

07 Oct

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, we meet again! Time for another update! Something new and fixes of the old

Yep, yall kept asking "Bicycles when?", well bicycles now! Get your tracksuits and shorts ready, helmet or not and prepare to ride down the road not caring about any traffic laws and then wonder why everyone hates you!

Currently only one bicycle is available, the old classico. Very common in Croatian used ad sites, this bicycle may not be fast, or attractive, or sturdy but it will get you there!

So whether you are doing Tour de S... Read more

23 Sep

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone, releasing a small hotfix for you regarding the random kicks some of the players experienced

14 Sep

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone, what do you know a hotfix after a patch. You know we won't leave you hanging so let's get to it.

  • Fixed the bug where puppets could not take fall damage.
  • Fixed the bug where admin drones would show prisoner HUD.
  • Fixed the bug where rain collectors would disappear like regular items when outside vicinity.
  • Fixed the bug where Desert Eagle .50 stove pipe malfunction would bug out.
  • Fixed the bug where rain collectors would show wrong usage numbers while in chests.

... Read more

10 Sep

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone happy Friday! We have a new update for you and boy is it a good one. Also we are making a round of shoutouts for the projects they have been working on with passion for the game. So check it out!
PSA: listed below is a bugfix for the Shelter bug, but in order to be rid of that bug we had to wipe old shelters, so make sure you create new ones!!!

First of all a highly requested feature not only by you guys but also internally during testing.

You can now switch seats in the vehicle without getting out!

Took a while to do this feature but it is finally here, so if you are chasing that thief across the map and need to switch seats to get a b... Read more

27 Aug

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone, happy Friday! We are not done with the fixes, so we are releasing another on e regarding the server crashes! So happy playing this weekend? What you are not playing this weekend? What are you waiting for it's free!

See you on the island!

26 Aug

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone, releasing a small fix for the hotfix yesterday and some updated localizations!

  • Fixed the decay bug.
  • Fixed the bug with shelter overtake if another person upgrades the shelter.


Private server owners can now tweak how fast will all items decay, including food.

See you soon!

25 Aug

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
It's that time again! Patch has passed and here cometh the hotfix! Check it out! But first a word:

SCUM International has finally started in full swing and we can already show some results! We have added updated translations for:
  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
  • Russian
  • Chinese simplified

Special thank you for our partners in the program and we have only just started! More translations are coming soon and we will have announcements about Community ambassadors even sooner! Very interesting stuff in the future so stay tuned!

Alright on to the bugfixes!

  • Fixe...
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04 Aug

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Tuesday! You ready for a hotfix! Let's get to it!
But first, let's get to the missing features on the last patch notes that are already in the game:

New character creation menu:
We have revamped the UI and the system for the character creation. it is much more pleasant looking and streamlined compared to before.

  • You can see it is a lot less confusing here as you can distribute your attribute points more easily with just the bars. We have also reduced the size you are able to enlarge your special parts with due to the new feature. From now on, the longer you stay alive on the island the bigger the special part. Don't worry tho, owners of the supporter pack #1 you still get your extra inches. So now when you see a man on the island with the big D he truly does ...
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29 Jul

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, bet you didn't expect this so soon huh? Well it is here 0.6 has arrived! Introducing the long awaited metabolism rework, bikes and much more. So get ready, set, empty your bowels before the road and go, right into 0.6
PSA: There is a lot of information here, in fact so much information we had to put some of it in picture mode since Steam can't handle us. There will also be Bugfixes and QoL missing on this post but will be listed on the next update!

Finally it is here! Metabolism has been worked on and improved by a large margin. This was an incredible undertaking and it is still not over! It is a lot to take in so read very carefully to make sure you have your character... Read more

13 Jul

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Tuesday! Yep you got it right that is 3rd hotfix in a row. You could call it a hotstreak!

  • Fixed the issue where admins could not remove locks from chests/doors/vehicles.
  • Possible fixes for multiple server crashes.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not use voice chat or hear other people using voice chat while in the drone.
  • Fixed bug where backpack would stay on prisoners back after other prisoner takes it in hands.
  • Fixed bug with container item weight not updating correctly.
  • Fixed bug where flashlight couldn't be turned on or off in multiplayer mode.

... Read more

08 Jul

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
We should really come up for a term when you make a hotfix for a hotfix. Anyway here it is:

  • Fixed the bug where entering photomode would delete the fish from your hands when fishing.
  • Fixed the bug where you could not remove locks.
  • Fixed the server crash bug.

Happy Thursday, go get em.

06 Jul

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Tuesday! We have hotfix for you with an important update. Check it out!

  • Here it is folks! We have heard your feedback and got to work to address a concern that has been troubling us. We started with the first wave of new anti-cheat methods and reprimands. We cannot exactly say what that entails for obvious reasons but you should be having a much better experience.

    Remember the more feedback and reports you provide us the better experience we can provide you, so keep them rolling

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17 Jun

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
A small hotfix regarding latest issues. Check it out:

  • Fixed the bug where players were not able to repair bases when toolbox was in inventory.
  • Fixed the bug where cement and gravel bags would not get destroyed when used up.
  • Fixed the bug where HUD noise indicator would not decrease properly.
  • Fixed the bug where inventory would get messed up.

15 Jun

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
The long wait is over, we have another update for you! Highly requested features, from new location to new features and much needed bugfixes and optimizations, check out what awaits you:

Introducing a new City down in the Z2 sector! That is right a city. Novigrad has been established and it truly shows the lure of Adriatic coastline cities.
A bit smaller than the big City we have, but it still has all the good stuff. From beautiful beachfront, construction sites (always something under construction in Croatia), a once luxury hotel to small apartment buildings. If you can't take a trip to the Adriatic sea this is the next best thing, including mindless puppets and all!

... Read more

28 May

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Happy Friday everyone, we are coming at you swift with the hotfix. Happy SCUM weekend and check it out!
Also if you haven't already seen we are currently participating in the Steam Open world sale, so you can cop SCUM for 40% off! Go get it for your neighbor!

  • Fixed the bug where the player could sometimes get stuck after exiting photo mode.
  • Fixed the bug where the music player would sometimes show wrong song name.
  • Fixed the bug where some cooked food could not be consumed.
  • Fixed the bug where turning on photo mode in the tab menu would turn on music player.
  • Fixed the bug where it was difficult...
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26 May

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, long time no see! We have another update for you and a special announcement! We also focused on a lot of long awaited issues and server optimizations so make sure you check out the bug fixes column as well! So kick back, relax and enjoy!

To start off we have a new weapon making an appearance on the island! The Vintóvka Snáyperskaya Spetsiálnaya or VSS "Vintorez" is the big older brother of the AS Val. Chambered in the same 9x39 caliber round the VSS is a more stable and accurate sibling of the two. But it also takes up more of your inventory space since the stock is not foldable. So if you are taking accurate shots, which you cannot pinpoint where from, you know that the VSS is smiling at you.

... Read more

07 May

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello again everyone, we got another update for you.

A small content update with a couple of bugfixes are ready so here you go:

First off lets get medieval on that ass. Introducing a couple of new items for that castle hermit roleplay.
First off we have a new helmet, inspired by that one guy. Forgot his name tho. Anyway here it is!

Use it well to either help dames in distress or burn someone's village. Find you a man who can do both.

Next up we have a new sword:

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