

18 Feb


Originally posted by FastRedPonyCar

That's nice and all but our frustration is in the fact that it should not have to require a patch. Loot drops are decades old with proven ways to do things right. I know that there are plenty of you guys at BW who grew up playing lots of these loot-based games and it's truly baffling how core concepts are just largely being ignored with this game.

Creative freedom is totally fine with the items and stats and rolls and things like that but there has to be an underlying set of rules based on the type/tier item that constrain it to only pulling certain values.

One tip I would suggest is the ability to click an analog stick or hold shift on PC when hovering over an item to display the possible range that an attribute can roll so if you want to know if you got a good roll on a stat, you can easily see.

A nice rare item drop to allow re-rolling of stats or even adding an additional stat to a blue/purple/etc item would be really cool. Path of Ex...

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Again, I'm guessing/paraphrasing for the design team, which I'm not on. I'm going to try to corral one of them on here so they can answer questions and field feedback directly. Thanks for the response though!


Originally posted by Vindicer

You're awesome!


Originally posted by FlameInTheVoid

I assume this isn't your wheelhouse, but its relevant to randomized loot so here goes.

It seems to me that there is a common theme with randomized loot in looter games that becomes especially noticeable when there is no way around the RNG (e.g., crafting the exact thing you want with a high enough skill or some kind of rotating vendor stock with curated decent rolls). It seems like a lot of the time the devs just call a random function and twiddle the knobs until people don't complain as much.

I'm given to understand that even data science and ML fields often struggle to find enough people with a solid foundation in statistics, so I assume the same goes for game studios. But it really seems like randomized loot systems could benefit greatly from a regular assessment by somebody with even a basic understanding of statistics running some simulations and doing a basic estimate of how long it takes to get gear and how often that gear is essentially trash.


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Good feedback, thanks!


Originally posted by isaeus-

/u/BioWareJer I fixed the progression bug on my end where all the challenge items are completed, but you can’t interact with the tomb. I visited another tomb and went back to the bugged Tomb of Yvenia. I was able to pick up the quest item and complete the Tomb quest.

Nice, thanks for sharing!


Originally posted by Nihkou

While i'm also onboard of this kind of stat meter, i feel like it'd be best left for everyones personal use. Making it squad wide and displaying everyone's stats to everyone may lead to some Freelancers getting upset over the perfomance of others, leading potentially to toxicity among Freelancer teams. But, i'm no expert on the subject, just my 2 cents!


17 Feb


Originally posted by Belgeirn

Any ideas or talk of putting in a decent stat page so that all these random affix's on them can actually be put to some kind of use in a build or are we just going to be guessing as to what our actual stats are like we currently do?

From what I have read about the day one patch this wasn't thought to be a big deal at all, so I'm just wondering if it will be in the first month at all?

And sorry I didn't really answer your question - it's being actively discussed, but I don't know the status. I'll ask.


Originally posted by Belgeirn

Any ideas or talk of putting in a decent stat page so that all these random affix's on them can actually be put to some kind of use in a build or are we just going to be guessing as to what our actual stats are like we currently do?

From what I have read about the day one patch this wasn't thought to be a big deal at all, so I'm just wondering if it will be in the first month at all?

It's definitely a thing now.


Originally posted by EthioSalvatori

The fact that you're giving us an actual metric of resources being attributed to community demands is astounding.

I want to not pre-order, but you guys make it so hard

Yeah - on a Sunday to boot :)

A lot of really talented people want very badly to make this game as awesome as it can be. We will keep trying!


Originally posted by Garrand

Yeah, it works fine as long as I remember to do it before I launch. I just reset the desktop speakers back to the higher rate when I quit playing and forget to adjust it again when I play with the headset.

Yeah, we have raised the issue with Frostbite (we actually don't own the underlying audio code) and hope to patch a fix for this in asap.


Originally posted by ITriedLightningTendr

I dont believe you, honestly. This system has almost nothing in common with the games mentioned besides randomness and colorcoding.

The games in question have a rather robust item generation schema and not only could what you put together have been created in an hour by tutorial (as there is literally no pruning for incompatible modifiers), the wording is confusing and ambiguous in many cases.

I appreciate that there may have been snafus in the development cycle, but own up to them. PR as a last resort has proven ineffective. The division took like 2 years of updates to get to where it is, and you're operating at a deficit from their base experience, combined with the fact that that game already exists.

What you have is what looks to be someone direct translating what they found by just looking up key words. You have 0 UX or sorting support for anything.

I am guessing some low totem pole employees were vocal about how trash everything was for a ...

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All true - but I'm definitely not lying (I may be wrong though!).


Originally posted by MrDysprosium

I hear you.... Sorry I'm being so rough. I wish you all the best.

My only advice, look carefully at Destiny 2 Year 1, and the Curse of Osiris DLC that came right after. It took a bad situation and made it way worse. Its better to wait on a big release, than it is to scramble and get something out the door that no one is proud of.

All good - I understand the frustration (we are all frustrated watching everyone hit so many points of friction) - thanks though. Regardless of our emotions, we still value (and need) people to call us out, and make suggestions like you are - so thanks for that.


Originally posted by Vindicer

Would you be able to add 'stop objective competition between squadmates' to the list of things to fix?

If I have an objective (or challenge) to open a chest and then do so, only I get the progress towards the objective, even though my buddy was literally standing right there.

As far as I can tell, this applies in other places too, like getting kills with specific weapon types, reviving allied Javelins, gathering, etc.

Anywhere where there is an objective that can be interacted with, but goes away once done so, should really apply to everyone in the current squad.

That way we can avoid situations like the Tomb Challenges, where it's faster for a group to split up and progress solo than it is to progress together.

Secondly, as a solution to the much-debated 'Teleporting to mission area' frustration, I saw a suggestion to remove that entirely in favour of adding the ability to teleport to allies at will (likely with some restrictions...

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Yeah, both of those are tracked issues being actively investigated! Thanks!


Originally posted by labatomi

Tell the higher ups. Some of us are having horrible performance issues. Not to mention all the other stuff 🐒

Oh they know. We have all been cross posting the sh*t out of everything on here, and Twitter. Then there is the EA site, which also has a ton.

This won't go unnoticed or un-fixed.


Originally posted by Garrand

+1 for fantastic audio. Annoying slow audio bug but apparently that's a sampling rate issue you guys already know about. But the guns, the monstrous-type mobs, the ambient sounds, movement, all sounds really great.

Thank you! Have you made sure ALL your devices are set to the same sample rate?


Originally posted by TheLoliTamer

So I think I'm unfortunately part of those with a bug in their journal. I got the quest properly and everything, but I cannot access the tombs or progress at all. Why? Because I cannot see ANY challenges whatsoever. Though it has marked two of the tombs challenges as complete. As in no challenges show at all. The challenges tab is empty beyond the "Tracked Challenges" category, which has no challenges in it.

The really weird thing is that I followed a "fix" in the forums and tried using a VPN which worked. Challenges show ONLY if I'm using a VPN, which really, really blows.

We have 8 designers working on 3 fixes RIGHT NOW. I expect to be able to communicate an update very soon :)


Originally posted by MrDysprosium

I wholeheartedly disagree. Obviously you have to draw the line at some point, or you would never release. But, man, you have people 48 hours in and already hitting a wall.

Also, comparing yourself to other live service games is not a great idea. Destiny gets flack CONSTANTLY for the way they deliver content. Same goes for Division... You had a chance to be better, but instead you took it as an excuse to deliver your minimal viable product.

Well we will keep trying regardless and hopefully one day it will be compelling enough to draw you back (kinda our only option as devs now).


Originally posted by BigDildoOfJustice

Nice ! May I also ask if it's planned to add shield/arm vfx color customization for the storm in the future ? I've seen quite a few AI enemy storms with differently colored shields ( red, gold, and dark grey, if I remember correctly ) ?

I think a LOT of people have been asking for that - so I expect something but actually have no idea :)


Originally posted by SwabianStargazer

I really do not want to be the jerk here but seriously this is NOT how we "need" to work together to address issues. You (and with you I mean the entire Team behind Anthem) need to do your jobs and deliver a polished and ready to go product because we, the customers, are paying for that. You make literal millions off this product so better deliver something and not make the customers feel like they need to be a part of the design a bugfixing process, this is pathetic.

Well I agree - we are charging money and should deliver quality (and I think we have, in a lot of areas), the other option is to go dark and just fix what we want, which I think is worse. I dunno, I'm not in charge, just trying to help who I can :)


Originally posted by arathorngr

Man are you responsible for the audio in this game? It's brilliant! An eargasm!

Not me really, a team of folks, composer, audio QA - takes a village :)

I will pass on the kind words!


Originally posted by TheBigLman

Your war room is silent.

Well, definitely not silent, just dealing with emergent issues. It's a bit like working in medical, need to stabilize first, then work on fixing non emergent issues. I assume. I'm not a doctor, or part of the live ops team :)