

17 Feb


Originally posted by inO_Nazka

Hello /u/BioWareJer :)

Same issue for me in the Tomb of Yvenia!

Screenshot in front of the tomb itself:

Proof of completion for the rest:

My Origin ID is The_Nazka.

They are asking for a pic of your challenges, not your journal - can you do that?


Originally posted by RyanB_

Hey man, gonna hop on the train and say I’m having an absolute blast with the game so far and am very excited to see how it changes and grows in the future! Mad respect to you and the rest of the team, I know it can’t be easy to work so long and hard on a project only to get as much shit as there is on this sub.

Strangely - my inbox has been about 90/10 with super nice peeps to mean peeps :)

Even though there are issues, most are understanding - makes me want to help that much more!


Originally posted by Caelrie

Getting into the tomb wasn't the problem. The problem is that once I'm in the tomb, there's no way to interact with the sarcophagus inside. In the other 3, I pressed F and something happened. This last tomb has no option to do anything with anything once I'm inside, so it can't finish.

Hrm - not sure what to do. Can you send me your Origin ID? I will forward it to the group.


Originally posted by inO_Nazka

Hello /u/BioWareJer :)

Same issue for me in the Tomb of Yvenia!

Screenshot in front of the tomb itself:

Proof of completion for the rest:

My Origin ID is The_Nazka.

Got it - forwarding.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Great to hear - thanks for posting!


Originally posted by Bootheboy

Are you guys hiring for offsite games testers? I wanna join the team!

Not offsite sorry :(


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Forgive the audio on the vid, working on replacing it. Didn't realize the clipping tool I used recorded EVERYTHING on my PC

hehehe, our internal tools do that - you should hear some of the bug capture videos lol.


Originally posted by Tyrosus Posted. Unlisted to avoid trolls.

Thanks, will share with our live ops peeps.


Originally posted by RAAMinNooDleS

Sorta gonna hijack here...Are you familiar with the podcast "Score Points"? If not, they interview people associated with the making of music in the video game industry. Not up to date on the series yet but it sure has been an eye opener. Thanks for all the work you guys do! You should see if you can appear on it if you arent. One of the big guys from EA who does the madden soundtracks is on it.

Thanks again.

I'll check it out, thanks!


Originally posted by StaticDrift

Connecticut, USA.

Thanks. Forwarding on.


Originally posted by strenif


Thanks for the response. Loving the audio design on most everything btw. Your team did a great job!


We made a lot improvements in the mix for the day 1 patch too, hope it addresses the 'not most' :)


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Uhh.. AR Panel? And I'm looking under my challenges. I do not have anything under my, and this is the process to reach it - Press J, click Challenges, click Expeditions, and then there's only Critical and Agent. Do you need me to try pressing J when at the tomb..?

AR panels are the UX screens that appear in world - think this is a separate fix tbh - the team is working on repro'ing your specific use case.


Originally posted by SirCaptainReynolds

Hear, hear!

And that’s been something we’ve heard echoing from many people on your team; that you’re here to support this game long term and want to stay engaged with the community throughout that whole process.

That means so much to us!

We appreciate how engaged you guys have been for months leading up to release and how quick you are to get back to us just like this original post was highlighting. I feel like in those rare gaming moments when the game team and community are all on the same page, there’s an opportunity to co-create something truly awesome together. I think we’re crossing that bridge right now with Anthem and I’m really excited to see where it goes from here. If you could, please pass on my gratitude to the team; I’d buy you all a round on me if I could! :)

I will, thanks for the kind words :)


Originally posted by Storm_Fireblade

I've been trying to enter other tombs again and now it worked for me. So either entering previously completed tombs worked fine or I've been trying the wrong one for hours without paying enough attention (which would be weird during hours of troubleshooting but hey, only human as well).

Bottom line = Now it worked

Thanks for all the effort nonetheless! (unless you guys did something just now) :)

Sweet! Yw


Originally posted by Eliteelliott

Thank you so much!

You're welcome!


Originally posted by Storm_Fireblade

It does not I'm afraid. As mentioned before I (and others) do NOT have the problem of missing challenges in the UI or being unable to enter the tomb.

For my main it looks like this:

- Challenge shows completed correctly

- Mission journal shows challenge completion correctly and now asks me to "Explore the Tomb of Yvenia"

- Entering the Tomb works FINE and also shows the correct completed progress when doing so.

The issue is AFTER entering the Tomb. In order to actually "Explore the Tomb" you have to interact with the sarcophugas inside, just like the other three tombs. In the Tomb of Yvenia though this interaction is not possible for me. The "Hold F" simply does not appear.

Screenshots here:


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It does not I'm afraid. As mentioned before I (and others) do NOT have the problem of missing challenges in the UI or being unable to enter the tomb.

For my main it looks like this:

  • Challenge shows completed correctly

  • Mission journal shows challenge completion correctly and now asks me to "Explore the Tomb of Yvenia"

  • Entering the Tomb works FINE and also shows the correct completed progress when doing so.

The issue is AFTER entering the Tomb. In order to actually "Explore the Tomb" you have to interact with the sarcophugas inside, just like the other three tombs. In the Tomb of Yvenia though this interaction is not possible for me. The "Hold F" simply does not appear.

Screenshots here:


Read more

Originally posted by Eliteelliott

Btw. Music in the game is absolutely killer! Can’t wait to dig back in next week

Glad you like it - it's one of my favourite scores to have worked on, and Sarah is pretty much the coolest person ever. Such a fun time :)


Originally posted by Tyrosus

Hey Jar. Any updates? I'm anxious to get back to actually playing.

lol. Yeah I thought I responded, sorry.

From Live Ops QA:

They aren't blocked. They can still complete the challenges by looking at the Challenge instead of the Journal and entering the Tomb when the Challenge itself appears complete. They will just see "Explore Tomb of ____" in the tracker on the top regardless of their Completion status for the Challenge.

The AR panel when they attempt to enter the tomb will also show the accurate status of the challenge and anything else they need to complete to be able to enter the Tomb.

Let me know if that works!


Originally posted by Tyrosus

The lord giveth and taketh away indeed.

From Live Ops QA:

They aren't blocked. They can still complete the challenges by looking at the Challenge instead of the Journal and entering the Tomb when the Challenge itself appears complete. They will just see "Explore Tomb of ____" in the tracker on the top regardless of their Completion status for the Challenge.

The AR panel when they attempt to enter the tomb will also show the accurate status of the challenge and anything else they need to complete to be able to enter the Tomb.

Let me know if that works!