

17 Feb


Originally posted by Halefire

Ever since the gear reveal stream we have been trying to tell you guys that the affixes, especially with no reroll system, was going to be a disaster in endgame.

Why did we have to learn this lesson the hard way? The Division has been out for years. Destiny has been out for years. Diablo 3 has been out for nearly a decade. And yet here we are, making the exact same mistake all those games made. WHY??

In fact, it ended up being even worse than we feared. Why is +pistol damage rolling on an LMG?? Did we seriously just create an enormous pool of affixes with no restrictions on where they can roll? This is straight up amateurish guys, come on now. I can't believe this is coming out of one of the most famous studios in history; these mistakes have been made by multiple games in this genre in the past.

I'm not a designer, but I'm pretty sure they have made some significant changes to this in the day 1 patch in response. I'll see if I can get more info!


Originally posted by BashfulTurtle

we are committed to this.

Love to hear it. You guys absolutely nailed the gameplay so far, I believe the content can be filled in. Thank you for the prompt reply, continue to be fascinated by the quality of the community engagement. This is a golden standard.

While I have your ear - I would like to suggest more ways to get coins once Challenges and more coin sinks.

One way to boost the vanity shop offerings could be player housing if done well. ESO sells quite a bit of RMTs through that mode.

Thanks again and I hope you get some time to yourself this Sunday!

The game handles like a dream.

Sweet! Thanks :)


Originally posted by ArchbishopTurpin

The comparison to the diablo 3 launch is I think one to note. Random affixes and % are great, but the delta has to be relatively controlled for each piece of gear.

Diablo helped this problem with the 'minor' and 'major' affixes, so you we're never trading a damage increase for pickup range by way of example.

Not sure if that exact system would be right for Anthem, but maybe just a little determination in the loot roll would be enough. So if a roll comes for say, LMGs, all further weapon related rolls will be locked to that. Or if the algorithm settles on a "qol" stat like harvest or pickup range, the other stats are guaranteed to be in crunchy categories (damage, recharge, etc)

My 2 cents into the pile. (I spend wayyy too much time playing designer while afk) such thing as TOO MUCH :)

Thanks for the suggestion - will post in the pile.


Originally posted by legion_shaka

I can't finish the Tomb Challenge because all my tomb feat progress keeps getting erased after leaving Freeplay or stronghold. Even when I finished all the feats the tombs still didn't work. Will there be a patch for this sometime soon?

This issue is fixed in the day 1 patch - it likely won't back fix specific users, which is what we are looking at now. Can you send me pics of your challenges/journal and Origin ID?

Also file the issue here:

That will maximize coverage.


Originally posted by RascalJack

I have to say, the positivity of the Bioware on this subreddit is honestly infectious. Thank you for being active with your community!

Woot woot! Honestly people have been great too - there are issues, and people are pissed when they hit them - but there has been a pretty amazing recognition that we are also just people (and are also pissed when things break), who are trying to fix everything as fast as possible. Thanks for the kind words!


Originally posted by cannotcontainexcite

/u/biowarejer . Just tagging to get a dev here. Not sure if you guys want to be made aware of suggestion threads, but OP put some work into this :)

Yeah thank you - we are tracking ALL suggestions internally - I expect about 30 to 40% of our schedule over the next year to be dedicated to responding to the community. Keep em coming!


Originally posted by BashfulTurtle

Avid division players should be cognizant of the content void at the end of the game. Is anything being done to address this?

Thanks for your extreme work ethic, it’s highly appreciated!

Of course! We have literally hundreds of people building content as we speak (well maybe not today as it's Sunday so it's mostly live ops folks in). We are committed to this.

It was really important for us to polish the core gameplay loop and make sure the game was FUN - we know we can continue to build on something that is great to begin with. It may take some time to flesh out, but it will an evolving and compelling live service, I promise you that!


Originally posted by horrificabortion

Check the rising tab. There are plenty of posts just like this offering constructive criticism whilst being respectful. You act like this is the only post where the community is trying to work together with respectful criticism

hehehe...well I have been pretty busy responding to folks with issues so I haven't had enough time to dig REAL deep - I am confident about that being true, just based on my inbox which is 90% positive and respectful whilst being constructive. I just wanted to chime in on one that I liked and was being actively discussed by the team. I wasn't intending to infer that it's a rare case :)


Originally posted by Leimone

Glad to hear! I love the game and want nothing but for it to succeed.



Originally posted by DeliClerk001

Please do not take away my ability to stack inscriptions on all pieces of gear. Add rerolling specific inscriptions, that much is needed. But absolutely do not take away from someone trying to stack +harvest on every piece of gear to enhance endgame mat collection or others that want to experiment with inscriptions and builds. That's all I ask.



Originally posted by Psychotic_gecko

The only issue OP brought up that should be relevant at the moment (Ealry Access) is the inscription information. Other changes can/will come down in time as the game grows. Although maybe passing along that Masterwork/Legendary items should only have 1 other weapon inscription on it, instead of having 3 different weapons when we can only use 2 at a time... but again the tweaks will come in time. Thanks for the hard work on the game so far!



Originally posted by Phobos_Productions

Don't want to sound rude, but whoever designed it did poor research and had no idea what makes a good looter / shooter

The people who designed this game did a ton of research and are avid Diablo/Destiny/Division players - it's really hard to make something 'new' (that isn't any of those things) and nail it out of the gate. We had ideas, some will work and some most definitely won't.

Now that it's hitting the general public we will see what's working and what isn't in real time and be able to make changes in order to FIX these issues and give people a great experience long term (if they will stick with us or consider coming back). Either way, I don't think the problem is having 'no idea' - it's having a different idea and be willing to try to create that.

It's not perfect but hopefully together we can make it as close to perfect as possible :)


Originally posted by Leimone

I'm currently farming GM1/GM2, freeplay & legendary contracts with a bunch of friends.

When more people reach this stage (you'll be farming GM1 for masterwork & legendary items once you reach level 30) people will really see how poorly the loot system works.

Before I point out the big flaws with the system, let me start off with saying that I absolutely LOVE the gameplay, the flying and the combo system, it's insanely fun and BW nailed it.

  1. When you get a MW/Leg item drop, the affixes can be completely useless which is EXTREMELY underwhelming & frustrating. I do not want 20% Harvest Bonus on my Seal, neither do I want Pistol 18% Ammo as an affix. The difference between getting 20% Harvest bonus and getting 100% Element Damage or getting 200% Gear damage is HUGE. The game should give you relevant affixes to your weapons/seal/components, but the numbers should differ so have a sense of "always progressing" by getting higher percentage stats on your aff...

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This is really useful and constructive feedback - It's being actively discussed in our live ops channel. Not sure what the outcome will be, but I wanted to call out this post as a great example of how we need work together to address issues. Thanks for posting.


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Hey. Sorry to be a nuisance, but where are we on this?

So it looks like some folks had crashed out during 'Finding Old Friends' and it bugged their plot data on the server.

Can you try doing a quickplay of that mission again and re-completing it and see if that changes anything? Let me know either way, we are still actively looking at this for you and many other folks!


Originally posted by BioWareJer

Sweet! Feel free to kick off a thread for this, a lot of folks are hitting it.

Also was Finding Old Friends available to do (outside of quickplay) after you crashed out? Trying to debug.


Originally posted by captainxela

That couldn't have gone more perfectly, first quickplay I joined was that the end of the final encounter, pretty much just watched it load in then back to Fort Tarsis. Can confirm that has opened up the tabs in my Cortex now, will go check the doors now! Edit: Yep when i go to the doors the quest/challenge pops up with progress bars, seems we have the fix.

Sweet! Feel free to kick off a thread for this, a lot of folks are hitting it.


Originally posted by orionaegis7

I did a reinstall and it at least gets to the first cut scene.

First scenes/missions are not on the server, technically, but keep me posted!


Originally posted by captainxela

Well here is my screenshot anyhow! But ill go give that a shot! I had to try that mission 4/5 times before it stopped crashing after the cut scene and having to start again...guess watching the cut scene one final time is better than starting the entire game over.

Thanks - keep me posted.


Originally posted by captainxela

I do not have that screen, under Challenges > Expeditions I only have "Critical" and "Agent" as options, there seem to be two I am missing based on that screenshot.

From another user who solved this (at least in their case): I posted the solution in a reply to the parent of my comment:

I'll summarise here anyway.

Game crashed on me after the cutscene of the mission before the tomb section unlocks (Find...

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Originally posted by robdquick

I posted the solution in a reply to the parent of my comment:

I'll summarise here anyway.

Game crashed on me after the cutscene of the mission before the tomb section unlocks (Finding old friends). This meant that the 'Finding Old Friends' achievement never unlocked for me, and this seems to be what was causing the issue.

I jumped into quickplay until I managed to find a group doing the 'Finding old Friends' mission, finished the mission without crashing and then I could see the requirements for the challenges both in my cortex and outside the tombs. None of them were started or completed (and I heard from other sources that they are meant to be retroactive) but I completed them all and have now progressed on with the story.

Just to ...

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I posted the solution in a reply to the parent of my comment:

I'll summarise here anyway.

Game crashed on me after the cutscene of the mission before the tomb section unlocks (Finding old friends). This meant that the 'Finding ...

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