

01 Feb


Originally posted by chadorable

If I didn’t know any better, it was starting to feel like “don’t you guys have phones?” But with mics.. lmao

Thanks for the updates!

Hahahah. Damn I hope it didn't come across that way lol. Yeah it's a big group so I make sure not to speak for anyone else. A lot of us are copypasta-ing comments directly from here into our feedback slack channel, so the is a ton of stuff coming up already. It's pretty rad to see :)


Originally posted by snekky_snekkerson

I have no problem with voice chat only.

But i do, really, really want a matchmaking filter for mic only.

Is there a way to do it so that I am only paired with people with active mics? If voip is default on, there will be a lot of players who have it turned on who don't have a mic attached. I want to make sure I am matchmade with players who will communicate.

I will pass that on!


Originally posted by Kyoj1n

Don't be like FO76 and assume everyone will always been in a perfect environment to use and listen to voice chat. There are plenty of reasons people won't or can't use voice.

They just don't want to be heard, maybe their accent, speech impediment, or something else.

There are other noises in their room that will disrupt other people.

Their mic just doesn't work for some reason.

A chat box will mitigate all that. It doesn't even have to be on screen all the time. Just when people use it.

Oh I whole heartedly agree! I'm not assuming, I just don't have control to affect the final UX/social decisions, but I'll make sure this is on their radar (I'm pretty sure it already is too).


Originally posted by chadorable

Even on console, we need it, no matter what counter argument is brought up for a very simple reason: puzzles.

I’ve never been so flabberghasted. How do I make three other people not undo what I just did, if they all are listening to music or just have me muted?

Text chat.

In a game like this, where you can get stuck on an objective indefinitely, we need to be able to say “match the colours” or “don’t leave the platform” and not just with our voice that might not be heard.

If at that point I still don’t get their attention, I’d just leave; but floating around shooting at something or throwing flares hoping someone will notice is just as maddening.

100% agree!


Originally posted by JTPTP

Ah good to hear :) (Edit:) Yeah? Hopefully they end up being easy to distinguish.

Yeah My audio was so bugged. Made me realise how crucial audio is in a game. Hopefully this weekends beta will be better for me.

Sorry to say, we didn't get an opportunity to patch anything audio related inbetween weekends - it is however, completely fixed (and polished) in the release build.

Hopefully you can bear with us until then!


Originally posted by JTPTP

I’m unsure if there was any sound cues for my abilities coming off cooldown in the beta because my audio was glitched.

If there is then fair play. But if there isn’t it would definitely be a great QOL addition in the game considering how quickly abilities regen it’s “annoying” having to look down to the right so much during combat.

Thank you.

Yep there is a sound, much more prevalent in the shipping build mix.

If it's still not doing the job, let me know.


Originally posted by Oxyminoan

That's.... not at all what he's talking about. Voice chat is great to have in ADDITION to text chat, but it's absolutely no replacement, no matter how good you make it.

Yeah, that makes sense. I was commenting on the audio side, but valid point for text chat for sure.


Originally posted by Miseria_25

So, I haven't seen much talk about Anthem not having a proper chat system at launch so with this I hope I can bring some awareness to this issue.

In my opinion, chat is one of the most important features in a multiplayer game, especially when things like raids(or something equal) exists. Not only will this allow us to properly find players to play with without resorting to discord/reddit, this also will let the game feel way livelier. Not everyone wants to use voice chat for every small thing, especially when you have people with lots of background noise like parents shouting at their children and stuff.

Another thing that ties into this is a Clan/Guild system. I am not sure if Anthem will have this but this is also another very important feature to have.

Edit: Many have told me that the reason why no chat system is in place at launch is due to the FC...

Read more

We are planning on improving and integrating better voice chat in the future. Didn't have time to make it perfect, but baseline functionality is there, at least in release.


Originally posted by N4rwha1

I feel like although it's a small thing adding it to the game will make gunplay feel A LOT smoother and so much more satisfying, if anyone knows what I mean like for example in Destiny 2 headshotting dregs and just seeing that satisfying death animation along with the sound of the bullet is just super satisfying and makes you want to aim for those headshots :)

We have headshot sweeteners. Open to feedback after you try the release build. Lots of combat mixing has happened since the demo build!

Pro tip: you can control the player bullet impact sound volume in the options :)


Originally posted by AuraMaster7

Given that there's been an additional day since this information, is there anything new about the infinite loading bug? The demo launches in only a little over 12 hours so here's hoping the team pulls through and squashes the damn thing.

Pretty sure it's solved. Cameron gave a twitter update. I haven't been part of that fix effort so I can't confirm personally, but I think we're good :)

31 Jan


Originally posted by loremaestro

this chiptune sucks. do you actually listen to old vgm? cuz this is weak. try harder.

It's not really supposed to be a real chiptune, just a transcription of that track as a little homage. I think my current fave for chiptune soundtrack is the game "The Messenger". Have you checked that out?


Originally posted by Wellhellob

I guess Storm ultimate triggers the bug. It only happened when i unlock the Storm javelin(last hours of the vip demo) and tried his ultimate. Bugs aside the sound in the game is amazing!



Originally posted by Tkwan777

On PC my audio died mid stronghold right in the middle of a sniper charging up a shot. Couldn't troubleshoot to fix, only way I found was to restart the computer. Not sure which part of my sound pooped out, but definitely happened during a sniper sound, and it's never happened before that.

Hopefully sorted out in the release build. Keep me posted.


Originally posted by Six2fall

Well hey you've made progress on fix so awesome & now that I know my system isnt about to die having it happen in demo wont be end of world. Thanks for clearing it up for me I saw you talking about that but wont sure if was same issue.

Looking forward to launch & think you guys are doing a great job with game plus interacting with us fans. Must admit I have been very skeptical heading into the vip demo, I refused to take anything saw or heard at face value but since devs have been so open I wanted to try for myself & then judge. Well anthem won me over very quickly I still have some concerns but that's mostly cause my hype went from like 25% to 2000% & now I went soooo much more.

Anyways thank you for hard work & please keep it up

Awesome to hear! Thank you.


Originally posted by Six2fall

Thank you for replying. I'm on ps4 it only happened once but I didnt get to play a lot. When it happened i was in stronghold as a storm & there was a loud pop like there was a delay from an ability that combined with my gunfire. Once it went out I would sometimes get garbled gunfire that sounded like grinding ontop of the audio. I attempted to switch audio to headphones & back but wouldnt get anything from either. Once finished stronghold I still didnt get audio at tarsis so closed app but I didnt have audio in ps4 menu either. After a reset it was fine. If it happens again is there easy way to share a video of it, I dont have capture equipment nor do I stream but would like to send if it helps

No that's fine. You are describing the NaN bug to a tee.

Should be waaaay less frequent in release, but still present in the demo unfortunately. Sorry!


Originally posted by antoineflemming

Thanks for the quick response. That's good to hear. Just so that I can manage my expectations for this weekend, I have to ask: Is the issue only fixed for the final build of the game or is there a chance it's fixed for this weekend's demo as well?

Also, thanks in general for the communication. It's refreshing to see this level of communication from devs. This sort of thing isn't as common as it should be, so I'm very grateful that you took the time to respond. It means a lot and just your communicating does give me a lot of hope.

I think the patch has been deployed, so I think both :)

And thanks!


Originally posted by Amb13nce

Strangely enough, I didn't have the sound issue until I started using the Storm. First mission with Storm it bugged out after like 2 minutes. I read someone saying that they tracked it to cloth physics causing the audio bug. Strange, if true

Prolly unrelated. The storms insane amount of sound with abilities and ult might be the more prevalent cause :)


Originally posted by vekien

Best of luck, if it helps I am on PS4 Pro and while I never had any Crash like Snarf mentioned, I had 1 instance of "no music" (but still SFX) and one instance when free playing where a large crackling sound occurred, there was nothing around me at the time i was just enjoying the view. (Sounded like megatron just got slapped), maybe it was a sound way in the distance traveling over :D

Megatron getting slapped. Best. Description. Evar.



Originally posted by DBloedel

I felt this too, I think the world feels alive but I think it could feel even more so with little background noise details like this:

For example, when in freeplay it’d be awesome to hear creatures roaring way off in the distance and like background insect type noises (especially at night). Then in Fort Tarsis, I think it could use some more background chatter around the market (think of a crowded restaurant), maybe some more mechanical/welding type sounds, and steam running through pipes. Fort Tarsis just sounded a little quiet to me as well.

Thanks Jer for taking the time, not sure you’ll see this but hope you do :)

Yep. We have addressed all of this for launch. Thanks for the feedback, it's dead on :)