

04 Jan

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Listen up, folks!
I absolutely adore war history - even the parts that we consider the darkest. It tells you a lot about what human beings are capable of doing both in the virtuous and the malicious. I am never one to censor history. HOWEVER... This conversation is getting too heated and isn't appropriate for these forums. The World of Warships forums aren't for holding a virtual court and dispensing online justice to history. I'm going to require you folks here to cool down, move on, and not push this conversation towards something political and / or racial. That's how you have a bad time.
Please abide by this or I'll just lock the thread.

03 Jan

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hmm... That's interesting.
I'll see what comes out of that code - thanks for asking!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The additions will pop up in the notification center tab at the bottom right of your port UI. You'll see tabs for "Battles" and "Notifications". Under notifications you'll see a variety of actions in the history, and the gifts will be listed there :)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We're still human beings. We could come in and have a real conversation with you like humans or we could give you some corporate platitudes.
As a player, I much prefer a real person to come in and have a real conversation about it, which includes responsibility on both sides.
Sure, we could make the boundaries of a free gift more clear.
Players who notice that boundary could also recognize that it is a free gift and not come in with scorn and ridicule.
Community Managers are the humans in front of the business. I will absolutely hold the company responsible for your criticisms, but I will also make it clear when I think a community member is acting in bad faith.
Two-way street, brother!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

This thread's title started as a sarcastic dig because the free stuff we gave out wasn't enough.
That's where we're starting here.
Clearly there is something to be learned about how we phrase things - but I'd like to remind everyone that this was something we did for free to be nice and to thank you all for playing. It feels weird on our end when this is met with sarcasm and derision. It almost makes me want to say in the future, "I recommend against giving out free things like this because there's the risk that we overlook something trivial and our gesture of goodwill is somehow taken as a slight. Best to just not do it". I don't think that's what people want - but that's how it can feel sometimes.
The obvious answer is that we should just add the line next time that says, "Only 1 code of any type can be redeemed per user". That's the obvious takeaway - but I really dislike coming through these threads and seeing people that are legitima...

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02 Jan

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Excellent research! Definitely worth mentioning

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thanks for bringing this to my attention! We’re looking in to this now to find out a bit more. Sorry to hear that the timing of it is inconvenient for you, but we’ll have some more clear answers soon.

Happy New Year!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

@Snargfargle has an excellent grasp on it.

Suggesting that, “I’ve never seen a dev in game so they clearly don’t play” is sort of like my favorite joke:

”Ever seen a pink elephant hide in a tree?”

”… No”

”They’re pretty good hiders, aren’t they?”

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is absolutely zero truth to any ideas floated about MM targeting any particular ship or person and dispensing losses to them.
Except @Ducky_shot. I recently had a code installed specifically to make sure he sees T10's no matter what tier he plays
50 losses in 58 games is indeed nearly miraculous. I believe that, by default, any breathing person should be making at least 40% wins - so kudos to you! You have been touched by a BB-caliber angel of bad luck.
Or it is perhaps that you are not yet able to carry your weight in a match. That was me for my first few hundred battles, for sure. I suggest forming a division with someone you know is better than you, watching youtube videos, and watching streamers as well. Streamers on Twitch can be extremely helpful for learning how to go from red stats to orange, orange to yellow, and on and up the rainbow.
Hope that helps! @Tom_Voke

01 Jan

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Try playing in a division with friends!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s entirely possible that the 380’s on the Biz aren’t able to cit a super cruiser like the JDW at surprising ranges. I can’t look at the armor values at the moment, but what I can tell you is that the KDW excels at the following:

* Resisting light cruiser / DD HE

* Resisting AP up to 406 on the deck, but not the bow or stern.

To combat a JDW, you should do the following:

* Have 434mm+ AP shells

* Light it on fire (it burns like a BB)

* Have good enough aim to overmatch the bow or stern with 406mm+ guns

For example, I was once devstruck 100-0 by a Montana that aimed the shells well enough to hit the stern in a manner that quad citadel’d me.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Vermont isn’t a carry-bote.

It doesn’t have the speed to re-position and support multiple areas. It’s job is to nuke cruisers and battleships up to 24+km that aren’t paying attention.

Try playing in a division with a DD - that will help!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please be careful making statements like this.

The devs absolutely do play on the live server and the various testing servers.

30 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Because I've been trying to spend time with family, brother.
Please settle down on the vindictiveness here. This is a contest for free stuff - not life or death.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

"Rigged" would suggest that we set up an event with a winner pre-determined. When we're back in the office we'll go over what happened, see where failure occurred, and note it for future events to avoid issues.
So let's take off the tinfoil hats and have some patience for the holiday to be over so we can take a look at it.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

#1 - this thread was resting peacefully and did not need to be necro'd.
#2 - it's not proper to post repeatedly. Edit your previous post.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep, we’re still humans at the end of the day. Happy Holidays!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sounds like we should have clarified that only one of the codes can be redeemed per user.

Stuff like that can get lost when trying to be succinct. Thanks for the feedback!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It literally says “ONE of the codes is for you”.

I’d say that’s about as clear as can be! Happy Holidays!