

01 Feb


Originally posted by NeedBlackupYo

Just a quick suggestion, it would be useful to get some sort of audio cue when we salvage items, it might just be from other games but I don't seem to hear this, unless it's a bug?

You got it! Fixed :)


Originally posted by raydialseeker

Especially melee. It's so quiet on interceptor

Yeah that was a bug in mixing. Basically it was ducking itself :(



Originally posted by jetah

i thought the same but when i launched the game without Discord voice, i didn't lose audio.

Hrm. We will try to repro.


Originally posted by eightgalaxies

Any talk in terms of graphics? I am not seeing anything on PC that representative of E3's demo. I wouldn't be asking since I know how development goes, but you guys did say no downgrade would occur.

Do you mean in tarsis specifically or out in the world? We captured from in game for E3, I know tarsis was the most challenging to optimize though.


Originally posted by SteelPhoenix990

Do you know when we'll be able to access it if we pre-ordered the legion of dawn edition?

Just asked our VP of music, will loop back!


Originally posted by dynarush_3

It's hard to explain, but the weapons have zero impact and it was like this in the alpha.

I managed to get a green shotgun. The damage was nice, but zero impact feeling. Kinda kills the immersion for me.

Anyone else think the same?

Can confirm: 100% more oomph added in release.


Originally posted by Transientmind

Do those improvements include voice-to-text, or are people who can't hear/speak getting left out for the sake of the blind?

Yeah I think the end solution will need to follow all the guidelines of the CVAA law, which included a LOT of new requirements.


Originally posted by LunaOmega

Wait do chiptune versions exist already?! I want both either way, you guys have done an excellent job!

Hehhe thanks. Just the legion of dawn track from the start screen as of yet.....


Originally posted by LunaOmega

Please if there's not already look into a vinyl release of this!

Maybe like a chiptune version as a second vinyl? Hmmm... What a great idea ;)


Originally posted by CostalShitpostal

ewww... i use neither of those services. Amazon music option PLS BW!

Probably like a code to download, not a signup thing. Not sure, I will find out!


Originally posted by jetah

When in Discord voice chat my audio would cut out and make a pop sound. When I restart Anthem my sound was back.

Weird. Our game shouldn't be able to affect discord.


Originally posted by R3B3lSpy

How we download the soundtrack after preordering Legion of Dawn, I haven't received any email so far.

I think iTunes or Spotify but I'll have to double check.


Originally posted by Julch

And here's me hoping to find a job in the industry once I finish my computer science BA / MA - 80 hours you guys are nuts. Major props for the commitment to the art and your fans, I really hope Anthem will be a hit just so you can take a breather and bask in the glory of your work :)

Cheers to you guys

Thank you! Hit us up when you've graduated :)


Originally posted by Julch

While I'm sad about all the issues I'm having, I'm impressed with you guys for being vocal and active, thanks a lot and I hope you can make Anthem the amazing game I'm sure it actually is :)

Thank you for your hard work and see you on the 22nd for the full launch :D

Thank you. If you can imagine hundreds of people working 80 hours a week since the demo was branched - we made things a LOT better for launch. We tried to pull as much as we could to the demo but the time we had did eventually run out. Hopefully launch is much smoother for you!!


Originally posted by Julch

PC (playing on a laptop i7 7700HQ, 16GB Ram, Nvidia GTX 1060 Max Q)

Most glaring issue:

When switching from my Bluetooth ANC headset (Sony WH 1000 XM3) to my normal headset (HyperX Cloud 2 or Cloud Stinger) all my sound was sped up to about twice as fast (maybe more couldn't tell it was so jarring that I had to turn the sound off until I restarted the client). So all the banter between npcs was sped up, the sound of my guns was sped up, abilities, everything.

I actually swapped from my bluetooth headset because I was sure the sound was off (lots of abilites didn't register on my soundscape, guns sounded off and the mixing seemed very strange (music was way louder than normal while abilites and guns were sometimes silent, sometimes without sound). As soon as I swapped the sound went crazy and I was only able to fix it once I restarted the game fully.

Btw the ledge that people were abusing is inside the...

Read more

Thank you. Will file it.


Originally posted by Rasgueados

Even when one is voice chatting, pressing T, there is no indication that we are, like a pop up symbol showing us that we or someone is.

Fixed in release.


Originally posted by -Supp0rt-

The music in this game has already blown me away. Excellent job, Bioware. Well done!

Sweet :)


Originally posted by Julch

I'm legit disappointed and sad.

After the issues of the vip demo I wanted to have some fun in the open demo.

Sadly, with all the people joining apparently intent on destroying other people's fun this has become rather difficult.

Twice now I had people joining Strongholds and just go full afk on the last fight, sitting on the perfect spot on a ledge high above where they don't get ported into the action but also never get targeted by any mobs, thus taking themselves out of the fight fully and leaving the real players to struggle.

Seriously why would anyone do this ?

(oh and btw I have crazy sound issues since open demo, way way way worse than VIP demo so eh)

I doubt I'm gonna spend much time in this demo based on what I've experienced so far...trolls seem to come in bulk trying to kill the fun...ouch gamers..ouch

What platform, and what sound issues?


Originally posted by Jjmc7

I have been having issues since the alpha with audio on Anthem and i found a few posts that helped me sort out what was causing it so i thought i would share.

Specifics: No Audio via speakers when playing Anthem. I had audio via headset but not through my speakers. Windows 10 Pro.


  1. Navigate to Sound Settings
  2. Select "Device properties"
  3. Select "Additional device properties"
  4. Under Speaker Properties select the tab "Enhancements"
  5. Uncheck the "Disable all sound effects" option
  6. Go back to the game and you should now have audio

Thanks to R_R_G from the EA forum for the suggestion. I just thought i'd throw some quick steps together on how to get to it.

Update: I also wanted to mention that i have Realtek audio and so did the person that had mentioned this as a particular fix over on the EA forum so just wanted to throw that out there.

Sweet! Thanks!


Originally posted by Bomjus1

well if you want me to keep it coming, i'll just add one small tidbit

please let KBM users bind L-ALT and unbind mousewheel. L-ALT is in a great position on the keyboard for your thumb to press when you aren't pressing space bar. i use it in almost every game i play. so it's a pain you can't bind it in anthem.

and as for mousehweel, i don't want to swap weapons by accident by hitting my mousewheel. currently, i can't unbind mousewheel at all. hopefully an option can be added to just "disable mousewheel" or take it off your keybinds. thanks for reading our feedback.

I'll pass it on!