

30 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I would hardly call it “hosed”.

You are correct that US 127mm HE pens 26mm with IFHE and 21mm without, but this hardly “hosed them”. The only significant different there is that they no longer penetrate heavy cruisers plated with 27, which means American and German Heavy cruisers in some areas.

26mm still allows penetrating of most same-tier Battleships on the extremities or even the deck and upper hull areas of some others. That’s the single most significant armor threshold for a T7 light cruiser.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Flint and Atlanta were both “nerfed” by the removal of AFT from the cruiser commander skills, but indirectly as the AFT values were not values inherent to the ship. People rightly felt that the two ships suffered from the lack of a range-extender choice and the two ships were subsequently BUFFED to include a longer range than standard.

Atlanta is in a fine state very comparable to the pre-commander rework state, while Flint makes up for the shorter range with American smoke. Both have their drawbacks and both have their strengths, but both are still very capable.

29 Apr

28 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We determined that double pings were lasting too long, so Sonarman was adjusted to affect that.

As of now there is no plan to free respec sub skills as that changes to them don't fundamentally change the desired playstyle.

Regarding speeds, all ships have a speed that generally correlates to their ability to project across the battlefield. Destroyers have generally short engagement ranges and move the fastest. Cruisers have larger engagement ranged and move a bit slower, while BB's have the largest engagement ranges and move the slowest. Submarines have relatively short engagement ranges and therefore have to be able to reposition accordingly. The jump from 8 to 10 is keeping in line with the increasing map sizes as tiers increase.

As for the underwater speed, we will continue to watch and see if this becomes and unmanageable problem, but the game is arcade, not realistic, so the reality that submarines in real life cannot travel q...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Very glad to hear it helped!

27 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I am locking this thread.

The San Diego had balance changes applied to it based off performance and feedback from our testers. To be clear - she was overperforming. Not even a little bit. A considerable amount. I'm sure you will hear many stories when the ship comes off of NDA. Unfortunately the CC's and testers are not able to comment until that time is up, but I have more leeway to clarify why these changes were made.

It is perfectly fine to have an opinion about upcoming changes. It is not alright to blatantly misrepresent something. You assert that SD is worse at combating DD's and compare it to 4 other ships based on DPM alone, not factoring in ballistics, range, flight times, or penetration values. For someone that people look up to, this is an egregious oversight bordering on misinformation and misuse of trust. You've stated multiple times in multiple threads that you don't like how we are doing the San Diego and it is perfec...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The French and Dutch flags look similar - but look closely and you’ll see that one condition is for French and the other for Dutch.

26 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

NOT the way to make a post in the forums.

CV's have been in reworked form for about 3 years now. They've been in the game the entirety of WoWs' public existence. People have loved them and hated them, but making a profanity-laced post is not something we allow in the forums.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sure thing - ping me again if the reinstall does not help.
Also - please send me the results from the WGCheck in a private message

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well first, check your settings because "C" is very much the default key for it.
Other than that I don't know - there should be no problem if you are zoomed in.

25 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm afraid I don't have a roadmap for you on this. There are multiple superships planned already with Edgar in testing currently and Clausewitz on the devblog - so I would take that pattern and repeat it if I were a bettin' man!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I agree - there are lots of new options and playstyles that can come out of the Supership project.

Sounds like you want superships buffed? They're pretty darn strong as it is...

Annapolis and Conde may lose DPM over time using burst-fire, but the reason is because bursting has a massive utility that straight DPM does not.

Hannover has suspect accuracy, for sure, but that's the make up for the fact that the secondaries have monstrous power in them when played correctly. You don't have to land shells to buff the alt-fire ability, btw - you just need to aim at and land the shells nearby.

Not all superships will have an alt-fire mode or special ability. Some may simply be awesome ships!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I get it - it’s a LOT to digest and it’s complicated enough that it makes people suspicious.

I’m personally thrilled that I can use my Norse Camo on Agir and Odin without losing potential bonuses from other camos.

24 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Further, I spent about 4 hours turning the multi-page devblog into something that our people could read and understand in hopefully 3 minutes. Ahskance and I went over it with the NA team and I left the questions upon reveal in his hands while I took a few days off - which he knocked out of the park. He spent 6 hours sitting in the thread answering question after question while I was getting severe allergies in New York’s Central Park. He is my hero.

I think we’ll be discussing it on the community Stream this Wednesday together, so tune in if you have questions!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m on vacation to see my lady who has been gone for two weeks. Even CM’s deserve time off!

To the OP: we really appreciate you taking the time to express this feeling. Ahskance and I have both been players, casters, CC’s, and now CM’s. We REALLY like World of Warships and even like talking about World of Warships. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t. It’s a strange thing to open the factory doors and see how the sausage is made and even stranger to then be in charge of talking about the sausage to the folks outside wanting to know what’s inside :D

We’ll keep doing our best!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

If there is something in the devblog stats that you find particularly off putting about a ship announced, I encourage you to be specific with it.

”It’s not what I wanted” is hard to work with.

The goal is to get a super-ship on plenty of branches, so I would expect them. I myself want a T10 German O-Class with an ice-breaker and a 40mm deck, but we’ll just have to wait!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


I don’t know that I can confirm or deny that 30s is “universal” anything. 30s seems to be the benchmark by which reloads are judged, but I suspect that has to do with the first two BB lines having an average reload time of around that when they were all factored together.

Generally speaking, BB’s that reload faster than 30s tend to be considered as having reloads on the faster side while over 30 tends to be considered slower, so informally it may be, but there is no rule on the WG side to say that 30s is standard.

Let me guess - California?

22 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

When I have new information to share, I 100% will.

Big things that affect the entire company means it takes time to know how things are going to be and not speculate. I know you folks are eager to get more clarity on this and we will do our best to get you some as soon as possible.

20 Apr