Read moreThat's nice and all but our frustration is in the fact that it should not have to require a patch. Loot drops are decades old with proven ways to do things right. I know that there are plenty of you guys at BW who grew up playing lots of these loot-based games and it's truly baffling how core concepts are just largely being ignored with this game.
Creative freedom is totally fine with the items and stats and rolls and things like that but there has to be an underlying set of rules based on the type/tier item that constrain it to only pulling certain values.
One tip I would suggest is the ability to click an analog stick or hold shift on PC when hovering over an item to display the possible range that an attribute can roll so if you want to know if you got a good roll on a stat, you can easily see.
A nice rare item drop to allow re-rolling of stats or even adding an additional stat to a blue/purple/etc item would be really cool. Path of Ex...
Again, I'm guessing/paraphrasing for the design team, which I'm not on. I'm going to try to corral one of them on here so they can answer questions and field feedback directly. Thanks for the response though!