

15 Feb


Originally posted by Captainquizzical

I am using Sony Golds and with them audio is slow. Like super super slow. Gameplay and FPS is fine, but in game it's awful, changing to my speakers ( one is broken) fixes this... Any idea why?

Are they wired or bluetooth? Could be a sample rate issue, that's usually what causing 'speed' issues (faster OR slower).


Originally posted by Eudaimonium

When is the "day 1" patch, exactly? Is this today, or Feb 22?

Global launch day, Feb 22nd (probably preload though, not sure).


Originally posted by MSsucks

Sound error

All sound cut out during Matthias mission, shortly before reaching him.

i5 8600K; Nvidia 1070ti; Windows 10

Had to close out of game to restore sound

Audio hardware configuration? This could be the dropout issue I mentioned in my previous post...


Originally posted by BoXXr

Only experiencing this on my bluetooth headset, but fine with the cable.

Hrm. That sucks. We will try to reproduce on our end, we generally don't do a ton of testing with bluetooth but now that we have a *bit* more time we can start trying different hardware.

PC is a huge challenge with all the potential audio hardware configurations but we will try.


Originally posted by ikarlcpfc

Hi Dude,

I have sound on everything else.

I had an achievement pop up and that played sound.

Well that is very strange....soundcard/speaker/headphone configuration?


Originally posted by JamesButlin

I just lost my sound. Using Soundblaster Z audio device, unsure if worth mentioning

Does a title restart fix this?


Originally posted by skylortrexler

Do you have any advice for people who can't even get in because the 95% bug is back?

That specific bug has been solved - I would 'guess' it's the influx of users, but that is far outside of my wheelhouse so I can't actually offer anything useful. I can however, post your issue to our slack hotline with username and they can take a look and see what's up?


Originally posted by ikarlcpfc

Is anyone else experiencing soundlessness? I have restarted my PC, up-to date everything. No sound at all.

What's your configuration? Is there no sound at all on your PC? Does going to your sound output settings and testing your speakers/headphones work from the windows settings panel?


Originally posted by ATG_Bot

Freelancers, early launch is finally here!

This Megathread will serve as a place to discuss bugs, errors, and issues. These can include: crashes to the desktop, game freezes when doing something, issues loading the game, animation errors, cutscene freezes, etc. We will redirect the majority of relevant threads to this megathread.

They do not include issues with the Storm being overpowered, the Colossus being too weak, weak loot dropping from bosses, etc. Those are not bugs, just a feature™.

Also, please do NOT spoil people in this thread. When discussing spoilers around the subreddit, use proper spoiler tags. We will ban people using spoilers, either mistakenly or maliciously. To mark for spoilers, do so like this >!!<. For example: >!Owen is a cutie pie!< would look like Owen is a cutie pie, but all story discussion should take place outside this thread. Also,...

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Just a quick heads up to all you Freelancers:

We have improved audio performance and fixed a LOT of bugs since the demo - unfortunately there are still instances of total audio dropout occurring which will require a restart. We have a significant fix for this issue that will be deployed in the day 1 patch. We are also working closely with Frostbite audio to address any possible remaining causes.

The issue seems to occur most often in heavy four player firefights in certain conditions, but it's very difficult to trap, and therefore reproduce to solve.

We appreciate your patience and are sorry for the hassle, we are trying very hard to get this completely solved as soon as possible!

08 Feb


Originally posted by Shitfaced-Crusader

Any thoughts on you guys tweaking some of the gun sounds? Some of them would greatly benefit from some more OOMPH, such as the autocannon.

Yeah, we have added a lot since the demo. Months of work across 14 people working 12 hours a day :)


Originally posted by beef_swellington

NMS recovered pretty well, though. They brought in 24 million dollars of revenue when NEXT was released last year, and their steam reviews have shifted from "mostly negative" originally to "mostly positive" now.

I think that if EA was willing to commit to fixing ME:A to the same degree that Hello was committed to fixing NMS, we could have seen a similar comeback story. There was a potentially good game in there somewhere, but it needed a ton of love to fix the blemishes and narrative problems.

Yeah they did come back in fine form, been meaning to try it lately. And I agree with your last point, and wish we lived in a parallel universe where that happened.


Originally posted by Deadpoetic6

Except WoW had 10x the content and features of Anthem at launch.

Hell, Anthem dont even have the most basics features like text chat, when Apex, a F2P game that was just released it have it. Only 3 raids at release, no waypoints on map features, no solo freeplay / stronghold, no locking equipment, no weapons upgrade, no weapons customization,

Now games uses the "live services" excuse to launch with barely any content. Look at BFV or Sea of Thieves. BFV is a shadow of what battlefield used to be. BF3 and BF4 got released with waaayyy more content.

That's a fair criticism. I think the prevailing thought (amongst a few developers at least) is to polish what you have to 90%, rather than try to get the whole game to 70% using the same amount of resources and time. Not perfect, but in this world of billion dollar games, competition is really fierce and you don't get to release an unpolished experience and recover, even if you fix it later (look at MEA or NMS).

Just my personal opinion though :)


Originally posted by Deadpoetic6

aahh good old "live service" AKA forever early access

Hey if it means we keep getting to make cool stuff and people are playing, I'm happy :)


Originally posted by mutatersalad1

That would be a HUGE hit if it's something that would be easy for you guys to do. People would love to hear loud af javelin noises the whole time they're slaughtering filthy Scar scum.

Noted. Will investigate :)


Originally posted by Darkagent190

What are some interesting tid bits you used for creating audio for some things?! Would love to hear them

We will do some dev diaries in the future :)


Originally posted by Monutan

Wow. You guys are fantastic with these responses. I've played every major bioware ip since baldur's gate as a child, and this by far meets your moxy when raising the bar. From lore, to gameplay, to small things like this... THANK YOU.

Thank you! We aim to please, and have worked really, really hard on this one. Hope you like it :)


Originally posted by FPSrad

I still think flight isn't fast enough though, what i'd give for an afterburner boost mode or higher max speed cap that you creep up to over time.

Sounds like something you could upgrade....would be sweet.

07 Feb


Originally posted by LethalDevoti0n

Please do I want my colossus to sound like a god amongst more mortals.

Thicc God.


Originally posted by Jjiinx

I kind of hope the devs add a separate volume slider for the Javelin audio. As a colossus I would totally turn that shit all the way up

Hrm...could do.


Oh we definitely used some jets on these, and will continue to as we progress through live service!