Seeing title says audio director can you let us know if the audio bug that caused some to lose all audio until reset system been fixed
Not yet, completely at least. In the release build its hard to repro. What platform are you on?
Seeing title says audio director can you let us know if the audio bug that caused some to lose all audio until reset system been fixed
Not yet, completely at least. In the release build its hard to repro. What platform are you on?
I had the 95% issue on PC until I uninstalled from my hdd and reinstalled to my ssd and didn't happen again the rest of the weekend.
Thought it might of been reinstalling it to the ssd that fixed it but it might of just been reinstalling it that fixed it because my friend had it in his ssd it it was happening to him.
Which made think maybe it was something with the preload that caused it.
Not sure though but thought I would mention it to you at least.
Interesting, I'll pass it on.
How about extending the demo until it is fixed? Think about it, some people like myself pre ordered the game to try out the demo but, due to bugs haven't gotten too or played a few times when we were lucky to get in.
I have a job and I get limited time off to play. It really left a bad impression from sitting at a loading screen for hours.
I know it sucks, and I apologize for the situation. Unfortunately extending the demo is waaaay above my pay grade, and I think they are prioritizing ensuring the launch is smooth over fixing everything in a temp build, but I think the 95% bug is being patched. So hopefully no more of that issue!
I noticed that selecting easy instead of hard would often bypass the 95% loading error.
Interesting. Never heard of that.
2 times it happened in freeroam while in one of the dungeon / cave areas Other time was during the stronghold mission, but in this case the whole party crashed out simultaneously which leads me to believe that one was due to networking.
Sounds right. Keep me posted.
Gotcha, I'll be playing a lot and either streaming or recording this weekend so I'll try to catch something.
Well, I guess I and many others won't be able to play the Open Demo either since it'll be in the same state as the VIP demo. Just seems like we wasted our money on a preorder bonus that simply doesn't work for us. And given that this issue still exists with another Frostbite game (BFV), I really don't have much confidence that this 95% loading issue will ever be fixed. I wish you all luck with the launch, though.
Yeah. I get it.
We have the 95% issue solved, just to be clear. But it does suck that you guys got screwed for time and money invested. The best I can do is offer you some glimmer of hope that it's temporary!
Hope to see you in Bastion!
This was what I needed to read, that the specific bug is being addressed and won't be present in the final build, even if it's through a patch. Of course I hope that this weekend demo doesn't have the 95% bug, but if it does, I won't freet. It's frustrating, but by now we ( the VIPs) already know how to "bypass it". We should be able to enjoy the demo. The problem has to be fixed for the launch and this is the first time I see some indication of it being identified, not present in the gold build and if it rears its ugly head, fixable. Thank you for the info, no more cancelling the pre-order for me.
And to all BioWare, thank you for Anthem. I do think you've got something very special on your hands. Thank you!
Awesome. Thanks!
stop dividing by zero, bioware! :P
Yes, I would if I could!
Yes sir! I can say that short stint at BioWare Austin was the greatest job I have ever had; but getting laid off pushed me to finish my degree and be where I am today. Still have a few buddies that work down there and am always rooting for you peeps!
Good to hear, thanks!
Most of us fans appreciate your hard work it trying to fix these issues. Bugs are a reality, and while the 95% issue was kind of annoying, my friends and I still got to play and the actual game is f**king phenomenal<3
Yuss. Thanks!
has the looping guns sounds been fixed in the release build? i noticed throughout the demo on a few occasions squad mates guns would sound like they are firing indefinitely even though they are not shooting.
Also i might have notable thing to add to system crashes, my console crashed out to the dashboard 3 times WHILE firing the autocannon class of weapon. All 3 times it happened.
Yes, and that's awesome info. We will test 4 peeps blasting autocannons and if that tell us anything :)
I'll try a bunch this weekend. I had issues where I lost only some audio elements in big fights in the stronghold while collecting those wisp things. Most noticeably the audio of my javelin effects like sprinting and flying jets disappeared. But after a fight they came back.
I did completely lose all audio at some point though and needed a game restart.Also, thanks for the response so late at night.
Ah the dropouts are because of bad limiting. That's all fixed in release.
The drop out and restart, that's something worse that we are trying to trap.
But I have this issue on PC
That's the NaN bug I think, I mentioned it in another thread. Can you video capture it happening? Would love to see/hear it.
Do you have any idea what causes it? Is there anything we can do on our end to avoid or help?
I´m sure the community would be glad to help out with all sorts of data to point you to the problem. System speccs, ISP, whatever helps you identifying the problem.
I don't personally, but our LiveOps team has identified it as far as I understand. I think using specific repros from users, so that's awesome.
Just hit me up on here if you run into anything else (demo 2 or launch). I'll make sure it gets reported.
I'm not 100% certain if it will get fixed
Ah, stuck at 95% certainty. I understand.
Lol! Yep.
Are there more secrets on the main menu?
Likely not, but I can neither confirm nor deny :P
Great job by the Bioware dev team for putting this in! I am truly excited to see what other fun easter eggs you guys put in!!
Live service == infinite awesome easter eggs. Keep hunting Freelancers!
Thank you so much for the answer.
If you have time to answer one more, i was wondering if anyone over there is still working on a 1080/60fps mode for the xbox one x and ps4 pro?
Everyone here appreciates all you guys working so hard to answer our questions!
I think because of feedback that's logged as QoL for the future. I'll check tho!