Ah, well there's the problem. We don't need new. This is a HUGE case of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". You don't need to reinvent the wheel here, just give us one that spins well. The current loot system in Diablo or even The Division works exceedingly well, really no reason to deviate from that. And it still gives you plenty of leeway to change up things like what we equip. Like with the components and the randomly rolled abilities and things like that.
I totally get wanting to do something new and innovative, but you're doing it the wrong way. Comparisons will ALWAYS be drawn. It's just what gamers do. They'll look at the loot system here and the loot from games like Diablo or The Division and go "Well in Division I can do x,y and z but here I can't even do x". You NEVER want to be on the can't side of that. Take what other games have and add, don't subtract. Especially when it's simple stuff like rerolling.
If you want it to be close to perfect, just copy w...