Mmmm nothing better than the audio director commenting. You know, I absolutely love the acoustics and sound of games, it‘s an insanely huge part of the game, but people rarely notice. I‘ve watched lots of live-streams about Anthem because my Dual Core PC can’t handle this (try me bruh), and I gotta say - The Sound fidelity is awesome so far, but guns, for example, still need a punch. Not talking CoD Style hitmarker sound-effects, but something more „space-ish sounding“, a satisfying noise that’ll make you go „mmmmm I wanna keep shooting“. The guns just lack a bit of the special something. Have you ever played Borderlands? Shooting a sniper rifle was amazing. It felt so satisfying, and you just kept shooting enemies. It was simple, yet there was so much power behind it. You want to feel this as a player.
I also saw this „ninja javelin“ pretty often, you know, the one who relies on close combat abilities, and he seriously lacks the „punch“. You need to feel each hit, you want...