up

I mean I legit just forgot and googled it. Rekt.


Howdy, I'll give this a think out loud:

The buffs/nerfs on ARAM are designed to put the champion in an appropriate spot for the mode. If they are going well, they generally bring everyone to "fair". Assume that this is a given, since I am not involved with balance much at all.

Ok so all champions are fair, but some have stats down and some have stats up. If we displayed that in champion select, one of the challenges is that we would need to figure out which level of disclosure we were interested in.

Highest level of disclosure is probably a little blue up arrow on their portrait if they are adjusted up for the mode and a little red down arrow if they are adjusted down for the mode. Maybe some sort of Tilde (~) or something if they have some up and some down. I further assume that if you hover them you can see those details.

One immediate challenge is information overload. Most champions have some adjustment on ARAM and this could be entirel...

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29 Apr


You and your friends look cozy af ngl gj.

22 Apr


Originally posted by Saddest_Lesbian

If you go into the shop and filter by support she shows up too. Confused newbie me a lot

I think we should probably seriously investigate those shop filters

21 Apr

16 Apr

12 Apr


So is someone going to photoshop Lee sin with a 2nd health bar and dark souls HUD or do I need to do it?