

03 Oct


Thanks for the report. I'll let the team know.


Originally posted by LuminousShot

It's pretty great. Only wish banshee had those too, especially because you need to complete 8 of his bounties for the powerful reward

I'll give that feedback.

02 Oct


Originally posted by j-fudz

still getting weasel my dude please send help

Looking into it.


Originally posted by KarmaticArmageddon

Been getting Weasel errors for 9 hours. As soon as I select a character and it loads me into orbit, it kicks me out with a Weasel error. If I open my character screen or director before it loads me into orbit, it won't kick me out, but as soon as I try to select a destination, I get kicked with the same error.

My entire clan is having the same issue and so are thousands of other people according to the Bungie Help Twitter. The game is literally unplayable for thousands of people. I'm honestly not trying to bitch, but can you ask if the Bungie Help team can at least tweet out an acknowledgement that the issue is still ongoing? Right now I just feel like I and several thousand other people are screwed because emergency maintenance is done and we still can't get in at all.

Thanks for all the hard work today, man, I'm sure you guys have been busy as hell, but I just really want to enjoy the game. Have a good night.

We are continuing to investigate Weasel errors. Thanks for the post.


Should be back from emergency maintenance!

Report any other issues on the help forums.

01 Oct


Originally posted by A_Rogue_A

Frankly, the community has been saying that the infusion system sucks for the better part of a year now, but with no improvements. If anything, this seems like you guys are doubling down on that same system. That means either you aren't communicating that the community hates the system or the people responsible don't care. Either way, what's the point of communicating our issues when they're not being fixed or responded to?

I saw a lot of players give feedback that the gunsmith bounties that granted Enhancement Cores was a positive addition.

I will keep passing feedback along. Let me know what you think of the new system.


Originally posted by IGFanaan

Not new to MMOs so I wont need to see how this feels. It's a poorly constructed idea, which is 100% on Bungie. You dont see this shit in WoW or any other MMO do you? Gee I wonder why. It does nothing but piss people off and hurt those who dont play as often.

Everyone tried to give Bungie the benefit of the doubt and put blame on Activision because this FEELS like something they would do. Thanks Bungie for killing all the hype I had for Shadowkeep. It may seem like a small thing to be upset about, especially when I haven't been able to login for more than 30 seconds yet, but it shows their core design philosophy and it's not a good one. Enhancement cores have been complained about since they were added and this is only worse. REMOVE THE LIMIT!

Downvote if you must, but this is about looking to the future. Yes I'll play, and yes I'll enjoy the moon, but once the new wears off and we're left with stupid concepts like this, you'll see how quickly everyone jumps on the...

Read more

I appreciate the feedback. I will pass it along. So is your suggestion that infusing should cost nothing, or just not cost Upgrade Modules?


Originally posted by rmany2k

Not sure how I feel about Upgrade Modules. I'll reserve full judgment until I get in the game but having to grind a new material that's limited by week and you can only store 25? At first glance it seems worse than Enhancement Cores for infusion.

Definitely give us more feedback after you get some play time in. They are not limited by week. You will have 2 you can get from gunsmith weeklies, and you can get more from the season pass as well as purchase them from gunsmith for different materials. They also cost a little less to use than infusing previously did.


Originally posted by Arcane_Bullet

/u/Cozmo23 So I'm noticing that damage perks nerfs aren't in the patch notes. Not in the game as of yet or were they forgotten?

Yea looks like they got left out. I'm adding them in. Thanks!


Originally posted by Try_to_guess_my_psn

So.... fun stuff: the patch notes (formatted) are too long for reddit. Idk what to do right now, sorry :D So sorry for the unformatted mess, I try to get some linebreaks in at least, but we're at 39889/40000 chars right now....

sorry, took some time, I first had to extract the reddit formatted version from the bot we use to.. well, convert the blog posts (I aint gonna do all those bullet points by hand). it's now split in two.

Thanks for taking care of it. :)

30 Sep



You will be missed. We will await your return.




Reply below for a chance to receive a code. We will reach out in a PM and let you choose your platform. Anyone who replies twice(parent replies) will be disqualified and possible shot into the sun(figuratively.) Feel free to reply to other parent threads though.

You have one day.

Edit: Well... that was quick.

We will give everyone until 1PM Pacific to reply below and then the mods will lock this post so we can start sending out codes.

Edit2: A lot of Guardians still want to enter so we are opening it back up. Since we shattered the goal, we will give an extra 10 codes away. You have until 10 AM Pacific tomorrow.

Edit3: Winners have been contacted. Thanks everyone!

External link →

28 Sep


You just never quit do you...

27 Sep


Originally posted by prollygointohell

I'm playing crossplay on PC from Xbox. If I buy Shadowkeep on Xbox, my title transfers over? That's the way the post seems, anyway. Clarification u/Cozmo23 ??

You would still need to purchase Shadowkeep on PC to play the Shadowkeep content. Your items would be equipable though.


Originally posted by thebutinator

I will pass along the feedback. The pin will be restocked on Oct 11. I know internation shipping costs are not great, the Store is aware of the feedback.


Originally posted by blackwlj

u/Cozmo23 do you know if the support teams are aware of this?

It maxes out at 4, 5 with the buff.


Originally posted by Pmyrrh

Redrix's less tactical teammate.

"Randy you idiot!"


Originally posted by AntiDelRay

u/cozmo23 will the pride pin be restocked?

October 11.


Originally posted by Son_of_Kyuss

Sorry, still slightly confused. After the patch, will the pinnacle weapons drop with their unique perks from the quests, or will it be a curated roll?

I’m assuming any that drop from the random loot pools post patch will be curated.

For instance, I’m on the 5 resets part of Redrix. Not going to have time to complete before reset. When (if!) I complete it, will it roll with Desperado?

The previous pinnacle weapons will still have their original perks.