I do not have that screen, under Challenges > Expeditions I only have "Critical" and "Agent" as options, there seem to be two I am missing based on that screenshot.
Hrm. Can you post a screen of what you are seeing?
I do not have that screen, under Challenges > Expeditions I only have "Critical" and "Agent" as options, there seem to be two I am missing based on that screenshot.
Hrm. Can you post a screen of what you are seeing?
Something went awry when the boss hit the critical level of health which was supposed to trigger the cinematic. Usually cinematics load instantly, this is the first time I'd seen a loading screen for one. Even had unique "cinematic is loading" artwork I'd not seen before. Guessing it's either a trigger issue or a memory one.
Wouldn't have been my PC being overloaded, running an 8700k, 32gb ram, nvme m.2 ssd. Typical all my loads are fast, well, fast for Anthem.
K. Will loop back.
Which screen specifically? I have nothing under "challenges" in the cortex that relates to the mission. Under Journal > critical objectives is the only place it seems to be logged.
Looks like this:
Ha thanks man cause im a right f**ker xD Not an audio thing i'm experiencing, tbh thats about the only thing that seems to work right for me, so well done? Certainly not the only person with the issue, the tombs have bugged out on me when i go to them i just get a blank screen where i assume it should be giving me a quest with "space/esc to continue" in the bottom right hand corner...at this point i have, rebooted the game, my pc, the router, repaired repaired via origin, and even forwarded ports just in case. So i've essentially been totally stuck on the "challenges of the legionnaires" since yesterday with no way to progress. Submitted an official support ticket, nothing yet. Seen multiple people with the same issue, I know one guy got around it by making a new account, but id sooner refund the game than do that. Origin ID is deadlegs1991
Thanks - can you capture screens of your challenges UX? They have been asking me for those when I post to the channel.
TeslaDotIO. Haven't had any luck. A couple crashes, a freeze, but mostly 95%. Didn't have any issues at all in the open demo. I've gone through almost 4 hours of the trial and I haven't made it past the first loading screen >.>
Posted to the slack channel - will let you know of any updates!
Thanks Jer, I know you guys are probably as pissed as we are when stuff like this happens. I can put up with a lot of bugs, but when you've been going the "completionist" route and have done every main quest, side mission, dialogue option, and cortex entry.... to have the last act completely stripped from you is pretty f**ked.
Also go report it in the Answers HQ site - https://answers.ea.com/t5/Anthem/ct-p/anthem-en
This will maximize coverage.
How about us poor f**kers who cant even get to the final mission to have it ruined?
I would like to help all f*ckers :)
I own the audio experience for the game, so there is a LOT of stuff I have no idea how to fix, I can only facilitate debugging/repro with the support team and I am happy to do it for you.
I need a detailed description including Origin ID/Gamertag and we can try to take a look!
Thanks Jer, I know you guys are probably as pissed as we are when stuff like this happens. I can put up with a lot of bugs, but when you've been going the "completionist" route and have done every main quest, side mission, dialogue option, and cortex entry.... to have the last act completely stripped from you is pretty f**ked.
Yeah, you are totally right. In my case specifically I have no idea what could have caused that - but I will start digging. Again, sorry - I am also that type of gamer and this would piss me the f*ck off too.
Ah im so sorry! I knew knew knew I was gonna mess it up! Please forgive me!
Forgiven. Although I must say thanks for the new office nickname lol!
Holy crap! I didn't know you guys were in Edmonton! We're practically neighbours. Hope you're all keeping warm with the cold snap
Hahaha - yeah it's been pretty vortexy up here - you stay warm too!
The music is definitely incredible but I'm equally impressed with the sound design - from the guns, the javelins, landing, boosting etc... it all has such an impact and the majority of that is the sound. Gives everything you do serious weight. Absolutely love it.
Thank you! This is why we do it :)
Hey u/BioWareJer, is there any chance you guys will ever release the OST musical scores? I really would love to play the sound tracks with my orchestra
Yeah that's a possibility - I will have to vet it with legal and ask Sarah (technically we own it, but she created it so I would want her blessing for sure!). I'll let you know!
looks like it might have been a setting on my end. I turned off the "Allow Application to take exclusive control of this device" setting for my audio drivers and that seemed to have fixed it. I went for about 4 hours today with no issues vs having it cut out 3 times the day before for about same amount of play time.
huh...really good to know, we will include that in our testing and I'll let folks know. Thanks!
Read moreI have the exact same issue.
More details below.
SUMMARY: Stuck on Challenges of the Legionnaires
BUG/ISSUE: I cannot complete the Challenges of the Legionnaires. Trying to 'Open' a tomb just gives me the initial message, but nothing pops up on the side and accepting it doesn't do anything. Initially I had 2 sets of challenges completed according to the Journal/Critical Objectives/ Freeplay: Tombs on the Legionnaires, but after flying around for a while in freeplay all of them now say they are complete and I need to explore the tombs.
If I go into my challenges to try and see what I've done/ what I need to do, Freeplay doesn't show up (Stronghold doesn't show up either even though I have completed the first stronghold!)
I'm at a loss as to what to do here. I can't progress the main story a...
Apparently there are two potential causes - I am copypasta'ing this whole post into our support slack channel...I'll let you know if they can help.
Well the finale of the game was just completely ruined for me.
Final boss has one bar of health left after a brutal fight. Screen suddenly goes black and to a loading screen. "Cinematic loading in progress. Please wait". Okay? But we hadn't finished killing him yet...
Wait 3 minutes for the bar to load. Finishes. No cinematic plays. Get put on the end of expedition screen.... okay? Exit that screen. Game loads into an in-game cinematic. No sound. Cinematic finishes, talking about... whatever I missed out on during the end game cinematic which never played. Fade to credits. Load back into Tarsis. No UI, escape doesn't work. Have to ALT-F4.
I am beyond pissed. And the worst thing about it is? I can't redo the last mission to see if it would work properly this time, and experience the ending for myself.
/u/biowarejer Add it to the list of bugs. This is brutal.
Wow that SUCKS! Holy crap. I'm so sorry. I will post it right away in our Slack channel.
I got it working. Updating the audio driver fixed it - apparently my motherboard maker issued an update last month.
Wicked to hear - thanks for sharing!
General: https://imgur.com/31mMJJj
Yvenia: https://imgur.com/gJJCfkQ
Gawnes: https://imgur.com/d7PLlWk
Carriff: https://imgur.com/yANsoDN
Artinia: https://imgur.com/snTv2Uj
Hope that helps :)
Read moreSure.
General: https://imgur.com/31mMJJj
Yvenia: https://imgur.com/gJJCfkQ
Gawnes: https://imgur.com/d7PLlWk
Carriff: https://imgur.com/yANsoDN
Thanks, passing it on.
Give Sarah a high five...Scratch that... jumping hi five for us at Irradiant Cosplay!
Will do next time I go to LA lol - would be nice now, with it being minus 20 out here in Edmonton!