

09 Apr


Howdy friendo!

The suggestions are based on popular build orders and their success rates. On your champion people most commonly built these items after the items you had already purchased. The Good Against section is layered on top of the suggestions to help give context about why you might build one versus the other.

Hope that helps, and good luck on the rift.

05 Apr


With faker gone, I finally have a shot.

25 Mar


I cannot believe anyone on earth allows League players to become responsible for other folk's careers. (Myself included)

24 Mar


Originally posted by MoonBoy2DaMoon

That jawn corny as hell lmao

Appreciate the Philly slang as a guy from Philly myself.


Originally posted by Antipixel_

i have always wondered why riot didnt seem like they'd invested a full team of resources into rewriting an engine for league from scratch based on more modern programming frameworks + knowledge and understanding of the current mechanics /depth of league. it feels odd that league doesn't have an "in-gameworld" client(heck even valorant has one. maybe the nostalgia factor?), lol is one of those games that could do some really neat stuff with it. frankly it's an absolutely massive undertaking, but i do genuinely believe riot is one of the few companies with access to enough capital and (potential)talent that it would be a feasable option for them to consider.

but if the engineers have managed to patch relevant parts of the engine up to date in such a way that the team is able to actually continue innovating, honestly that is kind of shockingly impressive. especially considering the potential amount of teams affected. this feels like the exact type of thing that can kill a prod...

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We are always updating the engine that League runs on.

But let’s for the sake of argument say we thought that it would be easier and better to switch to a new off the shelf engine:

First, you need to update the networking. The Hextech engine’s networking I am told is like extremely overpowered relative to the market. Valorant and other games expend significant effort to get theirs into a similar state.

Now you need to port all of the content from our current stack to a new stack, including all champions, game systems, cosmetics, etc.

You can use some automation to get the bulk of the data across, but you would need to have humans hand-tune the rest. (Imagine making sure that Riven’s combos felt “just so” to her mains and ensuring that translates) In order to hit our quality bar this could actually take several years with many devs involved. Those are people are years that are not spent making League better.

You probably also need s...

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19 Mar


Originally posted by Reasonable_Curve_409

I noticed that the mastery crests looked pretty circular but how would they look in game? I've always viewed the mastery emote as something dignified but making it look small and circular just seems cute I guess.

I think they look pretty neat in game (again, not final. Tons of work still to do and smart people working on details)


Originally posted by Vaapad123

Just wanted to say thank you for engaging with the community on this. Riot doesn’t always get credit for doing so, so just wanted to say thanks!

Very much appreciated!


Originally posted by Oreo_Hero

My brother BarackProbama doing me justice. I know you're going to see this. Say thank you to the team and yourself who made this happen on my behalf.

Team is great. We announced early specifically to get feedback and we got it. It was their idea and their followup.


Originally posted by shiorre

Have you guys received word of the concerns that mastery seems like it is becoming more of a "participation" reward, instead of a system that rewards good performance and champion knowledge?

If you have, I'm wondering if there are any steps being made towards changing that outcome (or if you believe the system already proposed with the new changes works fine)

I do not believe that the changes we are proposing make mastery less demanding of players than the current system.


Originally posted by AliasTcherki

This feels like they're soft launching a post about how it's our fault the new mastery system isn't out, we weren't cheering hard enough.

This feels like a big misunderstanding of the Rioter's tweet.
The way I understand what he said here is "Adjusting the feature to match players feedbacks would push it later than our plan, but it's much better to deliver later a feature you guys like, rather than earlier one you dislike"
There is no gaslighting in his tweet whatsoever, at least per my understanding

Correct, I just meant that if doing the thing that makes people happy takes longer, it will take longer.


Originally posted by RiotMeddler

We'll talk a bit about where Champion Mastery is up to in the next Dev Update which we'll be filming next week. Some refinements, no massive changes to the system or timelines though.

Setting all of your mastery to 0 atm.


Hey all, I was summoned by someone linking to my twitter. 👻 I am sorry I went radio silent after the last post, I got sucked into a bunch of other things!

Super glad people are excited, and we were able to address some of the feedback we received the last time we talked about things publicly.

First, we've made it so that Champion Titles are now unlocked permanently at mastery level 10, rather than being a seasonal repeatable reward.

Second, we've done a bit of work on the mastery crests themselves specifically focused on better differentiating the higher levels from each other.

And to +1 the OP, we will not be removing previous progress as part of this system. We're working on the calculations for conversion right now.

Here's a very ...

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15 Mar


Originally posted by Mizerawa

Real life hitting the shower thought like a brick.

To be very clear I was trying to respect the idea by “strengthening it through the crucible of critique” as my old buddy Sapmagic used to say.

14 Mar


I ain't reading all that
I'm happy for u tho
Or sorry that happened


Nice job on the challenge!


Some questions I would ask a designer who proposed this:
- What is your actual goal here? I am inferring that it is: Make people care about honor more and therefore be more prosocial and less toxic. What other ways have you considered to accomplish this?
- Ranked is not all of our hours, how does this function in queues that do not have LP?
- How would you account for premades primarily honoring each other today?
- Do you think its positive that you are tying the honor vote in some way to a system that is suggestive of playing well as opposed to being v chill? What happens when we cross those streams?
- Is 1 LP a meaningful reward for people? Why not higher? At what point are the constraints of your solution fighting the impact it could have?
- How does this impact the ranked system over time? Would people have less confidence in it if they thought there were folks who were "Honor inflated"?

11 Mar

27 Feb


If you can find out, DM me the name he plays under and the server.
The name will be something like: BoyFriendName#1234
And the server will be something like: North America, Latin America, etc.

I'll toss some stuff his way (After I check that he is a nice player :D )

14 Feb


Originally posted by Catfish017

I'd say we should be able to FF even earlier than that, but I think the FF vote I want to implement was just banned in several states...



My god I was sweating the entire time watching.