Looks like I might get the RIP emote after all!
Yea I'm definitely getting it. It was a blast getting a double kill in playtest and then paying my respects to both opponents.
Looks like I might get the RIP emote after all!
Yea I'm definitely getting it. It was a blast getting a double kill in playtest and then paying my respects to both opponents.
Where does the WITCHES BROOM fall into that? Since it is returning, but not from last year
It's not the same broom from D1 and will be available for both Silver and Bright Dust at some point during the event.
Will all the eververse items have a chance to be purchased with dust?
All of the new Festival of the Lost Eververse items will be available for Bright Dust at some point during the event. Some of the older items from last year are Silver only.
We've been collecting feedback on the pinnacle power progression and giving it to the team. They are currently looking into improving this system. Thanks for sharing your experience, the info is helpful.
I'll pass along this feedback. Not sure if it would be retroactive or just apply to exotic quests going forward, but I'll let the team know its a desired change.
Had a team that actually shipped a placeholder string that ended up reading "Some sort of important info about [redacted] goes here" in the frontend -__-
"Carl, don't forget to include the description here."
u/cozmo23 is xur in the same state when he was suppose to have random rolls but didn’t?
It seems since armor 2.0 he has only offered the collection rolls.
Known issue. We're investigating.
u/Cozmo23 any chance of a Thundercrash buff?
Not in 2.6.1, but the team is aware of the feedback.
I loved the insight why. My suggestion would be just allow me to re-roll the elemental affinity with some glimmer/shards etc.
I'll pass this suggestion along, thanks!
Can we get confirmation that 1.0 armor with ruined stats is at least on the list for triage?
It seems that not all archetypes/perks/mods got scaled up when moving from the "out of 10" stat-system to the newer "out of 100" one, hitting exotics especially badly.
I'll make sure it's being investigated.
QA Analyst here - if I opened a ticket every time I saw a placeholder asset and made a bad assumption, my web team would have shot me in the parking lot years ago...
So are we really going to call this weapon "$%NEW_HEAVY_ROCKETLAUNCHER%$" ?
It's good to have him back.
Ahh the old, we hear you don't like something, to bad, we like the way its designed, there are no flaws and we're listening tm, c, also r.
Armor 2.0 isnt bad, no, it is a significant improvement over the old mod system (which i dont think I ever used). However there are still a lot of problems with this one, some of which being solved soon (hello mods in collections). I currently dont want to invest any currency into an armor piece until im 960, and seeing what the raid meta looks like, no reason to spend anything till then, dont really need 10 units in my armor until i know what I really need, simply precision weapons targeting helps fine for trying to get randy's throwing knife.
IDK probably rambling at this point, but reading that whole passage about armor 2.0 just felt like Bungie was once again telling us we're wrong for not liking their design choices...
that whole passage about armor 2.0 just felt like Bungie was once again telling us we're wrong for not liking their design choices...
Sorry if it read that way. That wasn't our intention. We've been trying to share insight into "why" some design decisions were made - not tell anyone they were wrong for not liking something. We are definitely still considering feedback.
Could be a placeholder
This. Some stuff is autogenerated when it's not actually visible yet and still waiting on additional content to be finished in a future update.
Looking into this now. I saw the xbox tag that matched your reddit name and did the grant. Check your collections.
How about they fix Gofannon forge while they are at it! Xbox crashes right before boss fight. u/cozmo23
Known issue. We are investigating it.
The dev team is aware of the perf issues and investigating. Thanks!
On behalf of /r/DestinyFashion, any word on those Levante prize competitions /u/Cozmo23?
I appreciate you’re all probably very busy and that we all need time to get out of our levelling blues/purples into some “real” armour anyway, but it’s certainly something I know some people are looking forward to.
Wait so that includes the cabal heavy shotgun I can’t remember the name of? The one from the Leviathan raid quest?
Acrius still drops from its quest.