Originally posted by Antipixel_
i have always wondered why riot didnt seem like they'd invested a full team of resources into rewriting an engine for league from scratch based on more modern programming frameworks + knowledge and understanding of the current mechanics /depth of league. it feels odd that league doesn't have an "in-gameworld" client(heck even valorant has one. maybe the nostalgia factor?), lol is one of those games that could do some really neat stuff with it. frankly it's an absolutely massive undertaking, but i do genuinely believe riot is one of the few companies with access to enough capital and (potential)talent that it would be a feasable option for them to consider.
but if the engineers have managed to patch relevant parts of the engine up to date in such a way that the team is able to actually continue innovating, honestly that is kind of shockingly impressive. especially considering the potential amount of teams affected. this feels like the exact type of thing that can kill a prod...
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We are always updating the engine that League runs on.
But let’s for the sake of argument say we thought that it would be easier and better to switch to a new off the shelf engine:
First, you need to update the networking. The Hextech engine’s networking I am told is like extremely overpowered relative to the market. Valorant and other games expend significant effort to get theirs into a similar state.
Now you need to port all of the content from our current stack to a new stack, including all champions, game systems, cosmetics, etc.
You can use some automation to get the bulk of the data across, but you would need to have humans hand-tune the rest. (Imagine making sure that Riven’s combos felt “just so” to her mains and ensuring that translates) In order to hit our quality bar this could actually take several years with many devs involved. Those are people are years that are not spent making League better.
You probably also need s...
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