

16 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Really! I will take a look at this. It sounds like you may have found a bug.
I'll look into it this weekend

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, Guys!
So this brawl allows an entire team of 9 to play together. There is no way for the matchmaker to balance ship comp against ship comp because of this fact.

The matchmaker in this iteration compares the wins (in this brawl) of the players on one team to the wins (in this brawl) of opposing players.

If you are alone queuing into the brawl, you will be matched onto a team that has less than 9 players regardless of your ship.

It's not often this way, but it is sometimes. Sometimes the odds will favor you, sometimes the odds will favor the enemy.

Best thing you can do is div up with as many friendlies that you know!

15 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's exactly what we were waiting for.
Thank you for bringing it to our attention, Arrgh!

14 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm sorry, DrHolmes but Coop is simply not the main game mode. When these dockyard mission groups come out, we try our best to make them accessible for PvE players, but the gate by necessity must be set with randoms in mind.
Sometimes we have missions that come out that are actually more easily completed in Coop and players from Randoms will sometimes choose to do that, while sometimes missions come out that are easier to complete in Randoms and Coop players will choose to do that instead.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

If the mission seems annoying to you (maybe you don't like playing CV's to get the spotting damage), then you can skip it and still progress through the mission tree.

You guys have a LONG time to complete these missions and once they're open, you have all the remaining time in the campaign to finish them, so they're not gating you the way that it's being made out here.
Yeah that one spotting mission is worth a token, but you will have 28 days to complete that mission even if you choose to complete 6 other ones in order to unlock the next set of missions.
Sorry, but I think Puerto Rico references here are off-the-mark. I was a player and I remember that entire bitter pill. This is nothing compared to that. It will just take you making a plan of how you intend to complete them.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Did you read what I wrote above? You can literally three of these.
Otherwise, just pick two and play through them while you complete the other missions. 42k Base XP is not as bad as you're making it sound

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

To my knowledge the pathing error was fixed.

Are you coming at the armory from inside the game or from a browser?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't believe it's a bug.
You can earn towards this mission with every game you play while you work on the class-specific missions. While you play the CV and DD missions you are likely to earn quite a bit of this here.
Keep in mind that you only need 6 missions out of 9 to complete the "5. Battle of the Tonelero Pass" directive. You can skip several of these, including the spotting damage mission if you so choose. The purpose of needing only 6 out of 9 completed is so that you can choose which ones make you go, "Blech! Not for me, thanks" and complete the ones that seem more reasonable to your playstyle.

For me it would probably look like:
#1 - Win 6 Battles (any ship)
#2 - 46 "Hits to citadel" or "Set on Fire" ribbons (any ship)
#3 - Earn 95,000 XP (any ship)
#6 - Get 89 "Set on fire" or "Caused flooding" ribbons (cruisers)
#7 - Get 1050 "Main Battery Hits" ribbons (battleships)
#9 - In one b...

Read more

13 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I present to you this clip of Boggzy embarassing himself by thinking torpedo arming distances are shorter than they are:

So while they may have short arming times, one shall not underestimate the power of depth-perception.

12 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I suspect there will be a higher number of them in games for the first week or two but I don't believe it will last long . They should "even out" after a bit.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

As far as I know they will continue to be matched as they are now, which is not limited. Due to the high credit cost of Supers, it's unlikely you will see high numbers of them in games consistently.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the reminder! I need to update the Twitch Calendar this week!

11 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I tend to play Ise and Tone primarily with guns - then I have the added bonus of using planes when I feel like it. It honestly makes for a very fun experience when you have the option to change your damage-dealing mechanics.

Firing the main guns, sending off planes, and then being back at the BB ready to fire another salvo can be pretty hilarious if people get too close.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes! So Commander Jenkins is by design! He will pop into your operation at times and help you. There is even a hidden achievement for having him in your game.

It sounds like the bot pathing AI may have griefed you. Sorry to hear that, but this is a feature, not a bug or a hack!

10 Apr

09 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'll check back with CS on this guys. It may take until Monday to get an answer.

I appreciate your patience while I try to find a path forward here.

08 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I wouldn't suggest it normally but I did see a number of Hurricane teams this season make decent use of Shima and Somers. While I still think a Gunboat like Rag is better, Kleb will be missing and I suspect that might just be enough to make Yamagiri's utility work

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yamagiri may just surprise you.

It kinda does everything the smoke / torp DD's want to do but can also gunboat a bit with Shima detect, 3 more torps tubes, burst-fire from 4.5s Shima guns, and 4.5k more health.
Smaland will be king for a long time, but Yamagiri has a LOT of utility that didn't previously exist.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's correct.
The last two seasons restricted teams from bringing more than 1 of any ship. That restriction has been removed.