

07 Feb


Originally posted by NeillMcAttack

I suspect your game did damage to the sound card in my PS4 pro.

During the VIP demo, the audio got so bad whilst running the stronghold, that it started to make crackling and snapping sounds, then completely crashed leaving the game in silence. Shortly after the entire game application crashed.

Now whenever I turn on my PlayStation the audio drops in and out. I use a gaming headset, this headset is also used on my PC, where it works perfectly.

After I do some more troubleshooting, I will be taking it to a professional if it’s definitely the sound card, and then if needed I may have to contact you further.

I know this sounds odd. But the PlayStation is less than 3 months old, and I thought you may want to get ahead of this. I feel I can’t be the only one. This is not the first time historically that certain games or applications have damaged an individuals hardware.

Edit; I read through this thread and tried switching the formats with zero eff...

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Keep me posted.

04 Feb


Originally posted by 708145

There are some points that really stand out, like this

The difference in quality of facial animations and acting is immediately noticeable. Is there anything of that level of quality even still in the game? Matthias was about halfway in between the two extremes shown in the video which was passable but it really looks like that trailer was overselling it

Yeah there are the complete performance capture scenes, which are pretty much on par with the demo, and then the semi procedurally animated scenes, which don't have the same fidelity as performance capture (or cost/time investment).


Originally posted by Elprede007

Again, unclear. Tested what? VoIP works in other Origin games like Battlefield 1.

Being able to select Inputs and Outputs in game would be a step towards troubleshooting..

Ok that actually helps. I need to check if origin saves that info per game or not. Will loop back!

03 Feb


Originally posted by Elprede007

Can you clarify what you mean when you say audio output settings? Are we talking about Windows settings? I’m not sure how to verify that my microphone is receiving signal in game. When I talk there is no visual indication that I am using PTT.

In Anthem there’s no option to select output devices, but in Windows my Default Microphone is my only mic.

Voip - On Voip Activation - PTT Voip Volume - 100% Voip Silence Threshold - 72%

I’m happy to help, I’m just not sure what you need.

Have you tested it in origin?


Originally posted by macp1986


Tagging the audio director

Hahaha! Wow that sucks. Repro steps?


Originally posted by Elprede007

PTT set to T (default) tried to set it to PGUP, which also didn’t work. And of course PTT is enabled.

Can you verify your audio output settings? Check to make sure that during Anthem gameplay your microphone is receiving signal?

Sorry hard to debug on Reddit :)


Originally posted by Mutts_e

Hi just created this account to notify that i am also having the same issue with this particular set of headset that the op mentioned. the sound cuts off at the connection screen /u/BioWareJer

Thank you, looking into it!


Originally posted by Defektivex

I believe I have narrowed down the problem.

But first: I reviewed the Origin settings and confirmed they were appropriately set to my Wireless headphones prior to launching the game. However, the Origin settings had no real effect on the audio issues.

Audio only seems to cut out, and remain cut out on the initial load into Fort Tarsis when entering the game the first time.

Temporary solution:

  1. Enter Freeplay or a mission of some kind (anywhere but Fort Tarsis).
  2. Restart the headphone (on/off, didn't need any wait time)
  3. Result: I now produce audio permanently.

Additional notes:

Once audio begins working, If I LEAVE freeplay, I still maintain my audio.

At this time I don't believe Origin is causing the issue, but the initial instantiation of the user entering the application and connecti...

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Thanks for the detailed writeup. We will try to reproduce locally.


Originally posted by Elprede007


PTT set?


Originally posted by Elprede007

I want to just add here and say that VOIP seems to work for some people, but no one can hear me, and my friends couldn't hear some people we were in a squad with. I have VOIP enabled and all the settings look fine, but I can't communicate with teammates and they can't communicate with me.



Originally posted by Defektivex

I tested the following:

VOIP Setting Headphone/Stereo Outcome
On Headphone No audio
On Stereo No audio
Off Headphone No audio
Off Stereo No audio

Additionally, I also confirmed my PC settings were set to ensure my headphones are both the primary input and output device. I also tested the audio prior to opening the game.

Hrm. It could be origin actually, the point below is interesting because it turns off when you connect to the servers, which would make sense.

02 Feb


Originally posted by Defektivex

/u/BioWareJer you or someone on your team may be interested in this. Always welcome to provide more detail as needed.

It may be trying to control them as an output device, but that does sound weird. Try turning your VoIP settings on, set output device after booting the game, and make sure headphone and stereo are selected in the in game options. Let me know if any of that works! We can keep trying.


Originally posted by UniversalFist

In all seriousness, since you're the audio director and I have your attention and that is pretty cool for me as an audio guy and avid gamer, I've got some comments. I'm gonna be blunt, don't mean to be rude, and I do respect the work you've put into this game. That said, FWIW from a rando on reddit:

  • I think there's some music in the game? Kinda bland. The title screen has a pretty cool motif that isn't being abused, far as I can tell. Have the music guy abuse it. Works for John Williams. And a certain other game in this genre. Maybe too late for release, but moving forward with new content.

  • Okay, I was referring to Destiny in the previous bullet point. That game represents the gold standard for sound design and mixing in this genre, as far as I'm concerned. I'm gonna use it as an example moving forward, and if there's any a/b-ing to be done, it's in your studio between Anthem and Destiny. Or in my apartment, if you decide to take me up on my offer. ...

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Wow, what a great round of feedback.

Honestly, you're right on most points. Let me try to address each one, with a giant caveat that the build you're playing is old, and yes, I know you've heard that before, but the amount of work the audio team does on any project in the final months is pretty much required to consider this build as competitive to an existing title.

For the music, we have done a lot of work not only on the implementation but also the mix. It was not really cutting through in the demo build. I think this point has been addressed. And we abuse the crap out of a few motifs, you'll see later :)

I fully agree about character, and your further point about these being the 'stock' weapons so we need to leave room for more unique weapons is true. We have saved some of the more badass treatments for the hard to get weapons, they need to feel better. There is also a big difference in the design of the game though, and we need to make...

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Originally posted by UniversalFist

Sure, put me on the payroll and I'd be glad to.

Well played :)


Originally posted by eightgalaxies

I am referring specifically to Tarsis so it makes sense that you guys found it challenging to optimise. Additionally I feel some elements are lacking from out in the world too.

When standing on the platform in your E3 showcase, it really looked like the world was open and you could go anywhere. Personally, in the demo I feel this sense of open space has been contracted down a more linear path. Maybe this is because the demo has limited exploration, but it does feel smaller. Some textures, lighting and other elements seem to be toned down a bit too. This is especially seen when flying through the forest in your E3 demo.

I am not going to speculate on why this has occurred, and I am sure you have seen many people voice their concerns about this exact topic, but any light that could be shed on this would help in understanding what has happened. We only know as much as you share.

There are multiple comparison videos floating around that aid my ...

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That's a super hard to quantify thing.

First off I would probably take the hundreds of thousands of design decisions, art decisions and multiply them by all of the optimizations that were made over the past year.

So many people making so many changes, the average rate was something like a change every 3 or 4 minutes in our perforce depot.

I guess that's a crap answer, but it's my best guess.


Originally posted by UniversalFist

Gonna need a lot more than that if you're trying to compete with Destiny.

Make you a deal: you keep a/b-ing the two, and we will keep turning up the oomph til you're happy :)


Originally posted by VanillaTortilla

Just wanna say thank you for being so active on here replying to posts and comments, even with what must be a crazy time at the office.

Thank you!


Originally posted by xXPuSHXx

Hey man, great job. Seriously. I love the shaper-related sounds, especially. Really cool stuff. Thanks for all your hard work!

Thank you!


Originally posted by InfinityPortal

Tarsus. Don’t get us wrong, the graphic is still stunning and best I term of open world rpg. However, I checked the E3 demo again and compared it from the market to the forge. It’s different, there’s less people, less props, less smoke effects. It just felt more empty and silent than E3. E3 one felt like a crowded Marketplace, but the demo doesn’t.

Ah yes. Well it does get busier throughout the narrative. Maybe that will help?

01 Feb


Originally posted by NeedBlackupYo

Thank you for the response /u/BioWareJer ! It may not be your specific team's area, but I've added some (smaller) feedback in another comment which may have been missed, i'll repost here:

  • The Keybind text for Melee on 'Mouse Button' is a bit out of place, maybe needs moving more over to the right? (Mouse 5 in the image below):

  • Ability to mouseover or view (on console) the 'medal' like things in the post-match screen. I can see they are gold/silver/bronze emblems and I might have picked them up during the activity, I don't know what they mean by looking at the icons? Just a suggestion!

Thanks! Noted