

31 Jan


Originally posted by JupiterRyse

I think I played too much ME tonight. For some reason your answer remind me of a Salarian 🤷‍♂️😂

Just have to say it pitched up! :)


Originally posted by hugh_jas

Can you comment on how the frame rate is for console at launch? The demo runs in average maybe 25 fps. A constant steady 30 would be nice. Thank you in advanced!

It's better, although I don't have real benchmarks. There has been a massive push across all disciplines to optimize and the sum of the parts shows across all platforms :)


Originally posted by Coughingmakesmegag

I also had my PS4 Pro (newer quieter model) shut off completely while in a mission with friends. I sent the automated bug report though I'm not sure if you guys actually receive those. Only happened once and I played the demo alot.

Ok thanks!


Originally posted by Professor_Snarf

The audio turned off and then the system shut down soon after.

Unrelated I guess, but yes it’s crazy. It’s never happened with any other game, and from other accounts this weekend it wasn’t just me that it happened to.

I may just wait a few months on this one, wait and see. I know you guys are working hard and I really do appreciate the candor. But at the same time, this really feels like it’s going to be a shaky launch.


Yeah that sounds sketchy. Hope you join us soon :)


Originally posted by HighNoonViper

Awesome thank you, I really hope the game can offer a smooth 4k experience.

Another note is having performance mode and resolution mode optimized in game would be a nice little touch, as well as the ability to adjust hdr brightness specifically.

Not sure if this was intended but entering the water tunnel in the stronghold was incredibly dark and disorienting.

In regards to audio when downed it feels grim to have the audio become muffed and have to stare at your downed corpse the whole time rather than view your teammates and feel part of the action.

Any chance that might be implemented into the near future?

Thanks for taking the time to reply to all these questions. Release cant come soon enough.

Performance mode has been debated, not sure where it's at.

Already fixed the downed state to not be so severe (main game).

The swimming thing has also been brought up, I think our designers are looking at ways to make it less disorienting, especially in the dark.



Originally posted by HighNoonViper

Also had this issue where my sound cut out a couple times. No crashes though.

I know you might not have the answer to this but do you know if 4k hdr will be better optimized at launch? I switched to 1080p manually on my pro and the difference in frames was pretty noticable. Will there be a locked 30 fps or something?

That I don't know, sorry. I can ask!


Originally posted by my_name_isnt_clever

I love seeing you guys in here. I haven't been keeping a close eye on the game until recently, I can't think of any other devs working with AAA publishers who just casually show up on social media. I hope it becomes an ongoing trend.

I always feel bad for the developers of games that get completely shit on by the community. It's so much easier to empathize when you see individuals interacting and not just as names in the credits. Now I can play the game and experience some great sound design and think "BioWareJer was involved in this! I talked to that guy!"

Good luck to you guys, I hope we have a great open demo and launch.

Thank you! Means a lot.


Originally posted by Professor_Snarf

Honestly I’m more concerned with the hard crash of my Pro. It shut off like someone pulled the plug. I’ve read that it happened to others.

If the audio bug is causing the CPU to work harder, then that may have caused it to heat up and trigger the safety shutdown of the system. Is that a possible scenario?

I believe you will fix it for launch, but I’m really wary of risking another hard crash this weekend.

Edit, spelling

Oh sorry I misread, thought audio turned off, not your whole system! That is crazy.

Audio can't crash the whole system like that, and on pros we wlarent hitting the CPU as hard (more room).


Originally posted by Professor_Snarf

I’m on a PS4 pro, but that’s great its fixed. Thanks

Damn. There is also another frostbite audio issue where a NaN gets into the audio signal and basically screws the whole output up. That one is nearly impossible to trap, so we are still working on it. Will be patched as soon as damn possible, I promise you that :)


Originally posted by Professor_Snarf

Hey, since you are the audio director, what’s up with the sound dropping while in the game?

I was only able to play about 3 minutes of a mission. thanks to the loading bug and the game hard crashing my ps4, but the sound dropped in there and Fort Tartsis

Yeah that's been covered at length in some of my other threads, but I'll give you the TL;DR.

PS4 base models had a really hard time running the audio for the game. This was in part due to a lack of testing on the base models and some hardware decoding issues with Frostbite's low level audio engine causing CPU overruns. The result can be crackling, dropouts etc.

We optimized a bit for the demo but ran out of time and couldn't get it perfect. It's fixed in release.

Sorry for the hassle, I know it sucks.


Originally posted by Jerry_from_Japan

I guess then the question becomes if you didn't run into it in the build we're playing as the VIP and Open Demos (which I'm sure was tested extensively) and it was something new, what's to say you will run into it the current/finished build?

Well, you can only fix what you find. You are right there. A key part of fixing bugs is being able to reproduce them. All the people who experienced it gave us a ton of good repro examples to debug. The specific issue that happened is being fixed and added to the main release in a patch.

So we know that specific issue will be fixed, but that's not to say there won't be others. That's the hard part about we do, especially at scale.

Hopefully nothing blocking happens, and this was the worst of it :)


Originally posted by KernalCinders

I felt the same way while playing the demo.

I mean it was frustrating as a player but as a collective for you guys to see your baby having convulsions must've been horrific.

Damn good analogy!


Originally posted by Jerry_from_Japan

But has it had the 95% load bug?

Nope, but we didn't find this until the build was deployed, so we may have been able to catch it before it happened at launch :)

We all play the game at the studio, between studios and from home. None of us hit this, if we did you can be sure it would have been priority #1 (aka a 'blocker' bug). I'm just glad we were able to trap it as soon as possible, even though it sucked for a bunch of peeps. Hopefully no more!


Originally posted by VeshWolfe

Here is the thing, and I’m sure it’s already been mentioned around BioWare. You are fighting an uphill battle with the general public. I believe in the game. Many of us in this subreddit believe in the game and in BioWare. However, there hasn’t been enough good marketing for Anthem yet to drown out the YouTubers and negative comment brigadiers on other social media. Last weekend’s persistence of the 95% loading bug gives them all legitimate ammo to use to call out how horrible this game MIGHT be. That isn’t to say I or anyone else here believes that, but if you aren’t a member of this community and you see all this negativity, you’re likely to skip Anthem.

So what I’m trying to say is this: if the 95% bug isn’t fixed for Friday, I feel like it be more responsible to delay the Demo or extend it past the weekend (until launch?) to facilitate fixing the bug. If you don’t, and the general public is exposed to this bug, it won’t matter how good the final version of the game is,...

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Good feedback, and yes it's being discussed :)

In the end that is outside my control, but I think it's the goal regardless.


Originally posted by Powatokaa

I can feel the sincerity in your comment, your awesome dude and it is really heart warming and re-assuring to get so much feedback from you. Cheers bro !



Originally posted by DesidusRenn

I hope you realize how much this means to me! I’ve been a BioWare fan for years, and I’ve been looking forward to this game since the reveal!! It’s things like this that make me more excited for the experience! Thank you for your continued transparency and openness and know that I am still very excited to play both the demo and the actual release. I bet I can show this to my friends too and let them see that you guys really care about your player’s experiences! You guys are amazing!

Thank you! I'm just pumped that social media has given us the ability to connect like this. As long as the feedback is constructive and people have a good intention then we will absolutely engage :)


Originally posted by fantino93

Hope this weekend will go smooth, the few moments when I could properly play the game were pretty fun & very promising for the full release.

The main build is much smoother, I'm sure you'll love it!


Originally posted by DesidusRenn

First off, let me say that I have been on the hype train for this game since the reveal at e3. Secondly, I am well aware that the demo and the main game are two completely different builds and that many bugs have been fixed for main release. All that being said I was affected by the 95% bug on PS4 and so were my 3 closest friends who I always play with. We were able to get into the game maybe 40% of the time, and were never once able to play together throughout the VIP demo, and not without lack of trying. When 2-3 of us were at least able to get in once or twice together we would all simultaneously crash when things started getting intense. (E.g. during major fights with big enemies) I was never able to complete the stronghold due to so many crashes and 95% bugs. What I got to play felt great but it was so disheartening to not be able to play with my friends and to crash right when things got good... I’m hoping that our experience during the open demo will be more consistent so th...

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So it's not my team that is working on this specific issue, but I'm part of the slack channel coordination for the demo - I'm not 100% certain if it will get fixed, but I can tell you that tons of people have been working overtime to get this resolved and it looks hopeful. Deploying fixes with a one week turnaround across multiple platforms without introducing MORE stability issues is hard.

We may not be getting frustrated trying to play the game, but watching our fans get frustrated sucks, especially after working so hard on the game for years and wanting everyone to experience it.

Here's to hoping, and thanks for your continued patience and support.

Stronger together!

30 Jan


Originally posted by AlexRicardo

The interceptor's blades seemed very different in thia demo vs pre-release material we've seen (no more "clanging"), but they felt a bit... weak sounding?

Are there any plans to add more contextual melee sound effects?

Love the work you are all doing!

Yep this was previously mentioned. Already fixed!


Originally posted by PriorRobot

Just my opinion and I just believe in people and to me why would they go to all this trouble to be transparent then mess it up. It doesnt make sense to me. Games in this genre have already proven if you listen to the community and dont screw the players then you can have an endless game that is rewarding for both players and the company....

So. Much. This.