

27 Sep


Originally posted by ParrotSTD

Does that mean any that are in progress are safe too? I still haven't finished my Hush and Revoker but have the quests.



Originally posted by Gloridel


Will there be any other way of obtaining the Pride emblem? I'd like to show support but I missed the pin in the store, and as UK based player the Bungie store doesn't always support us that well. Personally I'd happily drop cash on this if it was also partly supporting the cause.

It will be restocked on Oct 11.


Originally posted by DerpNRG_AUS

u/Cozmo23 I may have missed it but regarding any pinnacle quests partially/non completed in your pursuits tab; will they be cleared/deleted after the season rolls over? (If so I gotta embrace my inner Legolas this weekend...)

No, other than Glory resetting.

26 Sep


Originally posted by Nerkson

Wait, will old Pinnacle guns still retain their unique perks? Can they still be obtained?

Yes and yes.


Originally posted by dalek2016

Please, what is the roll on Randy's Throwing Knife?!?!

We don't want to spoil everything. You will find out next week. :)


Originally posted by dobby_rams

These problems became more pronounced the more of them we produced. In the end, we decided to move away from pinnacle weapons. If you managed to collect them all, we hope you enjoy them!

I wouldn't mind that being clarified, too. The "if you managed to collect them all" part would suggest you no longer can obtain them.


You can still get them. Just being congratulatory to those who have already caught em all.


Originally posted by Duwang-

Yay raid banners for y1 raids and FORGES FROM ORBIT???



Originally posted by ol_crusty_socks

This can’t be the first time you’ve heard this.

Nope, but I update the team often on what features are being requested.


Originally posted by EnderScar

Hey, I've seen this one before, it's a classic.

Edit: Sorry for sounding negative, just saw a chance to make a funny joke, apparently i'm just very bad at conveying memes through text. I accept my punishment.

Oldie but a goodie.

25 Sep


I'll pass this feature request along to the team. Thanks.

24 Sep


Originally posted by _cocoblanco

Thanks for clarifying before it got too off the rails with speculation/hype.

Yea, sorry to be a buzzkill, but we didn't want to set the wrong expectations.


Originally posted by saga79

For anyone who might be wondering, Cozmo cleared this up. Get to downloading:

My name is Cozmo and I approve this message.


Originally posted by MandessTV

Trials of the Nine armor at 1:12

I checked into this. Looks like that armor was shown in error. That Trials of the Nine armor set is not available to be earned during Season of the Undying.

If you already have the Y1 version, you will still be able to equip it.


Originally posted by Immortal-sunbro

Now THIS...this is a f**king hype trailer.


We all know now we all got crowns. You need to calm down.


Originally posted by Zorak9379

C'mon dataminers!


21 Sep


Were you blinded by its majesty?

20 Sep


Originally posted by SparkySnow

So they can disable jotunn just for garden but they couldn't disable LoW just for pvp when it was broken? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

EDIT: with LoW they said they can't disable a weapon without disabling it everywhere, Unless he means they're going to disable it for every activity when the raid launches.

EDIT: Bungie has replied so ignore this comment

You are correct. It will be disabled everywhere.


Originally posted by JustMy2Centences

Will it be disabled just after the raid opens until the patch or for a longer period of time before the raid?

Currently, we plan is to disable it for the first 24hours to cover the World First race. We can't pick and choose where it's disabled, you will not be able to equip it for any activities while it is disabled.

We'll let you know if anything changes.


Originally posted by [deleted]


No sorry.


Originally posted by SolidAnakin

Hey u/Cozmo23 and u/dmg04 , I have a question about the raid race and contest mode.

Back in 1st of August in the TWAB the following was mentioned

The World First for the new Raid Garden of Salvation will begin on Saturday, October 5. It’s a weekend Raid race and Contest will be active

(emphasis mine)

Today's TWAB states this

Contest mode will be active for the first 24 hours, similar to the Crown of Sorrow World First competition.

I assume the second statement is the correct one since it is the most recent one but i would like a confirmation. Also, I was looking forward to the 2-day contest because while I may be a hardcore player, one day was not enough time for me to complete the last raid, Crown of Sorrow, and another day would probably make the difference ...

Read more

It's on the weekend. You have 24 hours to get the 24hour emblem.