

30 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, so the NA team are all on vacation. I’m spending time with family - so I read the comment I was tagged in and went back to family.

You want to know why a winner was decided in a art contest. I don’t know. I went to acting school and got a D on an acting scene because the teacher told me there weren’t enough “peaks and valleys”. Artistic expression and the appreciation of it is subjective.

I don’t appreciate comments like this.

Happy Holidays, guys!

29 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Got confirmation - if the Premium time ends DURING a battle the benefits will not be applied to the result.

Thank goodness that it is a very rare occasion!

28 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

When the patch will drop?

Yes, we do know

No, we can’t tell you

I’ll give you a hint though: it will drop some time between now and the end of 2022!

27 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The RB / Steel ships nearly all have very unique gimmicks or playstyles to make them interesting!

Austin is difficult to play but extremely fun due to the insane AA and the MBRB with infinite charges. It also gets citadel’d by harsh language. You need to be patient, careful, and extremely skilled to do well in it.

Shiki has the coolest gun sounds in the game, 32mm overmatch, and great secondaries.

25 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

If the purchase was made too far ago in the past then CS may refuse to process the request.

The refund feature is really for accidental purchases, not for “see if it fits”.

Merry Christmas!

23 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The folks responding are correct: The game is free to play, but not all parts of the game are free.
In this case, you have it wrong, I'm afraid.
The mission chain will be open to you as long as you have the Repulse. You can actually unlock the Repulse for FREE simply by playing through the dockyard missions.
Without paying a dime, you can unlock the Repulse for Free and begin playing the missions that require the Repulse.
You won't have as much time to complete the missions if you do it for free, but you will be able to complete them.
We try to find ways to "keep the lights on" and make the game as free to play as we can at the same time. Sometimes folks disagree with us on how well we walk that line, but it helps to keep expectations in line.
You CAN do these missions for free without paying a dime - but folks who earn the Repulse faster by putting some money towards it will be able to do them faster.
I hope ...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah man, we listen and relay this sort of stuff.
Thank you for the excellent feedback!

22 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


Join us tonight for a festive Holiday Stream tonight on our Official Twitch Channel!

We have giveaways and quizzes and ships to give out! Bombs to be dropped and torps to be launched!

Jolly Old St. Hapa_Claus joins us to deliver a veeerrrrrry special present to the World of Warships NA team, and we might just have a present for him as well...

5pm CST!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I recommend the coming in to the forums and making a post asking for help with learning the ship rather than stating why it's bad.
Petropavlovsk has some of the strongest overall armor of any cruiser in the game. The 50mm upper hull and deck means that nearly all destroyer and cruiser HE shells shatter and do no damage. The placement of the hull low in the water means the citadel is extremely difficult to hit even when it is broadside to you. The AA is excellent. It has radar. It has Hydro. It has advanced penetration angles for it's AP shells. It has insane penetration values even at range.
It does many things REALLY well. It's extremely tanky and it's AP shells are lethal within 14km.

21 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, Creative Captains!
This is the forum thread where you may enter your submissions for the Italian Destroyer Camouflage contest!

Please submit your materials here in accordance with the requirements listed in the Portal Article! We look forward to seeing all your cool designs! Please remember that this is a feedback thread and you will not see anyone else's submissions, nor your own after you post it. Please do not post anything in this thread that is not a design that follows the guidelines in the article. Thank you and happy creating!

20 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Again, I don't need right now why you think the UU is not **good**, I just need to know what the bug is so I can see about getting it fixed first.
So you're saying that the torpedo tubes turn so slowly with the UU that it causes nearly a desync between client and server and prevent actually firing them more than acceptable?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Let sleeping threads lie.

19 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

XP earned on premium ships goes into the pool that can be converted to FXP for doubloons.
A portion of that premium ship XP that you earn is immediately turned into FXP, just like any other ship, for free.
If Premium ships earned FXP instead of XP there would be no need to play tech tree ships

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, the issue is that the torpedoes will not fire unless the tubes are perfectly aligned?
I'm having trouble understanding exactly where the bug is. Guns do not fire until the reticle is exactly where your mouse cursor tells it to go. This can be problematic on ships that turn their hull faster than their guns like some IJN DD's and some UK BB's. It's not a bug for the torps to only fire once they reach the intended direction. That's how it is for basically everything. Guns and Torps.
When giving "bug reports", guys - try to resist the temptation to add personal opinions and feelings about balance and how clearly the devs only care about Russian stuff. It makes it more difficult to identify the problem...

18 Dec

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have been told it is moderately pleasing to play against me.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the review, Mouse!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Omg… imagine if that was the actual question this whole time

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Very interesting!

Personally, I love the USN cruisers. There are so many of them and they have such different personalities. Pensacola gets the first badass 8-in AP shells, Cleveland gets the light CL DPM while Helena gets the CL throw-weight.

I’m personally of the opinion as well that a T8 USN CL would make a great premium.

Honestly it’s a great idea about the “pack”.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Reeeeaaaallllly nice analysis here!

I myself had not realized that there are other USN Cruisers that fit the line in certain ways better than is.

Personally I love the USN cruisers overall due to how many there are and the skill required to do well in Pensa/New O