

20 Jun


Originally posted by KainLonginus

I am wondering one thing though: What happens to current Eververse armor sets? As in, the stuff we might have equipped right now? Does the transformation into ornaments delete them from our inventories, or will they remain as legendary armor pieces with their own universal ornament slot?


All your current armor will still be there and you can use it if you like. Nothing in your inventory is going to be automatically dismantled.


Originally posted by ChiIIerr

Will the studio tour be just the bottom floor like the others you guys have done? I think people would drop serious money to sign an NDA and do the whole studio. wink wink

It will be a full tour with NDAs and a memory wipe


19 Jun


Originally posted by wickedsmaht

These changes are amazing, tell the team they did a great job.

Doing that now. :)


Originally posted by GGtheBoss17

I’m kinda suspicious that u/Cozmo23 is very eagerly telling us to dismantle all eververse items...

Like, come on bro, what are the consequences?

Edit: Bruh I’m an idiot; Luke Smith wrote that, not Cozmo😂

Consequences are you will only get Bright Dust from items dismantled before 9/17. Also if you dismantle something you still want, you will need to use Bright Dust to pull it out of Collections before 9/17 and Glimmer/Legendary Shards to pull it out after 9/17.


Originally posted by TenTolas

Can we dismantle the eververse gear that we have already acquired and them be available for ornaments this fall? Including year 1 gear?



Originally posted by randalla

/u/cozmo23 or /u/dmg04

If I donate today, am I eligible for the donation incentives, or do I have to donate tomorrow? Does $50 cover both emblems?

If you want our incentives, it has to be during our streaming block. But you are free to go donate now. It's all going to a great cause!


Originally posted by OrphanofKosm

Can you clarify whether our old armor will be moved to armor 2.0? Stuff like the Gambit Prime or Menagerie gear, will it be updated to have the functionality of the Year 3 perk setup? Not about the Eververse stuff.

We will have much more info on Armor 2.0 details leading up to launch.


Originally posted by mattster42

What am I supposed to do with all this salt?

Frozen Margs?


Originally posted by silvashadez

Armor 2.0 looking better than ever.

Got a pay-to-win problem? Why not just change the system so that it adds depth to the game and render P2W eververse armor a non-issue. That's the kind of solution I like to see!

That is the goal. Thanks for the feedback!

14 Jun


Thanks for the feedback, glad you are enjoying the season.


Originally posted by TheWickedX

No the page when I select the ps4 and then let’s me choose America’s Europe or Asia

Weird. Can you send me a screenshot of the error you see when you choose?

Also make sure you contact the Store's customer service here:


Originally posted by BaconIsntThatGood

How is that cross save then?

I start on PC and make that my main account - does this mean I'm only allowed to 'visit' other platforms but nothing I do on other platforms will save back to PC?

Ex: I play on PC and don't own anything on other platforms. I want to play a crucible match with my friend on PS4. My PC account is my main account so I use cross-save to load my character on PS4.

Do any other the rewards I get from the crucible match 'save' to my account or did I only play on PS4 for the fun of playing?

I start on PC and make that my main account - does this mean I'm only allowed to 'visit' other platforms but nothing I do on other platforms will save back to PC?

They save to your "Active account" which in your example is PC yes.


Originally posted by TheWickedX

I can’t even preorder to North America I’ve been trying for over a week and I keep getting errors saying the site is down. I’ll be disappointed if I can’t get my collectors edition cuz the site is bugged :/ it’s really not fair to people trying to get it

You are getting an error that this page is down?


Looking into this now. Let you know what I find out.


Originally posted by Vektor0

Clarification: if you enable cross-save on Xbox and PC but not on PS4, Xbox and PC will share progress moving forward, but PS4 will be separate. If you earn a Prime Engram on Xbox, you can log into PC and it will be there, but it won't be there on PS4.

Correct me if I'm wrong, /u/Cozmo23.

Yea, if an account doesn't have Cross Save active it wont share progress with your active account.


Thanks for the report. This is a known issue. We are currently looking into it.


Saint-14 be like...

I'll pass along your request to offer the ship in the future.


Originally posted by Favure

Whats going on with the machine gun reserve perks not showing up on some items?

u/cozmo23 & u/dmg04

Known issue, looking into it.


Originally posted by boostmx

u/cozmo23 u/dmg04 not sure if this was answered or made clear yet, didn't see it in the FAQ, but to fully understand cross save, I can port my primary account (Xbox) to other platforms, but if I make some progress on alternate platforms (PC), I won't get that progress on my primary (Xbox)? e.g. if I earned a prime engram on PC, that won't reflect on my Xbox. Thanks!

Correct. You can only make progress on your active account.

I think I replied to the wrong message, or just had my brain explode. Either way, here is a story about you enjoying Cross Save.

You setup Xbox as your "Active Account." This is the set of characters, gear, and progress you want to move forward with. You link your PC account and enable Cross Save on it. You can now play 2 hours of Crucible on PC, switch over to Xbox to do the Nightfall before bed and all this progress will be made on your "Active account" which was your OG Xbox characters.


Originally posted by QuotidianQuell

If you are a veteran player who earned Iron Banner ornaments in the past, this Season’s armor is compatible with all Year 1 Iron Banner ornaments.

Iron Banner Armor may now roll with enhanced perks.