

08 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad to hear that things are starting to come up resolved.
There was a small error in process between us and Twitch that was fixed. Sorry to have you all worried for a bit there!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Did you see the instructions I gave to Arrrgh earlier? That's what I need, brother.

I need the details that come from having the console tab open, not what you're giving me here. If you don't want to do that, you are free not to, but that's what I need in order to be able to help Arrrgh further.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

To fix it, I need to know what is going wrong - that's why I am asking for this process to be done.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Of course, but I'm asking for you to lay out some examples for us so that we can better understand the landscape that you are proposing

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I appreciate the explanation here, but I'm still curious to know your thoughts on Ashkance's original question:

What kind of damage return would you feel is necessary if it requires the time and attention of the player?

If the normal AA kills 2 planes on approaching a ship:

What would the expected plane loss be if the Manual Skill was used?

What would it be if it was ignored due to other things happening?

"Pretty damn high" is the closest I think we got to specifics. Can you help us understand better your parameters using actual plane loss as your metric, please?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There was no admonishment.
A topic like this can easily turn into a political discussion about war / country vs. country and whatnot. This comment was specifically to say that the forum rules will be enforced as always.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can I ask you to do the following for me in a DM?

open console (F12 key), Console tab

press F5

reproduce ticket issue with open console

Take a screenshot of the window (it is necessary that the red lines in the console get into the screenshot)

Our Customer Service folks need a screenshot of the process on the webpage to find the issue. If you would send that screenshot to me in a DM, that would help very much.
Thanks for you patience, Arrrgh!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We're looking into this, folks!
Sorry to hear that something is amiss. We'll let you know as soon as we get to the bottom of this case.

07 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Already known!

But thanks for the heads up

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Correct to the last part: 1x bb + 6x (cruiser + dd), and any 2 of those can be super

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I am absolutely thrilled with how this entire conversation has gone

I think where we might be getting stuck is that, generally speaking, ships need to demonstrate a failing in results before they are considered in-need of buffs. California just doesn't have any failings in performance results-wise that we can discern, so it's difficult to make a case why she needs a buff other than "it wouldn't hurt", and that's just not how things happen .

If I had my choice, Agir would have an ice-breaker and be basically unstoppable

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a possibility. If you are automatically logging into the Eu side of it, then your login will not work.
Will you try logging into the NA CS site first with your credentials and see if that solves the problem?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ok, thanks for the info.
I believe I heard about this in the last few days with a potential solution. It's somewhat rare, so give me a day to get a response and we'll see about taking care of it, yeah?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Into the CS site or into the World of Warships site in general?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So you're not able to log into the website? Or is it that, once you log in, you are unable to create a ticket?
I think I can help with this, but if you can help me with that info it will go quicker

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nelson was my very first Premium ship that I earned!
First actual was Texas, but I don't know if getting a premium in a Twitch drop counts, so Nelson was the first real premium I got .

9x 406mm guns at T7 is reeeeeaaaaaally spicy.

06 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


Join us tonight for the Community Time stream where we'll announce the winners of the Torplushie Salvo from Savage Battles and SPOTLIGHT the Montana! Forgot why you loved the Monty? Getting close and not sure how to approach twelve 406mm guns? Come check it out and vote on next week's SPOTLIGHT!

5pm - 7pm CDT

05 Apr