Is hotfix scheduled for March 23rd or March 30th? The TWAB lists both dates in different places.
March 23.
Is hotfix scheduled for March 23rd or March 30th? The TWAB lists both dates in different places.
March 23.
I really hope we get a clear breakdown of how Guardian Games Scoring works this year.
For sure.
Great summary. Not a super in-depth TWAB, but the extra detail around Eyes was nice (and nicely explained). As a whole, this one was particularly well-written. Thanks for the work you and the team do, u/cozmo23!
this one was particularly well-written
Thanks a lot of people work on these. I'll just assume this is specifically referencing the MOTW section.
That was an interesting breakdown for eyes of tomorrow, and I have to say that the turnaround for bug fixes has continued to be dope. I know its unpopular, but the DCV continues to shine as way for rapid testing and bug fixes to occur, and I am here for it honestly.
Yea I try not to be seen as "tooting our own horn." But I'm super proud of all of the teams that have been putting in the work to get more fixes out and get them out quicker.
Even this wording is confusing. Why not just say “Oops, the update is planned for March 23rd.”?
Oops, the update is planned for March 23.
This is a good note and I'll pass it along. Appreciate the feedback on the new challenge system. Let me anyone has any other suggestions.
i agree, whats the point of a stealth nerf when we usually find it the next week anyway?
Exactly! :) Which is why we never intentionally leave things out of the patch notes.
I’ll check into this and confirm that it was just missed notes and nothing is bugged.
12man being fixed is fine - of course it is, it's an unintended bug. But Bungie I beg of you, please at least say "we're aware that you enjoy this and your feedback has been passed on". Anything to show that you know it's what we want.
*Y'all aren't the sharpest tools in the shed are ya. I'm not going to defend myself because who argues over the internet lmao? Yes I read the TWAB. Stop being weird now.
100% aware that more players in activities is wildly popular and something the community wants to see more of. Not promising anything, but definitely passing the feedback along.
So you are on the fence?
How was the perf?
I don't see it mentioned anywhere in the TWAB but presage hasn't been dropping pinnacle rewards since release, the rewards are capping out at 1300 for me and I was wondering if it's known or not or if I'm missing something.
This is a known issue we are currently looking into.
Is he like some kind of anti Luke Smith? lmfao
I love Joe as well, but Luke is weighing in and supporting all of these changes in today's article too. These two and the rest of our team are highly collaborative so lets not pit them against each other please.
And I'm not picking on your Firex, looks like you are just joking around, but I don't want to see a false narrative that any one person at Bungie is ruining/saving the game when its a huge team effort.
You were just waiting for the link to come like weren't ya.
We're aware and investigating the reports of enemies teleporting getting worse this season. Appreciate the post.
Read moreThings I like about randomly rolled exotics:
The primary reason I like them is that I like being able to have additional specialisation on my workhorse weapons. Both Hawkmoon and Dead Man's Tale are extremely versatile primary weapons even without their third perk: Hawkmoon is a 140rpm hand cannon, probably the most popular archetype of weapon in the game. Dead Man's Tale has higher impact than the 150rpm archetype of scouts and also a lower zoom, so unlike other scouts it's now a lot more competitive with pulses, hand cannons and bows as a long range primary that can also hit hard.
At base, neither of these weapons are 'weak', nor are they not 'exotic.' Take No Distractions off Izanagi's, as an example, and you don't lose the main draw of Izanagi's: massive burst damage that trades off ammo efficiency for being able to punch way above its weight class for a special weapon. Similarly, the collections roll of Hawkmoon still has its...
This was a really great write up. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Random rolls on an exotic once in a blue moon are fine, having one each season is a no from me
Appreciate the feedback on this. We are definitely not planning to do a random rolled exotic every season. We were actually worried that players would come to expect to see one every season since these 2 ended up back to back.
Let us know how you are feeling. Do you want a special exotic with random rolls every once in a while, or is this something you dislike and would rather we not do in the future?
This is definitely a bug. We are investigating now, thanks!
We looked into this and reducing Penumbral blast from 80 to 38 was not an intended change and will be fixed in a future update.
If the nerf is intentional, it would be very welcome and helpful for the community to hear the rationale behind such changes. I'm certain the team is well aware that the community thinks exclusive raid exotic heavy weapons should be powerful, and this is not the direction of change people wanted. Better to address this up front.
Just confirmed that any damage reductions were definitely not intentional and the team is currently investigating it as a bug.
Adaptive Ordinance only triggering off of kills is intentional as referenced in it's description.
WHAT!!!! Cozmo responded to my post!!!! Geez man.
While you're here I just wanna say thank you for literally matchmaking me with my best friends and creating one of my favourite games ever.
This game changed my goals in life so much that I'm currently studying Games Design at University, with dreams of working at Bungie some day.
So thanks to you and all the team for making me into what I am today.
I’ll pass your thanks to the amazing team that are responsible for making the game and bringing people together inside of it. Glad to hear you are studying game design. Work hard at it, make some cool stuff and hopefully I’ll see you in a meeting someday.