We are investigating this issue. We’ll share any new information as soon as we can. Follow @Bungiehelp for the latest.
We are investigating this issue. We’ll share any new information as soon as we can. Follow @Bungiehelp for the latest.
while you are at it can you sort out the belt situation for the worlds first "eater of worlds", my mate Sprokits has not heard back from anyone at all about anything and people are not responding to his tickets, its been like 4 months since he has heard anything....
PM their contact info and I will reach out.
Why not just go back to having a heavy round? What was the reasoning behind taking that away and spawning it multiple times in a match instead?
I'll give that feedback to the team! Did heavy ever only spawn in one round in D2 Survival? I know that is how Elim worked in D1 but my memory is fuzzy on all the D2 Survival variations.
I’ll let the team know you would like to have the Solstice armor become Universal Ornaments. Thanks for the feedback.
Nooooo. Booo. Why would you fix this? This is a good thing lol. This should be a feature.
I'll let the team know about the feedback here and that this is something the community would like to see stay.
This is a bug that will be fixed in a future update. We wanted to let everyone know.
Its not just Survival, its heavy in round based game modes, generally. And the way heavy ammo currently functions makes it so much worse. It spawns every round, early in the round, and again multiple times in a round. If heavy is going to stay in round based game modes there needs to be designated heavy rounds where it spawns at earliest mid way through the round, and only once.
Thanks for the feedback.
"As an added bonus for taking enemies out this way, you’ll be invulnerable while this brief sequence plays out." You should probably change the wording of that then hah
Yes, definitely. Where is that message displayed and I'll look into getting it fixed?
Nevermind I found it in the player guide. Getting it fixed.
I've passed along feedback to the team about too much heavy in Crucible. I've also let them know that Comp(3v3 Survival) in particular is where heavy is most disliked. Let me know if you agree/disagree below. Thanks!
I don't think you realize how big of a deal this is. The Red War was your big selling argument to me. Without it I wouldn't have become a core gamer. I got Destiny 2 with PS Plus and played that beautiful Red War Campaign which ultimatlely led to me buying: CoO, Warmind, Forsaken with Season Pass and now Shadowkeep with Season pass.
If you'd put me in the middle of the game without any pointers where to go, I guarantee you, I would have played a few hours, lost interest and uninstalled Destiny 2 soon after. Please take this seriously! I'd love to see a growing core gamer community.
I'm taking it seriously. I've brought it up to the team.
Hey /u/Cozmo23, could you pass along the feedback to someone about the clan and roster page? It kinda sucks that we can't actually see the people in our clan unless we are friends on Steam (I'm not sure who's in play regarding this situation, if it's something on Bungie's or Steam's end). We see them online, but we don't see them as we used to do on Bnet or on PS4.
I'll let them know.
Melee finishers are supposed to give i-frames?! They do not. I have taken damage and died in melee finishers, all while my target was alive.
I believe they give some Damage Resistance, but not invulnerability similar to casting a super - so you can die if you are low health and taking a lot of damage. I'd need to confirm.
Hey u/Cozmo23, just curious if the stat nerf on armor 1.0 is intentional or (alternatively) a bug that's going to be fixed in the future.
It seems all exotics effectively got their mobility/resilience/recovery divided by 10 (e.g. still 3-4 stat points in new system rather than the 30-40 equivalent it would've been, leaving exotics with 20-25ish total stats) and old legendaries only give one point for the selectable between two stats (reducing the stats they give by 9 in the new system).
Obviously don't need this fixed immediately, but I would like to know whether this is considered intended or a bug that will eventually be fixed so I can manage my stash appropriately.
I'll look into it. Thanks!
u/Cozmo23 Could you please help us out with this?
I have tried every means possible to contact Bungie and get no response.
I'll let the team know. Thanks.
If it goes to your postmaster it gets stuck in your pursuits. That's what happened to me at least.
The team is aware of this issue and investigating.
I was hoping to see that weapons losing their masterworks would make it into this TWAB as a known bug.
Can you make sure that this is known. I have seen a few threads that all reference losing masterworks on Play Of The Game specifically, but I am not sure if it goes beyond that one weapon.
It's known. We think it's only Play Of The Game. Let me know if you know of any others.
can we have a word about the heavy ammo economy in every playlist??
current heavy ammo economy is boring, abundant, unfun, call it however u like.
make heavy ammo spawn once per match regardless the playlist.
easy fix.
Recluse is still the far better primary option, miles ahead. this is not how u promote build diversity.
I've brought up the feedback about too much heavy. The team is aware.
Short TWAB this week, huh?
Hey u/Cozmo23. Could you pass feedback to the team to add a page in the UI that lets us see the mods we have collected, and what we are missing, for armor 2.0? It would be immensely helpful. Thanks!
I brought that up today.
Thanks for the feedback. It's definitely something we knew was going to be an issue as the amount of content can be pretty overwhelming. We created some questlines to introduce different content as players become more comfortable. I'll pass along feedback that we could continue to improve this system.
In the meantime we did write up a new player guide you can send to your friends to help them out. Thanks!