

16 Aug


Originally posted by DeerTrivia

posts picture of baby


I see what you did there.

(babies poop)

You are not wrong.


Originally posted by ashenContinuum

What class does she main?

Her big sister is a Hunter, so she is going to be a Titan.


Originally posted by dmg04



You wouldn’t downvote a car?


Originally posted by BigRizzo1984

That’s cheating putting an adorable kid in here!



“Indeed.” - Commander Zavala


Since the mods are asleep here are some pictures of my new kid. Yea I’m that dad.

Bungie Baby 2

Have a nice day.

External link →

14 Aug


Originally posted by OldSkoolSoul

Glimmer at 250,000!

Feels good.


Originally posted by Oroborous13

Wait wait wait, like Y1 armor and Y2 armor? Like all of it?


If you can still earn it, you can get it as 2.0.

13 Aug


One of the greatest Monty Python remakes since How Not to be Seen

07 Aug


Originally posted by dmg04

I am in Michigan for my brother’s wedding.

You’re on your own.

You’re on PTO turn off your phone.

03 Aug


Originally posted by CodeMonkeyMark

Can that be done server side? Cause is seems kind of urgent.

No it requires an update to the client.


Originally posted by zerik100

Because it annoys me that 90% of the recent CMs comments are jokes and satire instead of actual helpful information that they are supposed to give.

Sorry about the jokes and satire.

I think the Reckoning changes will be impactful, but will look to the community to give feedback once the change goes live.


Originally posted by friden710

Wow u got Jez The Titan Slayer, Slayer of all Titans as a teammate??

Our apologies. We’ll lower the drop chance of Jez in a future update,

01 Aug


Originally posted by JesusInMalibu

I know it's been said enough already but I'm honestly almost kind of glad when any developer delays a major release like this since it shows they care enough to make the launch goes right instead of meeting some arbitrary deadline.

Unrelated, but any word on if PS4 exclusives are enabled on Xbox and PC before Shadowkeep? Possibly when cross-save happens later this month?

Also, congrats on the baby, Cozmo!!

Thanks! Just got home this morning. Everyone is doing great.


Originally posted by Esbeon

I mean, better this than refusing to alter the requirements because "it wouldn't be fair to the people who already acquired it"


We have altered the deal...


Originally posted by PoliticalMeth

Thank you cozmo very cool, now it's me who can't play on the first week now, I worked so hard to convince my supervisor to give me my 2 weeks holiday on the start of the 15th of September which is 2 dayes prior to the original release to get ready and I was so excited that I got the approval 3 days ago, unfortunately I can't change the dates now, very cool bungie, fml.

Edit: I reached to cozmo after he offered me help and he replied, I'll leave the updates if this worked out or not

Edit Aug 7: Cozmo actually wrote me a letter so I can forward it to my supervisor soon after I made this complain, I showed it to my boss when he was in a good mood ( this is rare even more than a spare ration god roll drop ) I talked about the time off change and he refused, but I activated my trap card ( Cozmo23 letter ) aaaaand apparently he used to play halo years before so he was shocked that a bungie dev actually contacted me to ask on my behalf to change time off so I can play thei...

Read more

Sorry about that. Like Luke and Mark said in the statement, we know this messed up a lot of plans, but we feel it was the best thing for the game. Let me know if you want me to write a letter to your supervisor asking them if they can move your dates.


Originally posted by OriginalTodd

October 1st is my birthday too, so double win for me?

It’s cool that you share a birthday with /u/norsefenrir.