Thanks, man! At the very least, no one can level the “WG doesn’t play it’s own game” at me
Thanks, man! At the very least, no one can level the “WG doesn’t play it’s own game” at me
It’s currently 10:46pm in Prague.
Im waking up at 4am to head to the airport to return to NA after KOTS 13.
I took this down and will pass it along, however, I cannot promise anything. Thank you for caring enough to make a case for an altered paint job!
Are you a super tester or CC? You speak like you have experience in this ship and that would violate NDA.
To the OP - it will come out when it comes out. We just announced a bunch of new ships on top of the German BC line, a new Dockyard that includes TWO new ships, and an entire new Pan-Asian cruiser line.
Incomp is still in testing and therefore I cannot reveal release date or resource type as things may change.
Good Morning, Captains!
I come bearing good news. I’ve received word that your common concerns in Co-op games have been heard! While I cannot tell you the specific details as of yet, I can confirm that the issues you’ve raised regarding coop matches ending too quickly as a result of bots unable to defend themselves properly has been acknowledged and will be adjusted in an upcoming patch to address these issues.
While I’m excited to report these changes to you, I must ask you to be patient for these changes to be implemented.
Thank you!
Ah, I must have misunderstood your exact question.
Sorry, man - I’m in Prague for KOTS Internationals and have been doing forum discussions from my mobile phone. Seems like I got your question blended up with some of the more common grievances about Naval Battles.
Thank you for reporting this. The bug was identified earlier and fixed in update 0.10.10
Congrats, Greifer and Bex!
Taking the plunge into the podcast world is a lot of fun. Looking forward to listening!
There’s a slight chance I’m wrong about this, but PR is not how “WG set it up”. Wows stats and numbers as a website determines their own formula for making PR, not WG.
Yeah, man! I think I can give a few examples to highlight the issue.
So, the main issue here is that Naval Battles are a simple competition between two clans, regardless of how the clans define themselves (A KOTS-champion clan of only 20 highly-skilled PvP people can be matched against a PvE clan of 50, for example). The simple reality is that most clans are made up of PvP users because, as I’ve said before, that is the primary game mode. There is no disrespect in saying that and, as an American (so there’s no cultural misunderstanding), I think it’s a mistake to suggest that there is.
I saw somebody earlier in this thread point out - Coop simply has a higher WR for players. Nearly 90-100% of human players win coop battles. 50% of human players win Random battles. Think about that. Base XP is heavily affected by whether you win or not, but not prohibitively. The best BXP comes from playing well. With bars set for BXP, it is intended to allow ...
Read moreNot exactly.
I said today on stream that the collection will be available to collect next KOTS as well, unless I heard MrConway incorrectly.
Now… I cannot be 100% sure that this ALSO means the NC camo will be available to get during next KOTS.
It’s not a secret and I have no qualms saying this again:
Random battles is the primary game mode.
Naval Battles are centered around Random battles.
I respect the PvE community, but this argument about Naval Battles somehow being a sign of WG disrespect is consistently missing the mark.
Naval Battles are the most basic form of clan vs clan functionality the game has. It’s passive and the only requirement is to the play the primary game mode. It’s a super simple measure of a clan organizing to achieve an objective, and part of that is you cannot simply play coop and expect to out-compete another clan. It’s that simple.
If anyone has a legitimate argument to suggest that Naval Battles should be staggered around Coop metrics and not Randoms, I’m all ears. If they have a solution to the fundamental problem therein which is: “this will 100% lopsided the results towards c...
Read moreHi, OP - if your CAPS LOCK IS STUCK - try holding Shift….
I’m confused as to what the problem is. Naval Battles are a simple, passive competition for groups to help people earn extra oil for their clans to build up the clan base.
And you’re suggesting this is some sort of WG scam?
I’m 13,000 battles into my Warships career and I’m not buying this argument for one second.
I don't know why anyone would expect ASW planes to damage land installations. Gameplay-wise or Realism-wise.
The airstrikes are the longest-distance tool available for combatting Subs outside of direct gunfire. This is the tool Cruisers and BB's were given to insure that they have some proper methods of doing damage back to submarines considering their generally slower speeds than DD's. DD's, on the other hand, have the close-range capabilities that allow them to make a sub kill nearly certain when they come upon one.
Keep in mind: a submarine inside the minimum distance for airstrikes will not be able to land torpedoes without being near the surface, where secondaries and main battery gunfire will be lethal to them.
Why is this not mentioned in the tooltip? I'm not sure. Many things are not mentioned in the tooltips if you dig hard enough. A push of the "4" key will show you immediately that there is a minimum distance, so to me it's not a crucial pi...
There was a glut of information that came out surrounding Submarines, Superships, updates to Loot-box drop-rates and transparency, along with us preparing for KOTS Internationals.
Rest assured there will be more devblogs with new info soon :)
I suspect this topic is sarcasm / satire.
I doubt Zeppelins will ever make it into the game, fellas =D
Dispersion - The total elliptical area in which a shell can land.
Sigma - the likelihood that the shell will land closer to the center of the ellipse.
High Dispersion / High Sigma - Tightly grouped shells with a few "wtf is that one over there" (Republique, Agir )
Low Dispersion / High Sigma - Tightly grouped shells that almost never miss (Stalingrad, Siegfried)
Low Sigma / High Dispersion - Scattered Shells across a large area "Short Barreled Shotgun" (Pommern / Kansas / Vittorio Veneto)
This may be the first time I've heard someone actually suggest that WG is doing something wrong by NOT more-heavily monetizing something in the game.
My day has been made!
Fair enough. They are not counted in most missions. T1 - T4 are training tiers and therefore are not "useless". The "use" of a ship is more than just a tool for accomplishing missions.
I mean... it's where SOME real navy ships are. I could list all the ships at T5 and above that are real, but I'd boor you and myself =D