

20 Apr

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After an incredibly fun stream for the Doolittle Raid Anniversary on Monday we're back to Community time and have guest CC Dosseiro joining us! We'll be playing Atlantico with the community, doing SPOTLIGHT: Enterprise, and giving away two starter packs for the dockyard! Come join us!

5pm - 7pm CDT!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We don't have any more information to share at this point. I know that's likely disappointing, but we will share more just as soon as we can.

18 Apr

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Captains, Heroes, and Landlubbers alike!

Please join us tonight on the official Twitch channel for a special stream in remembrance of the famous "Doolittle Raid" made by the USS Hornet (CV-8) on April 18th, 1942. NA Publishing Producer Legionnare joins Boggzy to interview Chuck Myers from the USS Hornet (CV-12) museum ship in San Francisco while you stand a chance to win one of two Tier 8 USS Hornets by participating in our Quiz!

See you there - 5pm-7pm CDT!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

To my knowledge there actually HAS been a T8 clan battle season. Season 7, I think?

There have also been some competitive events at T8 including the Verizon Warrior Championship Series.

Tier 8 can be a lot of fun! There are a few notable "problem children" at T8 that simply stack a little too well in strength and make competitive difficult.

Admiral Kutuzov (Range, HE spam, smoke)

Edinburgh (smoke/radar, heal)

Le Terrible / Fantasque (FR DD's are just sooooo strong and there aren't really any cruisers that can keep them lit while resisting 139mm HE guns using IFHE)

Akizuki (HE smoke/spam)

At T8 the 12km radar that is often necessary to counter DD-heavy strats exists on on a handful of cruisers - all of which are so fragile that they themselves can be quickly focused down and killed by the DD"s themselves.

It's entirely possible that, with...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, @tm63au

I'm a little confused here - what exactly do you feel went wrong besides what sounds like a disconnection issue? Am I missing something?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, everyone!
The EN Wiki team is recruiting researchers / writers! If this is something that interests you please take a look at the details in this topic in News and Announcements!

Thank you for taking the time to check it out!

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Join the World of Warships Wiki Team!

The World of Warships English Wiki Team is recruiting!

What is the World of Warships Wiki?

World of Warships Wiki is a large encyclopedia that contains valuable information about basically every aspect of our game. Whether you'd like to know the information about the features of ships of particular nations and types, check their characteristics, learn more about in-game mechanics or economics, get acquainted with a vast and constantly expanding list of activities and content presented in the game - this is just the right place for you!

Examples of useful pages:


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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Alright that's enough.
This thread has got out of hand on multiple occasions and I'm putting a stop to it.

Everyone go to sleep.

17 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Every single flak hit makes continuous AA that much more effectively at actually removing planes. Full stop.
There will always be times when flak hits don't result in further kills, just as there will be times when even the Erazers of the world take flak and get rekt.
It's missing the forest through the trees that I take exception to.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah see that's the issue I take here. You are doing that. That's when I am going to step in and correct it.

Flak can be mostly dodged by highly-skilled CV players. This is not a secret. It works in tandem with continuous AA to create a two-layer system for incoming planes to contend with. You may not like the system, but the system is still there. To imply to the people here that the Atlanta's continuous against B-25's is somehow indicative of the sum of the interaction is not right. The Atlanta has the highest flak count of any T7 cruiser and the example you gave is EXACTLY where that flak matters most, yet you left that part out.

I've been enjoying your weekly AA posts as I think they stir up a lot of good discussion. However, I will go on record saying that this post about B-25's is willfully misleading and urge you to reconsider it.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You are completely ignoring flak. Why did you choose to leave that out here?
B-25 bombers do not turn well. They almost always take flak hits from even a few puffs. I don't know if you've tried it yet or not, but it's reality.

I am concerned this statement you made is going to make people think the B-25's are somehow unstoppable. It is a far cry from reality.

16 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So it's clear from this thread that there are a few takeaways:

It's rougher for solo players because they are at a huge disadvantage against Divs.

It sucks for brawl teams made up of randoms to run into Brawl teams made up of competitive clans.

Duly noted!
A few things to reply:

By today, the teams made up of the same clans are going to be facing teams made up of randoms less and less. As they win, their MM will face them against other teams that are mostly clans by virtue of the way this MM works. This is how it works at the very beginning of a clan battle season, BTW. A Gale team CAN run into the O7's, KSC's, BONKS of the server - just not often. As those teams win more and pull away, the teams that are not specialized will see them basically never.

This brawl is the same as other brawls, only the size is different. In the 3v3 Brawls you could and would run into teams...

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Zeppelin Zerg - that's gotta be Dirigible Derby

I love it!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

What I see are three game modes of varying styles;
Randoms: 12v 12 of random players, max div of 3.
Previous Brawls: 5v5, Random players or max div of of 5

Previous Brawls: 3 v 3, Random players or max div of 3

Previous Brawls: 1 v 1, Random Players

Temporary Brawl: 9v9 random players ormax div of 9

Clan Battle: 7v7, always div of 7
King of the Seas / Warship Championship: 9v9, always div of 9
Hope you can see how the format is in line with different formats. If you aren't a fan, I'm taking notes! I'm just asking that we not pretend like this is something crazy and unhinged

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Respectfully, I don't think that's what I implied at all.
I'm just telling it like it is

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In fact, it was my old clan TNG and your clan PN that dominated the Brawl Matchmaker in this way.
Ask Adam - he'll tell you that TNG and PN gamed the Brawl leaderboard and knew how this worked.
I'm not making it up or being disingenuous - I'm telling it like it is.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You are old enough in this game to remember when Clan Brawls were purely Clan-based and this MM was exactly what it is now.

Then we changed it.

Now we're trying what it was before for a new format.

If people don't like it, that's fine! I want to hear about it, but let's not pretend like this is some new thing that's come out of the blue.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Again - please send me a replay so I can see what happened.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Clan brawls began as Clan v Clan with no random players involved. In the long-term original iteration, the MM did not care about lineups, only WR for players, which is how it matched up winning teams against winning teams.
Then brawls became smaller and less clan-based. The matchmaker changed to avoid this in order to adapt to the new meta of more teams made up of randoms.

These new brawls are a bit more focused toward clans and group-based dynamics, so the matchmaker follows the the rule of trying to match groups of players that are winning against other groups of players that are winning.

I would like to refer every player that asks for skill-based MM in randoms to this thread.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

8km Depth charge planes are working for me, brother.
Can you send me your replay file if you feel that it wasn't working?